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Poster for the Phycological Thriller DELIVER US FROM EVIL


Screen Gems has released a new poster for their phycological thriller, Deliver Us From Evil. The movie was directed by Scott Derrickson (Sinister) and it stars Eric Bana. I enjoy watching these kinds of movies. It was inspired by actual events, and it looks like it will be a solid flick. I also included a trailer for a short docu-thriller called SARCHIE, which tells the real story of NYPD cop and demonologist Ralph Sarchie, which the movie is based on.

New York police officer Ralph Sarchie (Eric Bana), struggling with his own personal issues, begins investigating a series of disturbing and inexplicable crimes. He joins forces with an unconventional priest (Edgar Ramirez), schooled in the rituals of exorcism, to combat the frightening and demonic possessions that are terrorizing their city.

The movie also stars Olivia Munn, Sean Harris, and Joel McHale. It's set to be released on July 2nd.

Vintage Wonder Woman Scissors Are the Stuff of Nightmares


I really wish I had been a fly on the wall when these vintage Wonder Woman scissors were being designed. Did anyone try to steer them away from vivisection? Like, “Hey, it’s cool if her legs open super wide, but maybe it shouldn’t look like we’re just ripping her apart?” If you are some kind of animal who would like to be able to tear the warrior princess of the Amazons in half, there are a few pairs available on ebay.

Source: Geeks Are Sexy

DOCTOR STRANGE to be Directed by Sinister's Scott Derrickson


Doctor Strange is the one Marvel movie I've been really excited about seeing brought to life! He's one of my favorite characters in the Marvel universe. Marvel Studios has hired Sinister director Scott Derrickson to helm the project. It was rumored back in March that the director was in the running. 

THR reports that the director has officially signed onto the project. As much as I would have loved to see Guillermo del Toro take on the film, I'm happy that Derrickson landed the gig. He has also directed The Exorcism of Emily Rose and The Day the Earth Stood Still. I really liked what he did with Sinister though, of course horror flicks are kind of my thing. He most recently directed the upcoming psychological thriller with Eric Bana, Deliver Us From Evil.

I know the director isn't perfect and that fans are going to be torn on this choice, but I personally think he's got what it takes to bring the Sorcerer Supreme to life on the big screen. He has experience with th dark tone that the movie should have. Marvel obviously thinks the same thing, which is why they hired him.

Marvel is also looking at hiring Kung-Fu Panda scribes Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger to write the film. Their names have been attached to the project for a couple months now. I can't wait to see how this production comes together, and who they end up casting as the main character.

Preview art by Humberto Ramos

New Details on Thanos Revealed for GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY


Last week it was announced that Josh Brolin would provide the voice of the villain Thanos in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. Brolin is such a great choice for this badass character. The Mad Titan was introduced to the Marvel cinematic universe in the post credits sequence of The Avengers, and he's going to play a major role in the universe. One day he will emerge from the shadows with his Infinity Gauntlet to possibly give The Avengers a run for their money. 

Thanks to Vulture we have some new details on how much we will see of Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy, and what we will learn about his plans to assemble all the Infinity Stones.

For those of you who don't want to know this this information then stop reading now… SPOILERS Ahead!

Here's what the site revealed:

He'll emerge in the first act of Guardians of the Galaxy, albeit via hologram. That will remain Thanos's preferred method of communication throughout the film… Thanos finally shows up in the purple flesh for a scene that also features Ronan the Accuser (Lee Pace) and Nebula (Karen Gillan), who do the Mad Titan's bidding and serve as the primary adversaries in Guardians. Still, though Thanos is only briefly glimpsed throughout Guardians, his presence is palpable throughout: Characters reference him often and fearfully, and he has familial ties to Gamora (Zoe Saldana), our green-skinned female lead…. The movie also presents another one of the Infinity Stones that Thanos is trying to retrieve to assemble his powerful Gauntlet. 

The Infinity Gauntlet includes six gems that can manipulate Space, Mind, Soul, Reality, Time, and Power. The post credits scene in Thor: The Dark World featured the Collector (Benicio Del Toro) come into possession of one of them called the Aether a.k.a the Power Stone, and announced, "One down, five to go."

