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Humorous Norman Rockwell Inspired WORLD OF WARCRAFT Art


Here's an awesomely funny reimagining of Norman Rockwell's classic painting "Triple Self-Portrait," only the artist in the image is an Orc from the World of Warcraft video game franchise. The illustration was created by Mike Antrim, and it's fan-freakin'-tastic. I love that the Orc has got those little round framed glasses on while he's working on the piece. 

STAR WARS: EPISODE VII — Mandalorians Rumored


The newest rumor from Latino-Review sources says that there will be Mandalorians in Star Wars: Episode VII.

Not surprised? Neither was I.

We previously reported that the movie would have "Jedi Hunters" and later that they were really "Mercenaries." Something that remained constant in both reports was that they had black and chrome armor that looked like Stormtoopers and that they were allied with the Sith.

This sounds a lot like the Mandalorians. Via Wookiepedia:

Throughout their history, the Mandalorians often allied with the Sith, perhaps most notably the Sith Lord Exar Kun, and held a certain distrust and general dislike for the Jedi Order. 
In later years, the Mandalorians moved away from their obsessively war-like and conqueror ways and instead, most became bounty hunters and mercenaries, selling their skills to various individuals and factions in the galaxy.

We've seen and heard that J.J. Abrams and crew are using lots of unused Ralph McQuarrie designs. I've included an unused Boba Fett concept. Because I couldn't find the original concepts, I've included fan-made Stormtrooper and Boba Fett helmets based on unused McQuarrie designs.

Based on a previous report, these mercenary Mandalorians will look a lot like these designs, but in black and chrome. We've already seen chrome Mandalorian armor on Jango Fett, and a variant of it worn by Death Watch on The Clone Wars.

As more of these rumors converge we seem to be getting a clear picture of what Star Wars: Episode VII will be like.

Growing Up Geek: My First Kiss


In the feature film adaptation of Stephen King's Hearts of Atlantis, Ted (Anthony Hopkins) is talking to Bobby (Anton Yelchin) about his first kiss. He tells him that "it will be the kiss by which all others in your life will be judged... and found wanting." This statement has been true for me in my life. A person's first kiss is something I don't think anyone could ever forget. I know I won't, I remember my first kiss like it was yesterday. 

Time for a flashback to the year 1984. I was almost six years old and I was playing with a girl who lived across the street who was nicknamed "Treasure." What's funny about this is I don't even recollect playing with her before or after this momentous event took place. This is the only memory I have of this girl, and it's a good one.

We were in front of the apartment complex that my family and I lived in, and we were playing with my G.I. Joes in the dirt between a brick wall and a bush. It was like a little fort of sorts. While G.I. Joe and Cobra were at war with each other, I looked up at Treasure and she was just kind of staring at me. My eyes locked with hers and we just sat there staring. It wasn't weird or uncomfortable, but this exciting feeling and curiosity engulfed me and I got this crazy idea. 

Without really any thought I asked, "do you want to kiss me?" She sheepishly replied, "Yes." I wasn't really sure how to proceed from that point. I saw my parent's kiss all the time so I knew how to do it, I just didn't know how to get from point A to point B. After a minute of fiddling around with my G.I. Joes I said to her, "Ok, on the count of three we'll kiss," she shook her head in agreement and proceeded to count, one… two… three…

We slowly moved in closer to each other and...

I mean wow! I couldn't believe what we had done, and I didn't ever want it to end. Feeling her lips on mine was one of the most amazing feelings ever. Her lips were so soft, I'll never forget how soft they were, or the smile she had on her face after we pulled away from each other. My heart was racing like crazy, I loved what I was feeling and this was something I knew I wanted to do a lot of from there on out. I was born again and I was hooked. We never kissed again after that experience. 

Every time I kissed a girl after that I would honestly think about that first kiss and compare it. My second kiss wouldn't come for another 5 years, but I remember my first thought was "Hmmm, her lips aren't as soft as Treasure's." I think it's both awesome and very funny that I have always thought about that kiss with every other girl I ever locked lips with. 

