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Cool Poster and Photos for GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY


Marvel has released a brand spankin' new poster for their insanely cool-looking sci-fi adventure film Guardians of the Galaxy. I've also included three behind-the-scenes photos from the set of the movie featuring Chris Pratt as Star-Lord. The poster comes along with the announcement that we will get a new trailer for the movie on Monday May, 19th along with a live Q&A that will include Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Karen Gillan, and director James Gunn. To take part in that, you'll have head on over to their official Facebook page at 10am PT. 

Guardians of the Galaxy is set to be released on August 1st, and I'm really excited that we are going to get a new trailer soon! It's sure to be loaded with awesome new footage. Stay tuned, because we'll get it up on the site for you as soon as it goes live. 


My 10 Favorite 1990s Action Films


I've recently been revisiting a lot of my favorite action movies that I watched as a teenager in the '90s. They seriously just don't make action films like that anymore. Filmmakers were still using lots of real explosives and blood squibs in these movies. Most of the films these days create those things digitally. Action films in the '90s were a sweet spot between the '80s and the '00s where the way action movies were being made really started to change with the advancement of technology. On top of that, the stories that they told were fun and completely over-the-top.

So here's a top ten list of my favorite action films from the '90s. Obviously these movies are all insanely action-packed. This is an action movie list, after all, so I'll talk about some of the other reasons I enjoyed these films so much. 

I do want to point out that Nicolas Cage and Keanu Reeves were the kings of the '90s action scene. Each has three movies on my list. 

The Rock - 1996

"Your 'best'! Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and f**k the prom queen."

This might just be my favorite action film from the '90s. It's one of those movies I never get tired of watching. I've always been fascinated with Alcatraz Prison, and the fact that it was used as the setting for such an insanely magnificent action film was so cool. On top of the amazing action and intensity this movie had to offer, I loved watching Sean Connery kick ass. He was so good in this movie! I can't imagine anyone else in that role. Michael Bay needs to make movies like this again. 

The Matrix - 1999

"Okey dokey... free my mind. Right, no problem, free my mind, free my mind, no problem, right…"

This was the last great movie of the '90s. It managed to blow everyone's minds and take the genre to a whole new level of action-packed awesomeness. Especially with that freeze frame spin around camera effect that was developed for the film. The Matrix was a hard movie to beat for the longest time. It set a new standard of what could be done on film, and the story was so freakin' badass. For a long time after this movie came out, other films tried to mimic the technology and put their own spin on it. None of those films really worked, though, not even The Matrix sequels. 

Terminator 2: Judgement Day - 1991

"This severe routine is getting old. You're acting like such a geek."

The '90s needed a movie like this for teenage kids like me. Yeah it was a crazy violent R-rated flick, but the main character was a teenage kid named John Connor, a character I could relate too, and he got to live this unbelievably cool, action-packed life. As terrifying as his situation was, I would have loved to be in John Connor's shoes and have a robot sent back from the future as a friend to protect me. What teenager wouldn't want that?! 

Darkman - 1990

"Oh, you've got to be shittin' me!"

This was Sam Raimi's first big studio film after Evil Dead II, and he knocked it out of the park!  On top of that, Darkman was one of the first hardcore kick-ass superhero movies ever made. It starred Liam Neeson, who has come full circle and become one of the biggest action stars working in industry right now. I freakin' loved this movie, and I honestly think it was ahead of its time. The humor, the tone, the concept, and the action were all so incredibly cool. I'm just happy this movie exists. 

Point Break - 1991

"They only live to get radical."

I wanted to get into extreme sports after watching this movie. Surfing, skydiving, and having tons of adrenaline-filled fun is the life I wanted to live. So, I picked up surfing pretty quickly and was kind of a beach bum throughout high school. That's something I still enjoy when I get a chance. This movie helped steer me in that daredevil kind of direction. Then, later on in life, I realized I didn't want to die.

True Lies - 1994

"I have to lie to women to get laid. Even then I don't score much. I got a little dick, it's pathetic!"

Not only did this movie have some of the best action scenes ever, but it was freakin' funny, too! In my opinion this is director James Cameron's best film. Arnold Schwarzengger was amazing in this movie, but it was Tom Arnold who stole the show with his witty sense of humor. He played such a great character in this movie. It's sad because he never really did anything else that was worth watching. Then of course there's Bill Paxton's character. It may have been small, but that scene when Schwarznegger and his team raided his trailer and and took him to the edge of a dam to interrogate him was brilliantly hilarious. I still bust a gut laughing every time I watch it. 