There might be two other Infinity Stones in the Marvel cinematic universe that we've seen such as the glowing Tesseract featured in Captain America and The Avengers, which is likely the Space Stone. Then there's Loki's blue-tipped scepter, which could be the Mind Stone. That's just fan speculation for now, but it makes sense to me! 

Whatever Marvel's ultimate plan for Thanos is, it's slowly coming into focus, and I personally don't think it will be fully realized until the third Avengers movie. In the meantime, he'll be brooding in the shadows throughout the rest of the films waiting for his time to strike! 

Creepy Extended Spot for Guillermo del Toro's THE STRAIN


FX has released an extended trailer for Guillermo del Toro's The Strain, and this vampire series looks insanely creepy. I can't wait to watch this! Here's a little more detail on the type of vampires we are dealing with in this series thanks to the show's Wikipedia page:

Like rodents, a vampire is unable to vomit, its suction-based digestive process functioning only one way. All bodily waste is excreted from a single rectal orifice in the form of a pungent ammonia-based spray; a vampire will excrete for the entire duration of a feeding, purging old food as it consumes new blood.

That's disgustingly awesome. Here's the synopsis for the show:

The Strain is a high concept thriller from Academy Award® nominated Filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, author Chuck Hogan and writer/producer Carlton Cuse, which is based on the best-selling vampire novel trilogy of the same title written by del Toro and Hogan. It tells the story of “Dr. Ephraim Goodweather,” the head of the Center for Disease Control Canary Team in New York City. He and his team are called upon to investigate a mysterious viral outbreak with hallmarks of an ancient and evil strain of vampirism. As the strain spreads, Eph, his team and an assembly of everyday New Yorkers, wage war for the fate of humanity itself.

The Strain is set to premiere on FX on July 13th, 2014. Thanks to io9 for the heads up on the trailer! 

Han Solo and Malcolm Reynolds are Partners in Crime in T-Shirt Art


Han Solo and Captain Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds have teamed up in this brilliantly fun piece of T-shirt art called "Partners In Crime." The art was created by Teepublic artist saqman, and if you want to buy one, it will only cost you $20 right here. I know this team up will never ever happen on screen, but a fan can dream. 

Jared Leto Wanted for Marvel's DOCTOR STRANGE?


Yesterday it was announced that Scott Derrickson was officially set to direct Marvel's big screen adaptation of Doctor Strange. I think he's a solid choice, and now I'm curious to see who the studio casts in the lead role. This is a huge deal as we've heard that the studio wants this character to be the next big hub for the Marvel universe just like Tony Stark was, because Stark isn't going to be around forever. 

Badass Digest is reporting that Marvel is interested in Jared Leto to take on Stephen Strange. The site says that they "have also heard that Marvel likes (or liked, I don’t know what the current status of this is) Jared Leto for Stephen Strange." 

The article then goes on to speculate that the entirety of Phase 3 will be unveiled at San Diego Comic-Con this year, and says to "expect Derrickson - and whoever is playing Strange - to take that [Hall H] stage." 

Other actors that have been rumored for the role in the past include Johnny Depp and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Leto recently won an Academy Award for his supporting role in Dallas Buyers Club. It seems like Marvel is looking to hire a young actor to take on this part so that he can grow into it. I won't complain if Leto gets the gig, he's a great actor and I think he'd be able to pull it off. He's got the look and the talent. As of right now this is all just a rumor, and nothing is set in stone, but what would you think about seeing Leto in the role of Strange?

Kings of Summer Director in Talks to Helm METAL GEAR SOLID


Sony Pictures is looking to move forward with their live-action adaptation of the hit video game franchise, Metal Gear Solid. According to Deadline, they are in talks with Jordan Vogt-Roberts to direct the film. He directed a great indie coming-of-age comedy called The Kings of Summer that came out last year. 

The reason it has taken so long for the studio to get this movie into production is because they've been trying to get on the same page as the creators of the game. It looks like they've finally come to an agreement on the story they will tell for Solid Snake.

The game was introduced to PlayStation in 1998, and it's been a big hit since. The story follows Solid Snake, "a soldier who infiltrates a nuclear weapons facility to neutralize the terrorist threat from Foxhound, a renegade special forces unit. Snake must liberate two hostages, the head of Darpa and the president of a major arms manufacturer, confront the terrorists, and stop them from launching a nuclear strike."

