Yikes! High heels already don't look comfortable to wear, but this is ridiculous! These shoes were created by Nixxi Rose, and they were inspired by the Iron Throne in the Game of Thrones series. They are not for sale, but she does show you how to make your own if you are so inclined. If you do, you can attend your Game of Thrones viewing parties in style.
GAME OF THRONES Inspired Iron Throne High Heels
Anna Kendrick Cast in DreamWorks Animation's TROLLS

DreamWorks Animation has cast Anna Kendrick in their upcoming animated musical Trolls. The movie is based on those ridiculous looking, crazy haired Troll toys that used to be popular.
Trolls are a popular toy line that collectors were really into in the 1960s and were later resurrected again in the 1990s. I don't even know if Trolls are still a thing or not, I don't see why they would be. I like Kendrick though, she a very talented actress and I hope this will be a good project for her.
Kendrick has two musical films in development at the moment, so the musical movie streak continues. The first is Disney’s Into the Woods, and they other is Universal’s Pitch Perfect 2.
Shrek Forever After director Mike Mitchell will helm Trolls, and this is what he had to say about the casting in a statement:
“Anna has proven herself to be a brilliant actress with an amazing singing voice. She’ll inject Poppy with the exact mix of spirit, sass and song that will no doubt give a whole new life to the iconic Troll dolls.”
The movie is set to be released on November 4th, 2016.
Young Christian Bale Rocking the 1980s Like a Champ
Here's a great photo of a young Christian Bale who is completely decked out in his late 1980s gear. This must have been taken shortly after Steven Spielberg's Empire of the Sun was released. Bale gave an insanely amazing performance in that movie. It's always fun to see pictures like this of certain actors who are now big stars.
Scarlett Johansson is a Brainiac in New TV Spot for LUCY
Scarlett Johansson's Lucy is such a cool looking flick! This latest TV spot gives us some more footage from the film, and has Morgan Freeman explaining what Lucy is capable of as her brain power increases. The movie comes from writer and director Luc Besson, and I would like to think that this could be one of his greatest movies. The film is set to be released on July 25th, and I'll be seeing it opening day.
New Info on Marvel's AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON and ANT-MAN

Some new SPOILER filled information has surfaced for two high profile Marvel movies that I know most of you are looking forward to seeing, Ant-Man and Avengers: Age of Ultron. The folks over at JoBlo have reported details on story, villains, costumes, powers, and more. There's a lot of great stuff here, but if you don't want anything spoiled for you then I suggest you don't read ahead. If your curiosity gets the better of you like it did me, then here ya go!
"Story begins with Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) being a thief and single dad who has fallen on hard times and one day breaks into Hank Pym's apartment and steals the Ant-Man suit.
"The main villain's name is Darren Cross who, in the comics, runs Cross Technological Enterprises, a competitor company for Stark Industries and Oscorp. His cousin is the villain known as Crossfire. It's unknown if this role will be played by Patrick Wilson or Corey Stoll. He will have a suit with a similar feel to Ant-man's but more miltary style, yellow and black in color, and with a tendril-looking apparatus coming off it's back (like with Agent Venom). It's to note that in the comics Cross looks more like a pink Hulk, so there may well be some merging of attributes from other characters for this role or multiple villains at that.
"The Ant-Man suit will be much more elaborate than we've seen so far with the helmet being able to open and close much like Iron Man and an assortment of red lights all over the suit, again in Tron fashion. The helmet eyes will also glow red when closed. It's said to be a much more complex and futuristic suit than we've seen so far.
"Ants (the actual insect) are the main ally and superpower for Ant-Man in the film. Lang will speak to the ants via his helmet, just as in the comics, which is said to be a special element to the overall story."
Avengers: Age of Ultron:
"According to Kevin Feige, the new Avengers Tower is the largest ever for a Marvel film, featuring a large landing platform and garage for the new Quinjet within a large space that is full of windows, screens, and 'techno stuff' but 'really chic' with a lab directly in the middle where Stark and Banner work together.
"The Quinjet redesign features more chairs to accommodate all Avengers, much like the X-Men's Blackbird. The overall design is less military and more sleek with a bigger array of weaponry.
"Black Widow's costume update will feature not only the previously reported batons, but her suit is said to be more 'Tron-style' in nature with blue lights and electricity around the suit. Her enemies will now receive electric shocks or a 'widow's sting' when she hits them, giving her more of a 'superhero' edge amongst her super-powered counterparts.
"As reported before, Ultron will be more than just a helmet, with his full face being articulated, including the mouth. All movements from James Spader's face are used to bring more personality to the villain. The suit mock-up is reminiscent of the weapon that Agent Coulson used to shoot Loki in The Avengers, which was made from the parts of the defeated Destroyer in Thor. The suit is said to have a red firelight underneath, giving him a kind of 'Balrog' effect from LOTR.
"Ultron will have an army of drones that are similar in appearance to himself, minus the glowing red 'energy' effect.
"Similar to other reports, The Vision will be 100 percent Paul Bettany with his face and body all in metallic form, very shiny with gold, red, and green (as well as the yellow cape)."
Regardless of the director drama surrounding Ant-Man, I'm still really excited about the movie. If this information is true, I like where they are headed with it. As for Joss Whedon's Age of Ultron, of course it's going to be amazing!
You can head on over to Joblo for even more information on these films. They even have a few new details on Star Wars: Episode VII that you might want to check out involving Stormtroopers.
Avengers: Age of Ultron opens on May 1st, 2015, and Ant-Man opens on July 17th, 2015,
Death of Wolverine Art by Alex Ross and Pasqual Ferry
Here's a couple amazing pieces of variant cover art for Marvel's Death of Wolverine. The first illustration is Alex Ross' "75th Anniversary Variant" and the second is Pasqual Ferry's "Deadpool Party," which I find absolutely hilarious. Here's some information on the comic series.
THREE MONTHS TO DIE, the loss of Wolverine’s healing factor--all led to this, the single most important X-Men event of the decade.
Logan has spent over a century being the best there is at what he does...but even the best fade away eventually.
Over the years, Logan has been a warrior, a hero, a renegade, a samurai, a teacher—and so much more. But now, the greatest X-Men hero will play a role he’s never played before.