Speed - 1994

"Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb on a bus. Once the bus goes 50 miles an hour, the bomb is armed. If it drops below 50, it blows up. What do you do? What do you do?"

I absolutely hate buses, I had a cross country bus experience once that was worse than anything these characters had to go through. Hell yeah, this is on my list! A best 90s movie list would be incomplete with out Speed on it. This was the film that defined Keanu Reeve's acting career, and I had such a huge crush on Sandra Bullock at the time. I don't know what it was about her, but she was the cutest thing ever in this movie. I also loved how over the top Dennis Hooper was as the villain. 

Con Air - 1997

"They somehow managed to get every creep and freak in the universe onto this one plane. And then somehow managed to let them take it over. And then somehow managed to stick us right smack in the middle."

As I'm writing this article, I'm flying on a plane hoping that it doesn't get hijacked so I have to save the day. This was such a ridiculously over-the-top idea for a movie, but that's why I loved it! It worked so damn well, and it was full of really great and interesting characters. As much as I liked Nicolas Cage as the lead, he was the least interesting character of the movie. It was everyone around him that made the movie so awesome. Actors like John Malcovich, Ving Rhames, Dave Chappelle, Danny Trejo, and Steve Buscemi, who was terrifyingly hilarious. 

Face/Off - 1997

"If you dress like Halloween, ghouls will try to get in your pants."

Two guys swap faces through a face transplant and chaos ensues. This movie seriously kind of blew my mind when I first saw it. The whole face transplant plot thing really threw me for a loop. There was no way it would ever work like the way they showed it in the movie, but it sure was cool! A movie like this could only come from the '90s, and this is why action movies from that era were so awesome!

Air Force One - 1997

"Get off my plane!"

Let's face it, Harrison Ford was born to play the President of the United States. He's the greatest movie President that ever served in office. He utterly kicked ass in this movie, and he's the kind of President that I would vote for. 

Awe-Inspiring Trailer for Christopher Nolan's INTERSTELLAR

Screen Shot 2014-05-16 at 1.20.54 PM.png

"We're not meant to save the world. We're meant to leave it."

The first full trailer for Christopher Nolan's sci-fi film Interstellar is finally here, and it looks incredible! The trailer gives us a much better idea of what story this movie is going to tell. It takes us in space, and it's breathtaking. I love Nolan's stories, and he has a remarkable talent of bring them to life on the big screen. I can't wait to see this one!

The story is set in the near future, and Matthew McConaughey plays Cooper, an engineer, a pilot, and a father of two. After climate change brings on a global food crisis, he sets his sights on farming. An old mentor (Michael Caine) comes back into his life and recruits him to join a mysterious space mission with the goal of finding another planet capable of sustaining human life.  

The movie is scheduled to be released on November 7th, 2014.

Toothless and Stitch Have a Sleepover in Fun Fan Art


Ever wonder what it would be like if Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon had a sleepover with Stitch from Lilo & Stitch? Me neither, but here's an amusing piece of art created by DeviantArt artist TsaoShin showing the two characters dressing up as each other. Thanks to io9 for the heads up!

Tom Hardy to Star in Kathryn Bigelow's Terrorist Drama - TRUE AMERICAN


Annapurna Pictures recently acquired the screen rights to the book True American: Murder & Mercy in Texas. Zero Dark Thirty director Kathryn Bigelow is attached to direct the movie, and Tom Hardy is set to star.

The book was written by Anand Giridharadas, and it "tells the story the true story of Rais Uddin Bhuiyan, a Bangladesh Air Force officer who dreams of immigrating to America and working in technology. But days after 9/11, an avowed 'American terrorist' named Mark Stroman, seeking revenge, walks into the Dallas minimart where Bhuiyan has found temporary work and shoots him, maiming and nearly killing him."

The report doesn't say which character that Hardy will be playing, but I assume it will be the "American terrorist." Hardy is an amazingly talented actor, and Bigelow is sure to get a great performance out of him. She always gets brilliant performances from the actors she works with. 