This is a very different project for Vogt-Roberts as he's mostly worked on indie film projects. I loved what he did with The Kings of Summer, but Metal Gear Solid is a completely different beast of a movie. That doesn't mean he won't be able to pull it off because I think he can do it. The deal's not done yet, but if he does direct the movie, I'll be looking forward to seeing what he does with it. 

Creatively Fun Short - "The Hero Movie" in One Take


One Take Movies is a great new web-series that delivers a parody short film that is shot all in one take. It's a very entertaining and impressive feat that is brilliantly pulled off in the the first episode called "The Hero Movie." The series comes from Above Average, and they got extremely creative with it. Here is the short plot summary:

When a teenage boy comes into contact with a Radioactive-Gamma-Serum-Dead-Parent-Mach­ine, he develops strange new superpowers, stops a bank robbery, fights a giant robot, saves the girl of his dreams and thwarts a diabolical genius. ALL IN ONE TAKE.

This is the first of three episodes so stay tuned for the the next two!

MASSACRE IN THE HIMALAYAS To Be Directed By Gavin O’Connor


Variety recently reported that director Gavin O’Connor (Warrior, Miracle) has been hired to helm a fictionalized version of Freddie Wilkinson’s “Men’s Journal” story called Massacre in the Himalayas.

The story follows a group of mountain climbers that were on a journey to the top of K2 in Pakistan. Their adventure took a horrible turn when they were taken hostage by attackers. The story is amazing, you can read it here.

Here is what O’Connor told Variety about why he wanted to take helm of this picture:

"I love the idea of using the colossal backdrop of K2, the second highest peak on earth, to explore a man’s battle for survival against the Taliban, nature, and himself. Our hero becomes a one-man army on a quest to avenge the deaths of his mountaineering team. His experience becomes a living nightmare, a lifetime journey, and a redefinition of the man."

Like I said it is a fictionalization of the story and has been categorized as an action/adventure film. With no writer in place as of yet there is no estimate as to when this film will be released. 

My Little Pony/Transformers Body Paint Cosplay


This crazy mashup cosplay of My Little Pony and Transformers was created by Roustan Bodypaint. The outcome is both nightmarish and cool. Body paint is getting to be a huge thing these days. I'm seeing more and more of it at the conventions I attend. A lot of the stuff I've seen is really cool. You've got to have a lot of patience to stand there and be painted with all that detail. Here are the details of what went into this:

It's the work of RoustanBodypaint who made the shoes by using hot glue to attach pieces of foam core that were then sculpted into the right shape with a knife. It took about 10 hours to make the costume and then 2.5 hours more hours to apply the body paint for the stunning finished product.

I never expected to see a My Little Pony and Transformers mashup like this, but here it is. Thanks to Geekologie for the tip!

J.J. Abrams Addresses Leaked Photos from STAR WARS: EPISODE VII


There has been a major problem with photos from the set of Star Wars: Episode VII being leaked online. I've been curious to know what director J.J. Abrams thinks of this, and he released a very fun and clever photo response on the Bad Robot Twitter account with a note saying:

“I wish people would stop leaking photos from Episode VII. And making ridiculous claims that the Millennium Falcon is in the movie.”

What's so awesome about this photo is where it was taken, and what the note is laying on. For those of you who don't recognize it, that is the holochess board from the Millennium Falcon. 

Abrams confirms two obvious things here with this photo… the first is that the photos that leaked out are indeed real. The second is that the Millennium Falcon is really going to be in the movie. Like I said, it's obvious, but it's officially coming from the director of the film who was also kind enough to offer a little tease of the holochess board, which made me happy!

GeekTyrant VS - Mortal Kombat Vs. Street Fighter


As a tribute to the announcement of Mortal Kombat X, the fifth Episode of GeekTyrant VS is Mortal Kombat vs. Street Fighter

Each team has 60 seconds to make their argument. After they make their arguments they get another 60 seconds for a rebuttal. The most important thing about this is that there are no redos or reshoots. So if we have a brain fart and screw up, we have to suck it up and keep going.

After you watch the episode, let us know which side you agree with in the comment section below, and please feel free to suggest any other topics we can battle over in future episodes!