That's was a really fun memory for me to revisit. Please feel free to share the experience of your first kiss in the comments section.

Best of Cosplay Collection - Invisible Woman

Callie Cosplay is Invisible Woman | Photo by: David Love Photography

Callie Cosplay is Invisible Woman | Photo by: David Love Photography

The Fantastic Four's first lady also happens to be one of the fiercest and most powerful heroes in the Marvel Universe. Aside from having the patience of Job when dealing with Johnny's slightly inflated sense of self, Reed's constant state of aloofness, and Ben's, well, constant clobbering, she also possesses an impressive power set that sometimes gets overlooked when compiling our "who's more powerful" top ten lists. In honor of all this, we've compiled some of the most fantastic (sorry, but just had to) Invisible Woman cosplay around, and if you like what you see, make sure to show all the hard working cosplayers and photographers that brought it to you some love.

Kimberly Moore is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Greyloch

Kimberly Moore is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Greyloch

Plu-Moon is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Hugodeathy

Plu-Moon is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Hugodeathy

Marie Claude Bourbonnais is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Jeff Zoet Photography

Marie Claude Bourbonnais is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Jeff Zoet Photography

GillyKins is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Stillvisions

GillyKins is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Stillvisions

Callie Cosplay is Invisible Woman | Photo by: David Love Photography

Callie Cosplay is Invisible Woman | Photo by: David Love Photography

RingoxHitomi is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Sou

RingoxHitomi is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Sou

Callie Cosplay is Invisible Woman | Photo by: David Love Photography

Callie Cosplay is Invisible Woman | Photo by: David Love Photography

Yaya Han is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Brian Boling

Yaya Han is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Brian Boling

Kolibri-Chan is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Weatherstone

Kolibri-Chan is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Weatherstone

Victoria Cosplay is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Crumz Photography

Victoria Cosplay is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Crumz Photography

GillyKins is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Stillvisions

GillyKins is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Stillvisions

Callie Cosplay is Invisible Woman | Photo by: David Love Photography

Callie Cosplay is Invisible Woman | Photo by: David Love Photography

Blackro is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Photographes Sans Frontieres

Blackro is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Photographes Sans Frontieres

Yaya Han is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Elysiam Entertainment

Yaya Han is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Elysiam Entertainment

Laia Moon is Invisible Woman | Photo by: White Lemon and Jonathan Duran

Laia Moon is Invisible Woman | Photo by: White Lemon and Jonathan Duran

Blackro is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Photographes Sans Frontieres

Blackro is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Photographes Sans Frontieres

Victoria Cosplay is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Crumz Photography

Victoria Cosplay is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Crumz Photography

RingoxHitomi is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Sou

RingoxHitomi is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Sou

Laia Moon is Invisible Woman | Photo by: White Lemon and Jonathan Duran

Laia Moon is Invisible Woman | Photo by: White Lemon and Jonathan Duran

Marie Claude Bourbonnais is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Jeff Zoet Photography

Marie Claude Bourbonnais is Invisible Woman | Photo by: Jeff Zoet Photography

1980s Style Villain Album Cover Art Series by Rocky Davies


This totally radical art series was created by Rocky Davies, and it features several iconic villains in the style of 1980s album covers. The concept is so ridiculous that it works! Having grown up in the heart of the '80s, I'm very familiar with the crazy style and neon colors used in the illustrations. Hell, I'm pretty sure I used to have a pair of neon green parachute pants! The characters include Shredder, Joker, Doctor Doom, and a Xenomorph. 

1980s Style Villain Album Cover Art Series by Rocky Davies1 1980s Style Villain Album Cover Art Series by Rocky Davies2 1980s Style Villain Album Cover Art Series by Rocky Davies3

Aaron Sorkin to Adapt FLASH BOYS as a Feature


Sony Pictures is in negotiations with screenwriter Aaron Sorkin to adapt Michael Lewis' best-selling book Flash Boys. This will be the second book by Lewis that Sorkin will adapt into a screenplay. Moneyball was another book that he worked on from the author. 