Hardy recently starred in Locke and has a few other films coming up, such as The Drop and a crime drama called Child 44. He is currently prepping to play Elton John in the biopic Rocket Man, and eventually he'll get around to doing Splinter Cell.

Here's a full description of the book:

Imagine that a terrorist tried to kill you. If you could face him again, on your terms, what would you do?

The True American tells the story of Raisuddin Bhuiyan, a Bangladesh Air Force officer who dreams of immigrating to America and working in technology. But days after 9/11, an avowed "American terrorist" named Mark Stroman, seeking revenge, walks into the Dallas minimart where Bhuiyan has found temporary work and shoots him, maiming and nearly killing him. Two other victims, at other gas stations, aren’t so lucky, dying at once.

The True American traces the making of these two men, Stroman and Bhuiyan, and of their fateful encounter. It follows them as they rebuild shattered lives—one striving on Death Row to become a better man, the other to heal and pull himself up from the lowest rung on the ladder of an unfamiliar country.

Ten years after the shooting, an Islamic pilgrimage seeds in Bhuiyan a strange idea: if he is ever to be whole, he must reenter Stroman's life. He longs to confront Stroman and speak to him face to face about the attack that changed their lives. Bhuiyan publicly forgives Stroman, in the name of his religion and its notion of mercy. Then he wages a legal and public-relations campaign, against the State of Texas and Governor Rick Perry, to have his attacker spared from the death penalty.

Ranging from Texas's juvenile justice system to the swirling crowd of pilgrims at the Hajj in Mecca; from a biker bar to an immigrant mosque in Dallas; from young military cadets in Bangladesh to elite paratroopers in Israel; from a wealthy household of chicken importers in Karachi, Pakistan, to the sober residences of Brownwood, Texas, The True American is a rich, colorful, profoundly moving exploration of the American dream in its many dimensions. Ultimately it tells a story about our love-hate relationship with immigrants, about the encounter of Islam and the West, about how—or whether—we choose what we become.


GODZILLA: AWAKENING — Interview with Writer Max Borenstein on the Graphic Novel and Movie


If you haven't seen Godzilla, go watch it now! I reviewed it and gave it an 8/10.

Last month I was able to interview Max Borenstein about the prequel graphic novel Godzilla: Awakening. It's a great story to add to the canon of the recent Godzilla movie. While it's not necessary for watching and understanding the movie, it does underline the motivations of Dr. Ichiro Serizawa, played by Ken Watanabe. I have a full review of the graphic novel coming soon.

Borenstein also talks about the movie's development with the graphic novel and what it's like keeping the story secret for 3 years.

Free Reyes: When you were writing the script for Godzilla, was the story of Godzilla Awakening something that was brought up after you had completed the script? Or at what point was it brought into development?

Max Borenstein:  It was brought up as a project while the movie was being shot already, so after the script for the film had been done, but the idea was it was kind of a blank slate of “Would you like to expand the universe?” And as it happened, some of the ideas in the graphic novel, the root of it, were things that had kind of been backstory. Unspoken in some cases in the film, but stuff that I had been thinking about, and in some cases had talked about, and so it felt like that was the right place to go to for the graphic novel when we decided to expand the universe.

So there was some material that you’d created, so do you have kind of like a cannon idea for the whole world, is that what was developed by doing the graphic novel? Or was it something that already fully existed with the script?

Well, the script obviously... without giving anything away, there are, uh, the script sets up a certain backstory having to do with the sort of mythology of Godzilla and so forth, and the people who are and aren’t aware of different things about his existence, and so the graphic novel is really in a sense a kind of origin story of that stuff, and so it derives from backstory that was sort of in some cases unspoken, in other cases spoken of in the film, but it’s just a kind of expansion of that. So it’s stuff that we had thought about, and that I had spent some time sort of devising in broad strokes for the film so that I could answer questions if only for myself about how this all began and where this came from and what is Godzilla, where does Godzilla come from, and the graphic novel doesn’t necessarily answer all those questions but draws on the same well of ideas. 

It’s a prequel story, so how far ahead of the movie does it take place?

Well, the very end of the graphic novel, or maybe not the VERY end but the climax moment of the graphic novel has a certain resonance with something that takes place in the very beginning of the film, and without giving away any spoilers for the film, but the characters or the organization that kind of takes shape in the graphic novel and the characters, and particularly one character, has the very important relationship to the film.

Ok, that’s cool.