I hope you enjoy the fifth episode of GeekTyrant VS! To watch our Captain America Vs. The Avengers episode click here; for our Spider-Man 2 Vs. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 episode click here; for our Godzilla Vs. Gipsy Danger episode click here; and for X-Men Vs. Avengers click here.

Josh Trank to Direct STAR WARS Standalone Movie


Lucasfilm and Disney announced that they have hired Josh Trank to direct a standalone Star Wars movie. Trank directed Chronicle and is currently shooting The Fantastic Four reboot for Fox. There is no information on which film he’ll be taking on, but it will likely focus on either Boba Fett, Yoda, or Han Solo. It is also possible that it could be about the Red Squadron X-Wing Fighters.

Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy said,

“We’re thrilled to welcome Josh into the family. He is such an incredible talent and has a great imagination and sense of innovation. That makes him perfectly suited to Star Wars, and for this new slate of movies that reach beyond the core characters and storylines of Episodes I through IX.”

And here is what Trank had to say.

“The magic of the Star Wars universe defined my entire childhood. The opportunity to expand on that experience for future generations is the most incredible dream of all time.”

Trank is a talented director, and it will be exciting to see what he comes up with. Lucasfilm has recently hired director Gareth Edwards (Godzilla) to helm one their standalone movies, so it looks like they are choosing young directors with fresh takes to shape their extended Star Wars universe.

Source: Variety

When Is it Okay to Take Little Kids to R-Rated Movies?


I don't know about you, but I'm seeing more and more parents taking their kids out to the cinema with them to watch rated R movies. I'm talking about kids from infant age to around 8 years old. Most of the shows I see them at are late night screenings as well. I initially thought that perhaps parents are bringing them late so the kids would just sleep through it, but that never happens. These kids stay up and watch what's on the big screen.

I was 8 years old when I saw my first R-rated movie in theaters. My dad and my uncle took me to see James Cameron's Aliens, and it was one of the coolest experiences of my life. So I'm not a prude when it comes to R-rated flicks. But how young is too young? 

The standard age set for Rated-R films by the MPAA is 17 and up, but if they're accompanied by a parent or guardian, a child of any age is permitted into the theater.  Some of these movies are pretty insane though. For example, I remember going to one of the Saw movies and seeing a couple bring their kids into the theater. The kids looked to be around three and five years old. These kids were freaking out, but the parents just sat their and watched the movie paying no mind to their kids. One of the more recent films I saw this at was The Wolf of Wall Street, which was borderline NC-17. A whole family of five walked in, with kids ranging from around ages two to ten! They sat right in front of me and it just seemed crazy to me that the parents would take their kids to see this extremely hard R flick. Maybe there were people thinking the same thing about me while I was having the time of my life watching Aliens.  I would have freaked out in a movie like The Wolf of Wall Street. I wouldn't have been prepared for that kind of madness as an 8-year-old.

I guess there are films that aren't that bad or even justifiable. For example, another R-rated movie my dad took me to see was Schindler's List because of its historical context. Then there was Terminator 2, which was a great sci-fi action movie that my dad wanted to share with me because he knew I'd think it was cool.  Of course he saw it first before he took me. There were a bunch of other R-rated action and sci-fi flicks that I snuck out to see with my friends without the permission of my parents. But this article is more focused on the ones parents actually take their kids to see knowing what they are getting into.

I see this kind of thing all the time, and it just kind of weirds me out. Especially when it's a film that you'd think a little kid should obviously not be watching. I have two young daughters of my own, ages six and eight, and there will be a time and a place where they get to see their first R-rated movie, but it's not going to happen anytime soon. Maybe parents just know the tolerance level of their kids. Knowing my eight year old girl, there's no way I would let her watch Aliens right now because I know she would freak out. 

I know we were all raised differently and everyone is entitled to raise their kids the way they want. I'm not pointing the finger at anyone, or calling anyone a bad parent, I was just curious to hear your point of view on the matter and start a discussion. The MPAA is pretty inconsistent when it comes to their their ratings anyway. There are a lot of R-rated films out there that I don't think should be rated R. One of the more recent ones I saw that didn't deserve that rating was Jon Favreau's Chef.  When do you think it's okay to take a little kid to an R-rated film? 