The story deals with the "practice of high-frequency trading on Wall Street and how it became a way to rig the system. Lewis' book revolves around a group of men on Wall Street including Sergey Aleynikov, a one-time programmer for Goldman Sachs, and Brad Katsuyama, the founder of IEX, the Investor's Exchange."

Sorkin is one of the most talented screenwriters working today, and this is the kind of movie that is right up his alley. I'm sure he'll have a lot of fun developing it.

The writer recently wrote Sony's untitled Steve Jobs biopic for director Danny Boyle. He's also the writer of David Fincher's The Social Network, and the creator of HBO's incredible series The Newsroom.

Source: THR



This extremely cool fan art mashes Game of Thrones with Wreck-It Ralph. Ralph and Vanellope are portrayed here as The Hound and Arya respectively. Those two Game of Thrones characters were a couple of my favorites in the series. I loved the story of how they came together and how their relationship developed throughout the fourth season. The illustration was created by James Silvani, and it's adorable as hell. 

Black Widow Will be Riding Harley's Electric Motorcycle in AGE OF ULTRON


A few months ago, some video footage from the set of Joss Whedon's Avengers: Age of Ultron was released online. In it, Black Widow is seen riding around on a slick looking new motorcycle. It turns out that motorcycle is the new electric Harley Davidson they call Project LiveWire. The legendary motorcycle company has officially revealed their new bike, and it will make its debut in Age of Ultron

This is the perfect vehicle for Black Widow to ride around on as it completely fits her badass personality and looks. I'm sure there will be some great looking shots of her riding it in the film. Maybe Whedon will channel his inner Michael Bay when directing some of these shots, only pull it off with a lot more class.

The new bike offers a quiet electric purr when it’s started. The sound builds after it's started, but it won't growl like all the other gas-powered Harley Davidsons. I've included the set video along with the video of the Motorcycle reveal.

Via: Superhero Hype

PREDATOR Reboot to be Directed by Shane Black


Iron Man 3 director Shane Black has surprisingly come on board to write and direct a new Predator reboot for 20th Century Fox! Black also directed Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and wrote the Lethal Weapon movies and Monster Squad.

If Black wasn't on board the project I'd probably be pissed off that the movie was going to get remade again. Back in 2010, Robert Rodriguez made Predators, which was an ok film, but it didn't blow me away. It could have been way better. I'd like to think that Black is going to give us the badass Predator movie that fans expect and deserve.

Black was actually asked to help out with the original script back in 1986, but he turned it down. THR gave the story of how that all went down:

"The studio and producers wanted him to polish the script for Predator, which was then in pre-production. Black turned it down. A few weeks later, they approached him again. Once more, Black said no. Another few weeks went by, and then the studio called again. This time, however, he was told there was a small role in the movie and asked whether he would like to have it. Black said yes. When he arrived to the South American set, the studio execs and producers greeted him and said, 'By the way, would you mind taking a look at the script?' Black replied, 'I’m still not rewriting it.'"

He's 100 percent invested in the franchise now, and I can't wait to see what he does with it! 

Star Wars vs. Game of Thrones — Memes


I saw a few Star Wars Vs. Game of Thrones memes floating around last year but didn't realize a majority of them originated from a subreddit called Warsvthrone. I recreated 9 of my favorite for GeekTyrant with sharper images and a bit of rewriting.

Inspired by Warsvthrone

Red-Band Trailer for the High School Comedy PREMATURE


This is a red-band trailer to a new raunchy high school teen comedy called Premature that mixes together elements from Groundhog Day and American Pie. In the film the main character relives one of his most embarrassing days ever over and over again. It looks like it could be a really funny flick.