So did I answer your question there? [laughs]

Did you do Seventh Son before Godzilla, or which came first?

I worked on Seventh Son before Godzilla and then I moved over to Godzilla and spent the last three years with that, with Godzilla, and so Seventh Son has been made in the interim while Godzilla was something that I was kind of very much more closely nursing along the way.

So you’ve been working on it for three years, what’s it like to finally be able to at least talk about the film after so long?

It’s going to be amazing to really be able to talk about the film in two weeks once I don’t have to keep my mouth shut about anything and try to keep in mind, try to remember what I am allowed and what I’m not allowed to disclose. But the incredible thing is just being able to see people’s reactions even thus far. Because I think, you know, obviously people haven’t yet seen the film, and I’m most excited for that to happen, and based on the way people have responded to the materials they have seen, the trailers and stuff like that, they’re responding to things that we’ve labored so hard for so long on and that has been this real sort of labor of love, and to see people responding by and large positively to the tone and to the sort of general take of how we decided to approach this classic character and franchise. That’s been amazingly and immensely gratifying, and I can’t wait for people to see the film.

So do they give you like a list of things that you can share at certain points prior to release? So it’s like a week out before release you can talk up about until this point...


No? Is it not that detailed?

No! I think it’s more about trying not to give anything away, and obviously once things have been divulged in marketing materials then they’re out, from my perspective anyway. I’m sure at the high levels they’re strategizing about what to disclose when, but from my perspective I just try to follow the lead of always erring on the side of not spoiling anything. Which is what I would want someone to do if I was talking to a friend about a movie, I wouldn’t want them giving everything away, so I try to abide by that golden rule when I’m doing this stuff. Even though everyone’s asking because they want to know, but do they really want to know? Do they really want it spoiled? So you kind of have to make that judgment call.

Okay, cool. So having seen the stuff at Comic-Con and most recently at Wonder-Con, I don’t see how this doesn’t get a sequel. Is there anything that you would like to expand in that Godzilla universe that you feel like, you know, you’re writing the script and you’re like, ok, maybe we can get to this point, or maybe this could lead up to something, or just maybe something you saw visually where you were just like, oh, okay that really worked better than I thought, let’s do more of that. Is there anything you’d like to expand in a possible sequel?

Right. Well, first of all, from your lips to the movie god’s ears on that. That would be amazing, but you know, uh, I think along the way, in the process of cracking what this movie would be, which in its earliest days it entailed endless, lengthy, long distance conversations on Skype between Gareth Edwards and myself. Just sort of starting with a blue sky and saying, okay, what’s the best Godzilla movie we can tell? Like, what’s the movie we want to see? And the studio was incredible in terms of giving leeway and saying, We want to make the best Godzilla movie we can make, so what is that? And they didn’t say you can do this, you can’t do that, it was really, let’s start from what would be the best movie and work from there. And so that meant running around and trying every possible thought and pursuing it until you said, oh, that’s not the right thought. Let’s go to another thought. And so as a result there were a lot of dead ends, but there were a lot of intriguing avenues that were only half pursued, and so, you know, I think without having anything specific in mind, I would say that there are reams of  notes to look back through, and there are certainly things that I can kind of remember sticking with me as potentially interesting ideas. If we ever had a chance and were lucky enough to make a second one of these.

Now is Godzilla Awakening your first graphic novel that you’ve written the story for?

It is. Yeah, it was actually kind of fortuitous that I was writing, I was collaborating and am still collaborating with my cousin Greg, with whom I wrote the graphic novel, on a graphic novel of our own that we had sort of started developing in the background of both of our other respective careers, mine doing movies and his as an academic and a technologist at the MIT media lab. And so we had been collaborating on this other project which hopefully one day soon we will get a chance to finish and see the light of day, but Legendary’s comic division approached me about the idea of you know, would you like to expand the Godzilla universe? And when they did, I immediately called Greg and said, Is this something you’d want to do together? Because we had developed a kind of shorthand and were really learning the vernacular of writing comic books together. And to be honest, Greg is more of an avid reader of comic books than I am at the moment. I’m certainly a big fan, but he’s up on the latest stuff and reading it every week, and so it was really a great collaboration in that sense where we were able to sort of come together, and we were raised more or less like brothers, though we’re cousins, and so there’s a shorthand there as well. And so getting to collaborate on this was really rewarding. And so it’s the first published graphic novel, but hopefully not the last, I would say.


