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THE WALKING DEAD Showrunner Discusses Season 5 and Spinoff Series


The Walking Dead is one of the best and most intense shows on TV right now, and I can't wait for its return in October. Showrunner Scott Gimple recently sat down with Collider for an interview, and he talked about what we can expect to see in the upcoming fifth season. He also discusses the spin-off series being developed.

Here's what he had to say about remaining faithful to the comic:

"It’s funny – back in the day when I started season two, I was all ‘We must hem to the comic’ and Kirkman was like ‘Well – let’s have some fun. I’ve done this all before.’ I certainly won’t abandon iconic things from the comic. I definitely want to stick to the comic as much as possible but that’s also impossible with Daryl Dixon and characters that are alive but dead in the comic. There’s a butterfly effect. But that’s actually an incredibly fun part of the [show]. I would say that even the inventions we have on the show are inspired by the comic."

I like that they change things up for the series. It makes things interesting and unpredictable. He went on to discuss the structure of season 5 saying:

"[Season 5's] not mirroring [the previous season] completely… The challenge of the show is every eight episodes, it’s a whole new show. I will say that there may be some slightly familiar structural turns. But for the most part, it is going to be brand new versions of the comic story."

Gimple was then asked about the spinoff series, and if it will crossover with the original series:

"I have little to do with the spinoff… This I do know. It’s set in the world of The Walking Dead but from what I understand, it’s not like Daryl’s cousin or anything… I would never say never [to a crossover between the shows] because if I was a viewer I would say that sounds awesome. But we’re doing our own show. I also think a crossover might be tough because it would take a lot of [license] within the comic story. We’ll see. When we get to all-out war, who knows? We’ll add another faction. It’ll be the Saviors and the Hilltop and the ‘Spin-offers’."

As for an endgame to the series, there is one out there. The series will obviously eventually end. He just doesn't know what it is yet. He explains:

"I would say ‘Yes’ [there is an end-game]. I actually don’t like spoiling myself on the comic. I read it as I go. Robert’s offered to tell me the whole thing so I get general aspects of it. I know the emotional end game of the show but there’s practical aspects, I want to keep with the comic. With these characters, you definitely have to think of the emotional endgame and that is very much a part of where I’m headed. But I want to have the flexibility to change the practicals with the comic and I don’t want Robert to spoil the whole series for me."

I hope they keep the show going for years to come. As long as they keep the story and characters interesting I'll keep watching.  I'm so excited about what is coming in this new season! 

AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON - Spoiler Details on Hulk's Future


We've got some nice big SPOILER details regarding the Hulks fate in Joss Whedon's Avengers: Age of Ultron. If you don't want to know what these details are then don't read ahead. If you keep on reading don't blame me for any spoilers contained in this article. I warned you!

Before I get into the details I will tell you that I have heard some of these same rumors from various sources, but was asked not to say anything. Now that they're out in the open I guess it's ok for me to spill them.

In a recent interview Mark Ruffalo did, the actor dismissed Planet Hulk as being a potential storyline for a solo Hulk film. I figured the actor was just saying those things to throw us off of what Marvel is actually planning. Of course, the actor and any other Marvel rep is going to debunk these rumors until they're blue in the face, but that doesn't mean they aren't true.

Drew McWeeny from HitFix offers up some really interesting details that will either make Marvel Comics fans happy or angry. If this is true, which I believe it is, the studio will be making some more changes in the Marvel cinematic universe that won't really follow the comics. I'm completely ok with that by the way! These changes are something we should all expect by now. This is what he says about the Hulk's role in the Avengers sequel and where it will lead him:

"Bruce Banner continues to play a key role in things in [Avengers: Age of Ultron] and when the final war with Ultron spills onto the battlefield and out of the virtual realm, he has a major part to play. Unfortunately, that ends with him onboard a Quinjet on his way off the planet, with no way to immediately turn things around. He's going to have to ride out the trip. It's pre-programmed and he can't stop it."

McWeeney goes on to speculate that the Quinjet is most likely headed to wherever the Guardians of the Galaxy team is located. If this is true, there's a good chance that Hulk will obviously be a part of the Guardians of the Galaxy sequel that is already in development. McWeeny goes on to explain that we'll most likely see elements of the Planet Hulk storyline in Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

"I suspect we'll see some sequences that very much feel like they're part of the Planet Hulk story, but the larger story will be about the Guardians finding a way to get Banner home, only to end up going with them."

I assumed that would be the case, which is still really cool. This would most likely lead Thanos to earth, and take us right into The Avengers 3. This will allow Marvel to utilize the Hulk and build on his story without giving him a solo film yet. I just think it's awesome that they are finding ways to include him more in the universe!

I'm so pumped up for what Marvel is doing! It's going to awesome to watch these stories develop. Here's to hoping these rumors are true!  

