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As soon as it was announced that Brad Bird would be directing Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, I knew for a fact that this movie was going to be something fun, exciting and special. For those of you who don't know, Bird is the director of animated films such as The Iron Giant and The Incredibles. Ghost Protocol is Birds first live-action film, and he hit a freakin' home run with it! This is in my opinion the best Mission: Impossible film made so far, it had everything that we love about going to the movies; action, drama, comedy and heart. I was completely engulfed in this movie from beginning to end and it's most definitely one of my favorite movies of the year.  

I honestly loved everything about this movie, but the one thing that makes or breaks a movie for me is the story and script, and I'm happy to say that both of those aspects of the film were solidly great. Of course they weren't perfect, but I had no complaints, I'm sure that some people with nit pic at it, but for the kind of movie this is there's really know point to pic it apart because of how fun and exciting it was. The story was pretty straight forward, simple and witty. The script contained a lot of great humor and dialogue that you all will get a kick out of. Some of this humor you may have seen already in the various films clips that have released, but there's so much more than what has been shown. I loved the humor that was in this movie, and that's one of the main things that set it apart from every other Mission: Impossible film. The humor alone makes this movie worth watching, but if you are looking for another reason, how about action!

The action sequences in this film were amazingly awesome and amusing. I had a blast watching the action sequences in this film unfold on the big screen. What's great is that there's one fun action sequence after another in this film, add a good script to that and you have a special kind of entertaining movie that everyone can love. There's a great fight sequence at the end of the film that takes place in a high tech parking garage that was put together so well, and ended up being so damn cool so just look out for that. But, one of my favorite moments in the film was the scene in which Ethan Hunt is flying through the air on the tallest building in the world, it's a scene that has been heavily marketed, but everything leading up to that and afterwards just made for one of the greatest most intense edge-of-your-seat sequences in the film. And turned out to be one of the most enterning moments in any movie.

If you have a problem with Tom Cruise for any number of reasons get over it! The guy is fantastic in this movie and he's fun to watch playing this character. Please do not let Cruise stop you from seeing this movie because you are going to miss out on seeing one hell of a great film that is meant to be seen on the big screen. In fact, I highly recommend you see it in IMAX if at all possible for you. I repeat get over your Tom Cruise issues if you have any and see this damn movie! On top of that it's got a great cast of other actors that also do a great job that will keep you entertained, we have Simon Pegg as Benji who is hilarious, Jeremy Renner was great as the new guy Brandt, he was a very fun new character, then there is Paula Patton as Jane who was a sexy badass. This was a great ensemble cast that had a very likable fun chemistry on screen.

Bird is the man, and he effectively brought his animation directing style into the live-action world. His signature is all over this movie, and it was so cool to see how effectively his style translated to live-action. This guy is going to have a hell of a career as a live action film director, and I can't wait to see what he ends up doing next! 

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol has it all, and this is one of those movies that I can't wait for you to see! I honestly wish I could sit down and watch it with each and everyone of you just to see the reaction on your faces as you watched it. This really was a great movie, and I whole-heartedly recommend that you all go out and see it now if you haven't already!

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