Art by Michael K. Matsumoto

Art by Michael K. Matsumoto

It would really be cool to see the worlds of Pacific Rim and Godzilla collide. One of our upcoming GeekTyrant VS episodes is actually a debate on who would win in a fight… Godzilla or a Jaeger? So this mashup trailer is a nice little precursor to that. It would be epic to see Godzilla fight a Jaeger, but in the end it would be awesome if they just fought alongside each other for a greater cause. The video comes to us from Movie Clips, and they call it Paczilla.



Before Gareth Edwards directed Godzilla, he made a fantastic little indie thriller called Monsters. There's a sequel to that movie that was made called Monsters: Dark Continent, and a really cool new trailer was released for it. The sequel is set in the Middle East where the U.S. military is forced in a situation where they have to deal with a horde of monsters in an infected zone. Edwards was an executive producer on the film, and it was directed by Tom Green. The movie looks like it will be pretty awesome. I really liked what I saw in this trailer, and I'm excited to see more from the movie. Here's the synopsis:

Seven years on from the events of Monsters, and the ‘Infected Zones’ have spread worldwide. Humans have been knocked off the top of the food chain, with disparate communities struggling for survival. American soldiers are being sent abroad to protect US interests from the Monsters, but the war is far from being won.

Noah, a haunted soldier with several tours under his belt, is sent on a mission: an American soldier has gone rogue deep in the Infected Zone, and Noah must reach him and take him out. But when Noah’s unit and transport are destroyed, he finds himself with only a young and inexperienced cadet for company – the brother of the man Noah has been sent to kill.

The two soldiers must go on a life-altering journey through the dark heart of monster territory, accompanied by a young local woman to guide them. By the time the three of them reach their goal, they will have been forced to confront the fear that the true monsters on the planet may not be alien after all.

There's no U.S. date set yet, but thanks to IGN for the trailer!

Great Video Essay on Steven Spielberg's Long Movie Takes


Steven Spielberg is hands down one of my favorite directors of all time. The guy has a magical way of telling his stories through film. The director is known for a lot of things, he has a lot of signature shots that he uses in his films, but the long take isn't one of them. There are some filmmakers that are known for long takes such as Joe Wright (Atonement) and Alfonso Cuarón (Children of Men, Gravity). Now, Spielberg does have long takes in a lot of his films, but they are unnoticed because his long takes don't really ever go over 5-minutes in length. When he does direct a long take though he makes it count, and they are always brilliantly executed, and they help drive the story forward. Tony Zhou put together this fantastic video essay on these long shots by Spielberg that is a must watch for any fan and aspiring filmmaker.  

"One overlooked aspect of Spielberg is that he's actually a stealth master of the long take. From Duel to Tintin, for forty years, he has sneakily filmed many scenes in a single continuous shot."

This really is a great video essay, and I hope you enjoy the videos!

Via: The Playlist

Restored Outtakes from Clint Eastwood's A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS


I'm a huge fan of the western film genre, and the spaghetti westerns of director Sergio Leone and Clint Eastwood are some of my favorites. This year, The Cannes Film Festival will close with a screening of a restored version of Leone’s 1964 classic, A Fistful of Dollars. While the film was going through the restoration process, a collection of outtakes from the movie were discovered, and the people working on the restoration went ahead and restored those as well. Cineteca has released those outtakes online for fans and film lovers to watch. 

It's apparently very rare to find 50-year old outtakes like this, as most footage from that time period would have been destroyed or thrown out. This gives us a rare glimpse into how Leone directed his films which is a real treat. I hope you appreciate this little bit of movie history. 

Zac Efron up for Marvel Role?


We recently touched upon this in our article speculating about the Namor film, but it seems Marvel has reached out to Zac Efron (hot off the hit comedy Neighbors) for an unspecified role in an upcoming project that has a finished script. But what project? Time to speculate wildly! 


This seems to be the most popular guess. Seeing that this is the first Marvel/Netflix show to air, it would sort of make sense that the project has a finished script. But I just don't like the idea of Efron playing the protector of Hell's Kitchen. In my mind, Matt Murdock should be a little older. After all, he is an accomplished lawyer. I just can't imagine Efron in the role.