New Batman Animated Series Coming - BATMAN: UNLIMITED
It looks like Batman will be getting a new animated series called Batman: Unlimited. The photo above was snapped at the Licensing Expo currently taking place in Las Vegas. Cartoon Network cancelled the CG animated series Beware the Batman, and it didn't take long to replace it with something new.
The only information we have for Batman: Unlimited is this photo that gives us a look at the style and tone they are going for. I hope this a decent series. There hasn't been an animated Batman series that I've truly enjoyed since Batman: The Animated Series and Batman Beyond. It would be nice to see another badass Batman series.
Extremely Cool Retro "Future Comes" Geek Art Series
This awesome set of retro art comes from Couscous Team. The series is called "Future Comes," and it features several different female cyborg characters all decked out in really cool-looking futuristic gear. I love pulp-style art like this. The artist should definitely create some kind of story that revolves around this characters.

Some promo art has surfaced from the Licensing Expo in Las Vegas for films and TV shows that a lot of us are looking forward to seeing. Some of the films on display include Alan Taylor's Terminator: Genesis; Genndy Tartakovsky’s Popeye; Jon Chu's G.I. Joe 3; Magic: The Gathering, Alex Proyas' Gods of Egypt, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Max Steel, plus TV shows like Gotham and Arrow and more. Check out all of the photos below. Thanks to Comingsoon and Collider for the photos.