The movie stars John Karna (Bindlestiffs), Craig Roberts (Submarine, The First Time), Katie Findlay (The Philosophers, The Killing), and Alan Tudyk (Dodgeball, Wreck It Ralph). Here's the synopsis:

You’re in highschool. Facing the biggest day of your life. You need to nail a college interview ensuring your admittance to your parents’ beloved alma mater. To keep cool when your life-long crush finally seems to show interest. And then you wake up one morning and realize someone’s playing a sick joke, because you’re reliving the day’s events over and over…and over again. Are you A.) stuck in a dream? B.) Experiencing déjà vu? C.) Having a psychotic break? Whether it’s finding a way to get into college, into your life-long crush’s pants, or having an even bigger epiphany, you must figure out how to break the cycle before losing your mind. This is the set-up for Premature, the hilarious-yet-heartfelt comedy from first time feature director (and co-writer) Dan Beers that won over audiences at this year’s SXSW.

The trailer comes from /Film, and the movie is set to be released in theaters and On Demand on July 2nd. 

Honest Trailer for FORREST GUMP


The Screen Junkies gang released an Honest Trailer today in honor of the 20th anniversary of Tom Hanks' classic film Forrest Gump. If you're a fan of the movie you'll definitely get a kick out of the video.

Forrest Gump was released 20 years ago this week, so we decided to revisit the classic film that captured the heart of a nation - and beat Pulp Fiction and The Shawshank Redemption for Best Picture. For real.

Brad Pitt Featured on Poster for WWII Tank Film FURY


The first poster has been released for director David Ayer's upcoming World War II film called Fury. It features Brad Pitt in the lead role as very hardened looking sergeant in the army. His name is Wardaddy, and he "commands a Sherman tank and her five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Outnumbered and outgunned, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany."

The rest of the talented cast includes Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Pena, Jon Bernthal, and Jason Isaacs. The movie is set to be released on November 14th, and it's on my list of most anticipated films of the year.

Yoda Rocks Out on Guitar Hero in STAR WARS Art


Yoda and Darth Vader are rocking out and going crazy in this hilarious Star Wars illustration created by DeviantArt user Curryz. I freakin' love the facial expression on Yoda as he's wailing on the Guitar Hero remote. It makes me wonder what's going on under Vader's mask. This brought a little bit more happiness into my life today, so I'm paying it forward! 



While we wait for July 11th to come around so we can finally watch Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, 20th Century Fox is keeping fans entertained with lots of trailers, TV spots, and featurettes. Today we bring you the latest featurette for the film which gives us a behind the scenes look at the visual effects that were created to help bring this story to life. It includes interviews with the team working on these effects, and they talk about different aspects of the effects they had to develop.

A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier.  They reach a fragile peace, but it proves short-lived, as both sides are brought to the brink of a war that will determine who will emerge as Earth’s dominant species.

Thanks to IGN for the video!

GOTHAM Director Looking To Introduce Mr. Freeze


It's going to be amazing watching the rise of the heroes and villains of Gotham City in the new Batman inspired series coming to Fox. Gotham revolves around the character Jim Gordon, but it's the villains that surround him who are going to make this show really interesting. 

It has already been confirmed that Catwoman, the Penguin, the Riddler, Poison Ivy, and the Joker will be included in the story. There's also new characters created for the series such as Jada Pinkett Smith‘s Fish Mooney.

In a recent interview with director Danny Cannon, he revealed that there's another villain he'd like to introduce. That villain is Mr. Freeze, who has one of the saddest backstories of any villains in the Batman Rogues Gallery. He lost his wife to a terminal illness, and as much as he tried, he couldn't save her.

Up to this point the best iteration of this character comes from Batman: The Animated Series. They nailed the character perfectly and fully realized the kind of person he really was. That show did more for Mr. Freeze than any of the comics he appeared in up until that point. 