Iron Fist

Danny Rand. The Living Weapon. Most of Efron's role in Neighbors has him shirtless. The guy is ripped! Danny Rand is all about physical action and fighting with the spiritual chi. This is by far the one role I can see Efron inhabiting and kicking ass. They could make the character a bit younger and it would still work.  


Now this is what my fellow writer Joey Paur speculated, but I don't understand how this would work, as Universal owns the rights and the rumor is that he met with Marvel. 

Nova (Richard Rider)

With Guardians of the Galaxy coming out in August and the Nova Corps appearing, it would make sense for Marvel to have a Nova movie in the works for Phase 3. Richard Rider is the Nova member everyone thinks about when they hear Nova Corps. I wonder if there will be any allusions to him in the upcoming Guardians film. 

Luke Cage

Just kidding... can you imagine?!

Follow Me @Ltt2P



The Tinder app is seriously one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen. Whatever happened to meeting people the good ol' fashion way? Is going up and talking to people just not a thing anymore? Do people look at each other now and say to themselves… "Damn, I wish I would match up with that person on Tinder so I could talk to them." I hope not, because if that's the case, society is headed into a bad direction. 

Here's a funny parody trailer for Tinder: The Movie, which basically pokes fun at the app, the people who use it, and David Fincher's The Social Network. The trailer was created by Bad Weather Films, and it's definitely worth watching, especially if you're a Tinder user. 

Review for Jon Hamm's MILLION DOLLAR ARM


Disney sure does know how to make a good sports movie. They've been doing it for years and they never fail. They always deliver inspirational, funny, and heartwarming stories with characters that you can't help but love. My favorite Disney sports movie is Miracle. In fact, I think that's my favorite sports movie ever. The studio's latest sports flick is Million Dollar Arm, and it was fantastic!

The movie had all the makings of a classic Disney sports film. I'm not a big fan of baseball, but I do love a good movie that revolves around the sport. Million Dollar Arm tells the story of a struggling sports agent who started his own business and is having issues making ends meet. When it seems like everything is crashing down around him, he comes up with an idea while watching the sport cricket, to start a pitching contest in India. There he would find two cricket players that would come back to the United States with him and learn how to pitch for baseball. The goal would then be to get them a try out for a major-league baseball team. Of course, executing the plan is not as easy as it seems, and in the process all of the characters learn more about themselves and what they're capable of. 

This has got "inspirational feel-good movie of the year" written all over it. I'll admit, there were times where I got emotional while watching the movie. There are aspects of the story that are very relatable to anyone who has gone through hard times and doubted themselves. When a film can pull on my emotional chords I know they've done a good job telling the story. My favorite part of the movie was the characters. They were all likable and I was rooting for them throughout the course of the movie. Seeing what these guys went though and how they became successful just made me feel happy.

I love it when I go to a movie and come out of it feeling like I can be a better person. This is what Million Dollar Arm did for me. That doesn't happen very often when I go to the movies these days. I definitely recommend you go out and see the movie when you get a chance. It's a film that the whole family can enjoy. 

Comical Animated Short Film about Elephant Seals


I've come across a very amusing CG animated short called Pinnipèdes that you've got to watch. This was created by Victor Caire, and it's the first 3D animated short that he has directed. For a first time project, I've gotta say... it turned out extremely well. Not only is the animation amazing, but it's charming and entertaining. This is just as good as any of the shorts that Pixar Animation has made over the years. The story involves two elephant seals and an annoying bird. Enjoy the show! 

FAR CRY 4 Announced


Ubisoft officially announced Far Cry 4 and it's coming out sooner than expected — November 18th, 2014 for everything except Nintendo consoles. The box art they've released with the announcement is crazy. I wonder if that is the final design.

As previously rumored, the next iteration takes place in a fictional part of the Himalayas which is ruled by "a despotic self-appointed king."

My main hope is that we have a better protagonist this time around. I hated Jason Brody from Far Cry 3, in fact is there anybody who actually liked him? I need more Jack Carver in my life. 

Any other details are scarce, but there will no doubt be more info when E3 rolls around next month. GeekTyrant will there covering the event, so we'll keep you posted! 