Possible Solo BATMAN Movie Release Date and Working Title

With a new version of Batman being introduced in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, it's not hard to imagine that Warner Bros. is going to eventually give fans another solo Batman film. The current Warner Bros. DC movie line up also includes Justice League, Shazam!, Sandman, Wonder Woman, and a Flash/Green Lantern team up movie. Those are all set to be released between 2016 and 2018.
The good folks over at Latino-Review are reporting that the studio is also looking to release a new Batman solo movie in 2019. They also reveal that the working title for the movie is The Batman. This is just a rumor for now, but it's not that hard to believe. I just wish we didn't have to wait so long to see another standalone Batman movie. It's ok though, we still have Batman v Superman and Justice League which will both include the Caped Crusader.
I imagine they've got Affleck locked in a contract for a certain number of films, so I'm sure he'll star in it. Hopefully the fans like what he does with the character in the upcoming movie. There's also a possibility thrown out there that Affleck could direct the Batman film, which would actually be really cool. Affleck is a great director, and I'm sure he would develop an awesome movie. Now I enjoy Zack Snyder's films, but lets face it… Affleck is the better filmmaker.
Watch Tim Burton's Lost HANSEL AND GRETEL Short
Are you familiar with this story? No, I’m not talking about the German fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel. I’m referring to how Tim Burton was fired from Disney. Burton was let go after making his 1984 short Frankenweenie, a film they deemed too dark for kids and a waste of the studio’s money. Burton has of course come back to Disney to make several films, including a feature length animated version of Frankenweenie. If Burton's modern-day suburban retelling of Frankenstein was “too scary for kids,” it’s amazing that Burton didn’t get fired the year before for his bizarre and disturbing version of Hansel and Gretel.
This lost Halloween special directed by Burton aired only once in 1983 on The Disney Channel. If you at least watch the first 5 min of this, you’ll agree; once is enough. We’ve come to recognize (and perhaps even grow tired of) Burton’s now signature style. We know the director can create dazzling and twisted worlds for his big-budget blockbusters, but what would he do with almost no budget? This film is proof that he’d still attempt to “reinvent” the crap out of well-known stories.
The classic fairy tale remains mostly intact, but the sets are literally paper and the cast is entirely Asian — the stepmother and witch are played by the same male actor as well. As an Asian-American, I was getting ready to applaud the “yellow washing” of the cast, that is, until they whipped out the candy cane nunchucks and edible ninja stars… for reals, they’re in there. Whether you can make it through all 34 minutes of this film or not, it’s still interesting to see Burton’s early inclinations as a designer and storyteller.
via: DreadcentralScott Derrickson Excitedly Discusses DOCTOR STRANGE
Art by Henry Ponciano
Scott Derrickson is set to direct Doctor Strange for Marvel, and in an interview with Joblo he talks excitedly about bringing the character to the big screen. This guy wanted the directing gig bad. He's a huge fan of the character, and it seems like he truly is the right guy for the job. I backed him from day one, but what he says in this interview just puts my soul at ease knowing that Doctor Strange is in good hands. Here's what he had to say:
"I think when you consider the work that I've done it makes sense that he'd be my favorite comic book character, at least in the Marvel universe. Probably the only comic character in that mainstream world that I'm suited to. I feel such an affinity for the character and the story and the ambition of those comics, especially the original Stan Lee and Steve Ditko 'Strange Tales' - I think those are my favorite of all of them. The entire history of the comics is extraordinary."
The director then talks about chasing after the project because he wanted it so bad:
"I wanted it really bad. More than any other project that I've gone after, I felt compelled to do everything in my power to get on that project. Genuinely felt like I was the right guy to do it."
That fact that he feels like he's the right man for the job shows a high confidence level in him, and we'll see that confidence translate on the big screen. He goes on to discuss the reactions to him getting the gig and the world being ready for Strange.
"I think the nicest surprise for me, the most unexpected surprise, is the positive reaction. Both to me getting the film - I guess I expected the detractors, and they just haven't been there, it's all been quite positive. More than that, it's just the general enthusiasm for Doctor Strange. I think people who know the comic world and the Marvel universe, they all feel the same way I do, which is, 'This is the Marvel movie we're all ready to see now.' This movie needs to exist. The outpouring of excitement that people have shown is the thing I've been most pleasantly surprised."
Derrickson is going to kick ass at this, and I can't wait to see what his vision for it is. The last we heard Jared Leto, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Tom Hardy were up for the role of Strange. There's no confirmation on those casting choices, but I'm sure we'll get an announcement sometime in the near future.