Watch Josh Trank's STAR WARS Inspired Short - STABBING AT LEIA'S


It was announced earlier today that director Josh Trank has been hired to direct one of the standalone Star Wars movies for Lucasfilm. You may or may not know that he actually directed a short film that was inspired by the Star Wars universe called "Stabbing at Leia's." It was made back in 2007 and it was done in the same style that he directed Chronicle. In fact, this is the short that help him land the Chronicle directing gig. Don't worry though guys! I seriously don't think he's going to direct a Star Wars movie like this. It is pretty cool though that he made this short so long ago and now he's actually going to direct a Star Wars feature. 

Honest Trailer for TOP GUN


Screen Junkies is back and better than ever! This time they bring us an Honest Trailer for the 1986 Tom Cruise classic Top Gun. It seems like they had a lot of fun with this one, and like most of their Honest Trailers... it turned out hilarious. I really do enjoy the awesome entertainment that these guys provide. 

Tom Cruise is returning to theaters soon in Edge of Tomorrow, so we took the highway to the Honest Trailer Vault and dusted off our vintage trailer for 1986's Top Gun, Tom Cruise's classic movie about super-manly dudes, Kenny Loggins, and beach volleyball. Oh, and flying planes.



There was a ton of prank footage that was shot and not used in Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa. Paramount Pictures decided not to let it go to waste, so they took a bunch of that footage and turned it into a new film called Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa .5. Thanks to Comingsoon we have a funny clip from that to share with you. Just so you know, it involves Irving Zisman's balls. The film's star, Johnny Knoxville, had this to say in a statement:

"So many hilarious scenes and pranks didn't make it into Bad Grandpa because they didn't make sense for the story—I'm talking five-star bits that were painful to cut from the movie. You'll get to see them all in Bad Grandpa .5 and maybe some stuff we shouldn't show you. You know how we always joke we have no clue what we're doing? Well, when you see the 'window up, window down' behind-the-scenes footage on Bad Grandpa .5 you'll know we aren't lying. Amazing. Can't wait till you see that and the whole damn movie."

This movie is currently available for viewing on VOD, and will be released on July 8th. The Blu-ray includes the all-new movie along with over 40 minutes of additional footage. It also features a roundtable discussion with Knoxville, Spike Jonze, and director Jeff Tremaine about the evolution of Irving Zisman, a series of pranks gone bad, outtakes and more.

Hot Toys AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Electro Action Figure


Hot Toys released a set of photos featuring their latest collectible action-figure for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. It features the villain Electro all decked out in the super villain outfit that he magically appeared in near the end of the film. I actually really liked Electro as a villain in the movie, and it was really cool how they portrayed him. I hope that they bring him back for the Sinister Six movies. 

Here's the full description that came along with the photos:

“Let’s catch a spider!” The amazing Spider-Man has jumped back into action recently and brought a cast of new villains along with him! Originally an ordinary electrical engineer, Max Dillion has gained super powers in an accident and transformed into Electro who is bent on killing Spider-Man! Today Hot Toys is delighted to present the 1/6th scale Electro Collectible Figure from The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

The movie-accurate Electro collectible is specially crafted based on the image of Jamie Foxx as Electro in the movie which features a detailed head sculpt, LED light up functions that capture the unique appearance of the villain, highly detailed costume, and a dynamic figure stand ideal for aerial poses. Fans of Spider-Man villains don’t miss the chance to pre-order this “electrifying” Collectible Figure!


Phenomenal Full Trailer for THE GIVER


The previous trailers released for The Giver have only teased the story. This full trailer presents the story elements without giving away too much. If this trailer has you hooked I recommend not watching anymore as those will likely give away a lot more.

The Giver is based on a book by Lois Lowry. It's been a passion project for Jeff Bridges who has been working to get it made for 15 years. Bridges, who plays The Giver, originally intended for his father, Lloyd Bridges, to be the title character. After Lloyd passed away in 1998, Jeff stepped in to fill the role.

The central character of Jonas is played by Brenton Thwaites. The cast includes Meryl Streep, Alexander Skarsgård, Katie Holmes, Odeya Rush, Cameron Monaghan, and Taylor Swift.

The Giver remembers the past to save the future August 15 (USA).

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