Gripping Alien Encounter Short Film - 9 MINUTES

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This atmospherically frightening sci-fi short 9 Minutes centers on a man who lives in the remote desert. There, he starts to go through some very strange phenomena. The title of the film refers to nine minutes of video that was recorded on the main character's phone that he doesn't remember.

The short was directed by P.J. Wolff and stars Joshua Leonard (The Blair Witch Project). I will say that it starts off a little slow, but it turns out to be a really awesome, trippy thriller. If you start watching, please make sure to watch to the end because the ending is solid. 

STAR WARS: EPISODE VII - Carrie Fisher's Daughter to Play Young Princess Leia?


Another Star Wars: Episode VII rumor has surfaced that is pretty interesting. The Daily Mail is reporting that Carrie Fisher's daughter, Billie Lourd, will make an appearance in the movie as a young Princess Leia. If this is true, it means we're going to see some flashback scenes in the highly anticipated film. 

Apparently J.J. Abrams picked her for the role because "of their visual similarities." I can see it a little bit, but she has no acting experience. This is all just a rumor right now. We are not reporting this as fact; the Daily Mail is though! This is just another one of those news bits that seems to spark good conversation among fans.

I could see there being a few flashback scenes to help set up the story of what we are going to see happen in the movie. Abrams likes to use flashback scenes in the movies he makes. He used them in Mission: Impossible III, Star Trek, Super 8, and Star Trek Into Darkness. So there's a good chance we'll see some kind of a flashback in Episode VII. We just don't know if they will involve Princess Leia or if Billie Lourd is really going to be a part of it.

#131302286 / gettyimages.com

Channing Tatum's Poster for FOXCATCHER



Sony Pictures Classics has released a poster for their new drama thriller Foxcatcher, and it features Channing Tatum in the role of Olympic wrestling champion Mark Schultz.

This very intense looking film also stars Steve Carrell and Mark Ruffalo. It tells the crazy true story of Olympic wrestling champion brothers Mark (Tatum) and Dave Schultz ( Ruffalo) and their relationship with John du Pont (Carrell) that eventually led to murder. This seems like it's going to be a great film, and I'm looking forward to seeing it. This thing just might land Carrell an Oscar nomination. 

Bennett Miller (Moneyball) helmed the project, and you can watch the trailer for it here in case you missed it. Sienna Miller and Anthony Michael Hall also co-star in the movie, and it's set to be released in theaters on November 14th. 

Alternate Dinobot Character Designs from TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION


Whether you like it or not, Michael Bay's Transformers: Age of Extinction made an ass-load of money, and you know that he's going to make another one. It made $90 million this weekend alone. The movie was exactly what I expected it to be. It had some entertaining moments but for the most part it had a very messy and weak storyline. This franchise will never escape that as long as the same writers and director are making these movies. 

We've got some cool alternate Dinobot designs from the movie that were created by concept artist Wesley Burt. Some of the images also include early designs for characters such as Hound, Crosshairs, Lockdown, Drift, and more. 

When it comes to concept art like this, I don't care if the movie is crap or not. A lot of work was put into these designs, and they are fantastic pieces of art worth your time to check out. You've got to remember that these artists are hired to take a crappy script and do everything they can to make it look good.

Via: CBM


Jason Bateman to Direct and Star in FBI Wedding Comedy


Jason Bateman recently made his directorial debut with Bad Words, which was a really good comedy. He's about to embark on another directing adventure with Universal Pictures. The movie doesn't have a title yet, but it's described as an FBI wedding comedy, and he'll also star in it.

Bateman is currently in preproduction on another film that he's directing and starring in called The Family Fang. It also stars Nicole Kidman and Christopher Walken. He's also set to star in This is Where I Leave You, and he's set to reprise his role in Horrible Bosses 2. As you can see, Bateman is keeping himself busy with work.

Bateman has come a long way since his small role in Dodgeball. He's a funny, talented actor that has proved he has got directing skills as well. 

Stunning Marvel Art Series by Jebedai Couture


Artist Jebedai Couture created this phenomenal set of Marvel art art featuring the Wolverine, Cyclopse, Phoenix, X 23, Jubilee, Silver Surfer, Thanos, and more. The artist has a slick style that shows confidence in the characters he draws. 


Teaser for History Channel's HOUDINI Miniseries with Adrien Brody


The History Channel has released the first promo teaser spot for their upcoming new miniseries Houdini, which is based on the life of the legendary magician. Adrien Brody plays the title role, and the spot shows the character in the middle of performing one of his classic suspenseful escape tricks.

The four hour long series will trace the arc of Houdini's life from his desperate poverty to worldwide fame. The network has created some incredibly well made historical series like this in the past, and I imagine this one will be just as awesome. I love magic and the history behind it, so this is something that I'm extremely exited about. One thing is for sure… Houdini has never looked so muscular.