This is what the director of the pilot episode had to say about bringing Freeze on in an interview with HitFix:

"I have a big pitch with [showrunner] Bruno [Heller] about the Mr. Freeze character, whose origins are uncertain. If I can win Geoff Johns over and if I can win Bruno over, then I look forward to the moment where that character can be realized."

There's still a lot of room to play with Freeze's backstory, and Cannon obviously has some ideas of what he would like to do with the character. Like all of the other villains the show introduces, I'm sure the team of talent will reinterpret the characters past to fit the world they've created.

If the series goes for as long as they hope it does, I'm sure one day we'll see Freeze make his debut. Cannon went on to say that they're in no rush at the moment though:

“The beauty of this, both myself and Bruno did not sign on until we heard both network and studio assure us that we would not be forced into realizing this so quickly. We want a slow-burn.”

Sounds good to me! I'm all about the slow burn.

WARGAMES Remake has a New Writer and Director


MGM is still planning on developing that remake of Matthew Broderick's 1983 classic WarGames. Horrible Bosses director Seth Gordon was attached to develop it at one point, but he has since dropped out of the project. The studio is now in negotiations with Dean Israelite to direct the feature. They also are brining on Arash Amel (Grace of Monaco) to rewrite the screenplay, previously scripted by Noah Oppenheim. I'm not familiar with anything that Israelite has done, so I have no idea if he's a solid choice or not. The studio obviously saw something in him.

The original film followed a young computer prodigy who hacks into a government system and accidentally initiates a computerized countdown to a nuclear weapons launch. All the while he thinks he's just playing a game.

No one has been officially cast in the project yet, but according to reports the studio has been looking at both Ansel Elgort (The Fault in Our Stars) and Tye Sheridan (Mud) as potential actors to take on the lead role.

I'm a huge fan of the original movie, and I can see why the studios would want to remake it with all the technological advances that the world has made since 1983. I'm not very keen on this movie being remade, but since they're already doing it I can only hope that it turns out decent. I'm not expecting it to be better than the original though.

Source: The Warp

Batman First Appearance Statue from Kotobukiya


In celebration of 75 years of Batman awesomeness, Kotobukiya is releasing a Batman statue in honor of the Dark Knight's first appearance in Bob Kane and Bill Finger's 1939 Detective Comics #27.

The 1/10th sale statue was sculpted by Atelier Bamboo, and it comes with a magnetic display base. The statue will be available exclusively at San Diego Comic-Con and through a limited Kotous.com pre-order event for non-attendees. Price and ordering details should be announced shortly.


Stunning Trailer for Brad Pitt's WWII Tank Movie FURY

Screen Shot 2014-06-25 at 10.08.23 AM.png

Damn… this first trailer for director David Ayer's Fury is incredible. It gave me goosebumps, and the movie itself looks absolutely amazing. There's a lot of gritty badassery and emotional intensity packed into this trailer. Ayer has made some great movies in his career, one of his more recent ones being End of Watch, but Fury is going to be his masterpiece. My hell, I can't wait to watch this movie. 

Brad Pitt plays a character named "Wardaddy," and Shia LaBeoufLogan LermanScott Eastwood, Jon Bernthal, Xavier Samuel, and Michael Peña also star.

The story follows "a crew of Americans who embark on a brave mission. As the Allies make their final push, a battle-hardened army sergeant named Wardaddy (Pitt) commands a Sherman tank and her five-man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Outnumbered and outgunned, Wardaddy and his men face overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the heart of Nazi Germany."

The movie will be released in theaters on November 14th, and it's a must see!



A new clip and TV spot has been released for Transformers: Age of Extinction. The humorous clip features Mark Wahlberg's character, Cade, and his daughter's boyfriend Shane (Jack Reynor) while they are on some sort of covert mission.  It's on this mission that Cade confronts Shane about being in his daughter's room in the middle of the night. The TV spot that was released is tied in with The World Cup, and includes Optimus Prime playing a little soccer. 

TV Spot - Football for Transformers: Age of Extinction on TrailerAddict

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