Follow Me @Ltt2P


FIREFLY Collectible Action Figure of Captain Malcolm Reynolds


I've got some great news for all of you Firefly fans out there! You'll be happy to know that Quantum Mechanix Inc., a leading sci-fi and pop culture collectibles company, will be unveiling a line of 1/6 scale collectible action figures from the classic sci-fi TV series. The unveiling will take place at Dallas Comic Con, which runs from May 16th to the 18th. In the mean time, we have a set of photos showing off our favorite character, Captain Malcolm Reynolds. These may not be Hot Toys quality figures, but they are still really freakin' cool! 

Below you will find some more information from the press release, along with some more photos for you to check out.

Featuring authentic likenesses, screen-accurate costumes and accessories unique to each character, the QMx 1:6 scale articulated figure line aims to deliver the most detailed replicas of the Firefly crew ever made.

The debut figure in the line, the 12-inch-tall Captain Malcolm Reynolds, can be previewed at the QMx booth (#1227) during Dallas Comic Con in Dallas, TX. Features include interchangeable hands, screen-accurate brown coat, holster, and boots made of fabric, microsuede and simulated leather, functioning buckles and buttons, and Captain Mal’s must-have accessories: a PAL communicator and his trusty pistol.

A special version of the figure available exclusively from QMxOnline.com will include the Lassiter laser pistol accessory with an extra hand to hold it with.

“Fans have longed for a quality line of Firefly figures for some time,” said Jared Chapman, director of product development at QMx. “From real, working costume details to incredibly accurate likenesses, we think fans will be blown away with what they’ll get from QMx.”

“Creating best-in-class realistic articulated figures for Firefly has always been a dream of ours,” said Quantum Mechanix CEO Andy Gore. “But we didn't want to do it until we could do it right. And we think this Mal figure is everything we've hoped it could be.”

The Firefly Malcolm Reynolds 1:6 Scale Articulated Figure will retail for $189.95 and is expected to arrive Q3 2014. Fans can sign up to be notified when the figure is released by visiting the product page and adding their name to the wait list.


GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Trailer Teaser with New Footage!


This coming Monday we will get a new full trailer for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. That doesn't mean you can't see some new footage from the film right now though! Marvel has released a short teaser for the upcoming trailer for your viewing enjoyment, and good hell… this movie looks so badass! It's just an exciting little taste of what we will see in three days. Enjoy!



Check out this fantastic and amusing series of fan art that mashes together X-Men characters with the Minions from Despicable Me. These were created by Chuck Mullins, and he calls the project, X-Minions: Day of Future Past. It's always fun to see these Minions get mashed together with pop culture characters. 


X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST - Extinction Featurette, Wolverine Clip, and TV Spot


We've got some more X-Men: Days of Future Past goodies to share with you today! Fox is bombarding the internet with all kinds of video marketing for the highly anticipated film. Today we have a new featurette for you to watch called "Extinction," a clip of a scene between Wolverine and young Xavier, and a Japanese TV spot. All of these include news footage from the Bryan Singer-directed film, so enjoy! The movie comes out in theaters on May 23rd.

Clip from Steve Carrell and Channing Tatum's FOXCATCHER


Steve Carrell completely disappears in his character for the upcoming Bennett Miller (Moneyball) directed film, Foxcatcher. The actor is virtually unrecognizable, and it's a little creepy. A clip has been released from the film that gives us our first look at Carell as scientist; philanthropist; Olympic wrestling coach, and murderer, John du Pont. In the clip he is talking to wrestling campion Mark Schultz, who is played by Channing Tatum.

The movie tells the gripping, true story of Olympic Wrestling Champion brothers Mark (Tatum) and Dave Schultz (Mark Ruffalo) and their relationship with du Pont that eventually led to murder in 1996. Judging from the clip, this is going to be an intense drama. 

When talking about Carrell in a previous interview, Miller had this to say about why he cast him:

“We just had our first test [screening], and not everybody recognized Steve. He is aged [for the film], and his face is changed, and his physicality changed. If I say I’m going to make a movie about a guy who’s a schizophrenic murderer, there are probably a dozen actors who would immediately appear on anybody’s casting list. And Steve would not be on any of those lists. And that’s a good thing. Because it’s unexpected… John DuPont was a character who nobody thought was capable of doing something as horrible as he did. And I did not want to cast somebody who would feel dangerous in that way.”

The movie will be released in theaters on November 19th, and because of the character that Carrell is playing, there's a good chance he could get an Oscar nomination.

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