Here's a synopsis that was provided:

Before David Blaine and David Copperfield, there was one man whose name was synonymous with being the master of illusion and escape - Harry Houdini. HOUDINI follows the man behind the magic as he finds fame, engages in espionage, battles spiritualists and encounters the greatest names of the era, from U.S. presidents to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Grigori Rasputin. The drama will chronicle the life of a man who can defy death through his stunts, his visions and his mastery of illusion.

The series is set to premiere on September 1st. 

The Muppets as Comic Book Characters - Art Series


We've got a funny series of art to share with you today that features several of our favorite Muppet characters as comic book superheroes and villains. The drawings were done by Roger Langridge, and I hope they make you at least smile a little. I sure enjoyed them! Thanks to Xombiedirge for the heads up!


5 Photos from Ridley Scott's EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS


20th Century Fox has released five new photos from Ridley Scott's biblical epic Exodus: Gods and Kings, which tells the story of Moses. The movie stars Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, Aaron Paul, John Turturro, Sigourney Weaver, and Ben Kingsley


Scott is amazing when it comes to making these kind of ancient period films, and I really am expecting something great. I know he can deliver. When talking about working on the film the director had this to say: 

“What I thought I knew about Moses I didn’t really. Either I wasn’t paying attention in Sunday school or I had forgotten. I was knocked out by who he was and the basics of the story—it has to be one of the greatest adventures and spiritual experiences that could ever have been.”


Bale plays the prophet Moses in the story, and when asked about Charlton Heston's version of the character, this is what he said:

“Charlton Heston does Charlton Heston better than anyone. But the biblical account of Moses is extraordinary, and there was lots of room for us to go to places that [Heston’s movie] The Ten Commandments never dreamed of going.”

Edgerton was cast in the role of Ramses, which is a very interesting choice, but one i think will pay off. This is what the actor had to say about landing the role in such a high profile movie:

“When you’re Ridley, you pick up the phone and people will turn up. I had to battle demons of self-doubt to feel like I belonged in this club… You take the hair off a man you never know what he’s going to look like. It’s like when you throw a bucket of water on a little dog. When Ridley first called me I have to admit I was like, ‘Really, me—Pharaoh of Egypt?’ But he made it work.”

He went on to talk about the relationship of his character with Moses:

"There’s a deep connection between the two of us. It becomes a really complicated relationship that starts with a lot of love and companionship and ends with destruction.”

The movie is set to be released on December 12th, and it looks and sounds like it's going to be awesome! Expect to see the first trailer soon. 

Jedi Hunter Fan Art for STAR WARS: EPISODE VII


There have been a ton of rumors leaking out for Star Wars: Episode VII. Nothing has been confirmed or denied yet, but I'm sure there is some truth to some of the stuff that is being reported. One of these rumors involves Jedi Hunters, who are described as "scary individuals, dressed in black, some helmeted, that hunt Jedi for the Empire."

Artist Yvan Quinet took that description and transformed it into a very cool looking original design. It will be interesting to see if these "Jedi Hunters" will actually be in the movie. This art has definitely sparked my interest in what they might look like. 

GOTHAM and THE FLASH To Premiere at Comic-Con!


There's more goodness to report for San Diego Comic-Con! Warner Bros. TV and DC Entertainment will be screening the first episodes of Gotham and The Flash at the geek convention.

The presentation will take place on Saturday night, July 26th, and it will be three hours long. Deadline reports that they will also screen exclusive footage from their other comic book based series, Constantine. That's not all folks! There will also be a never-before-seen teaser trailer screened for the third season of Arrow. On top of all that, the cast and producers of these shows will make special appearances to talk about what they are working on. How freakin' cool is that?!

Saturday night is going to be exciting time at the convention. These three new shows all look amazing, and I'm incredibly stoked about watching them all. I'm going to have to free up some time (that I don't have) to watch more TV in the near future! 

All of these shows are set to premiere on TV this fall. Gotham will air on FOX, The Flash on The CW, and Constantine on NBC. I'll definitely be attending this premiere panel, I've got to see the shows as soon as I can. Why would I wait if I don't have to?!

Kevin Smith Brought to Tears on Visit to STAR WARS: EPISODE VII Set


I can't even imagine what it would be like to visit the set of J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: Episode VII. It would be a dream come true. Unfortunately, my life isn't a Disney movie, so I'm not expecting to be invited to the set anytime soon. Kevin Smith got an invite though, and it was such a powerful experience for him that he actually cried. He posted a picture of his tearful expression on Instagram. I won't lie, I'd probably be overcome with emotion like that as well. In fact, just seeing Smith's expression even hit me a little bit. 

Smith is a longtime fan of the franchise and has he's in some way incorporated Star Wars into most of his films since Clerks. This was obviously an amazingly overwhelming experience for him. What a lucky bastard. This is what the filmmaker had to say with the photo above:

"Visited JJ and his EP VII set. I signed the NDA so all I can share are this old Bantha-Tracks subscriber's tears and snotty nose of joy. The Force is WITH this movie. Holy Sith…"

This photo definitely gave me an extra boost of excitement.

BETTER CALL SAUL To Be Set Before, During, and After BREAKING BAD


It's looks like Better Call Saul isn't just going to be a prequel spinoff series to Breaking Bad. According to executive producer Peter Gould, the new show is going to be very flexible with its timeline. In fact, it sounds like it is going to alternate between several decades. During an interview with The New York Daily News, Guold explained:

"One of the great things about having a timeline which is flexible is that perhaps some of it takes place before Breaking Bad, during Breaking Bad and after Breaking Bad. That gives us the ability to bring back characters that were killed on Breaking Bad."

They want characters like Walter and Jesse to show up in the series, but they also don't want them to distract from Bob Odenkirk's criminal lawyer storyline.

"We want to make a show that stands on its own, is its own story and is a brand extension."

I love this idea of having a timeline that they can play with. I'm not sure how they will execute this idea in the series, but it will definitely make things interesting. The series is set to premiere in 2015.

Robot Chicken's Hilarious STAR TREK TNG Sketch with Stewart and Pine


Patrick Stewart and Chris Pine lend their voices to a very funny stop-motion animated sketch for Robot Chicken. It's called Star Trek TNG Night Crew. Stewart reprises his role as Captain Picard, and Pine plays an after hours night shift Captain named Jake. The basic plot of the sketch gives us a look at the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise that takes over the bridge after Picard and his team are done for the day. This was part of the most recent episode that aired on Sunday. Robot Chicken is such a great show, and it's one of those series I hope never ends. Thanks to IGN for the embed.

ATLANTIS Sci-Fi Book Series to get Film Adaptation


CBS Film has secured the movie rights to A.G. Riddle's sci-fi e-book trilogy series, Atlantis. The first story in this "Origin trilogy," is called The Atlantis Gene, and it was self-published and released in March 2013. It was followed by The Atlantis Plague in November 2013 and The Atlantis World in May 2014.  

The story follows "a brilliant geneticist and an international counterterrorism agent who must team up to thwart a global pandemic and discover the truth behind the origins of humanity."

Sounds intriguing! I haven't read these e-books, but it's a cool concept that could make for an awesome film series. I think it's great that these self published e-books are getting movie deals like this.

Here's a short story summary form the first book:

"70,000 years ago, the human race almost went extinct. We survived, but no one knows how. Until now.

"The countdown to the next stage of human evolution is about to begin, and humanity may not survive this time."

Vintage Style STAR WARS Saga Poster Series


The Star Wars fan awesomeness never stops! Artist Colin Morella created this fantastic series of poster designs that pays tribute to the entire Star Wars saga. Each poster offers up a simple space visual that you would recognize from each movie. They've each been stylized to look like a vintage, weathered poster.

empire_strikes_back_by_scourge07-d7m0ov4.jpg the_phantom_menace_by_scourge07-d7m5oti.jpg attack_of_the_clones_by_scourge07-d7mpohx.jpg revenge_of_the_sith_by_scourge07-d7mt0xm.jpg

BOARDWALK EMPIRE Season 5 Teaser - One is the Loneliest


HBO has released the first teaser trailer for the fifth and final season of Boardwalk Empire. This has been such a great show to watch over the years, and it's sad to see it go. But, the story of Enoch “Nucky” Thompson, the undisputed leader of Atlantic City, has got to come to an end at some point, and this is it. The promo is called "One is the Loneliest," and I'm sure the series is going to end with a bang!

America in the 1920's. The Great War is over, Wall Street is about to boom and everything is for sale, even the World Series. It is a time of change when women are getting the vote, broadcast radio is introduced, and young people rule the world.

On the beach in southern New Jersey sits Atlantic City, a spectacular resort known as "The World's Playground," a place where rules don't apply. Massive hotels line its famous Boardwalk, along with nightclubs, amusement piers and entertainment to rival Broadway. For a few dollars, a working man can get away and live like a king -- legally or illegally.

The series will return this September, only on HBO.

Honest Trailer for Tim Burton's PLANET OF THE APES


With Dawn of the Planet of the Apes coming out, the gang over at Screen Junkies thought it would be the perfect time to release an Honest Trailer for Tim Burton's gloriously bad Planet of the Apes. I saw this movie when it was released in theaters, and this video reminded me of why I haven't watched the movie since. I don't plan on ever watching it again. 

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