Fan art by TNU
Disney's Frozen has been mashed up with the trailer for Game of Thrones season 4. It's not easy mashing movies together like this, sometimes they turn out great, sometimes they are duds. This one is a great concept that works most of the time, and I thought it might be something you'd enjoy, so here ya go! It was created by YouTuber Cutprintfilm.
Clip from the Psychological Thriller DELIVER US FROM EVIL
Screen Gems has released an eerie first clip from their psychological thriller Deliver Us From Evil, which stars Eric Bana. The movie comes from future Doctor Strange director Scott Derrickson, and I personally think it looks great. But that's coming from a guy who loves this kind of stuff.
The film is based on actual events and it tells the story of New York police officer Ralph Sarchie (Bana), "struggling with his own personal issues, begins investigating a series of disturbing and inexplicable crimes. He joins forces with an unconventional priest (Edgar Ramirez), schooled in the rituals of exorcism, to combat the frightening and demonic possessions that are terrorizing their city."
Deliver Us From Evil also stars Olivia Munn, Sean Harris, and Joel McHale. It's set to be released on July 2nd.
Great LEGO Movie Promo Teaser for NINJAGO
Warner Bros. used The LEGO Movie Blu-ray release as a way to promote their other upcoming LEGO film property Ninjago. The studio released a funny promo teaser that kind of gives us our first look at Ninjago.
The spot is called “Enter the Ninjago,” and it introduces the idea of a Ninjago movie in a very meta way. They basically incorporate a The Green Ninja a.k.a. Lloyd Garmadon from Ninjago into certain climatic scenes of The LEGO Movie. Those scenes are reimagined to show the ninja really saving the day rather than Emmett.
It's a clever way to get fans excited for what is to come. The movie is being written by Charlie Bean (Tron: Uprising). Original LEGO Movie directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller will be producing.
The Ninjago movie is set in a mystical land where ninja, samurai, and sensei band together to battle dragons and snake men. The heroes will be fighting the evil and power-hungry Lord Garmadon. It opens in theaters on September 23rd, 2016.
THE FLASH Featurette - "Friend Zoned"
The CW has released a new featurette for The Flash that gives us more footage from the series to check out. The video is called "Friend Zoned," and it gives us some insight on the relationship between Barry Allen and Iris West. Allen is obviously interested in being more than friends, but he's way too deep in the friend zone. West is being played by Candice Patton, who discusses what's going on between the two characters. This sure looks like it's going to be an entertaining show.
GOD OF WAR: New Kratos Statue Brings the Chaos
Kratos is an imposing presence unto himself, but throw in his two snazzy blades and he becomes the scariest guy in the room. I mean, I don't even approach the facial cream people at the mall, much less a guy carrying those things. This is another impressive effort from the guys and gals at Gaming Heads and sees the angry god killer coming in at 19 inches tall. If you snag the exclusive edition you can illuminate the room with his blades, as they will fade from red to yellow. If you're interested, you can head to their site to put in your pre-order, which will run you a cool $350 but can be split up into payments.

Twisted and Creepy Animated Short Thriller - TSUME
A talented group of animation students created this fantastically twisted short film for their graduation project. It tells the story of a young japanese girl who accidentally kills her classmate because she was appalled by the way she looked. According to the story description, "she's going to pay for her crime."
The short was co-directed by David Broner, Kevin Cordier-Royer, Tristan Jaegly, Vincent Touache, Chien-Chang Wu, and Jake Delamare. It's wonderfully animated, and it has a very eerie tone. I also thought the story was very interesting. I'm sure some of you will enjoy it.
Max Landis Not Writing GHOSTBUSTERS 3, But He Has a Great Concept!
Yesterday it was reported that Chronicle writer Max Landis was taking on the script for Ghostbusters 3. Landis took to Twitter to clear that rumor up saying that there's no truth to it. It's kind of bummer, I was excited to hear that he was working on the script. However, he does throw out a great pitch for a Ghostbusters film that would love to see!
"Haha a bunch of people asking what my Ghostbusters 3 pitch would've been. I never had a full one, just a skeleton I've goofed around with.
"My Ghostbusters 3 began in the 1920s with Ivo Shandor murdering a gluttonous associate to protect his cult after he has a moral objection.
"Shandor tells the overweight man that nothing can stop the coming of Gozer; first, the gate will open in 1984, then again twenty years later
"The fat man, who now has all the details of Shandor's plans, threatens to go to the police, and Shandor poisons him. It's scary, but...
"As Shandor escapes, we see that we're in the Sedgewick Hotel, and that the guy we just saw die...
"...Is Slimer.
"Cue theme. Show title."
That's such a great opening to the movie! Can we please just put the movie currently in development on hold and let Landis write the damn thing?! That short pitch got me excited for a movie we'll never see. Now I'm depressed.
CUBICLES & CAREERS Fantasy Web-Series Episode 3 - Cleric
The third episode of the funny fantasy web-series Cubicles & Careers is now available for viewing, and this next chapter in the series centers on the Cleric character.
If you're not familiar with the series, it's set in a fantasy world where a group of people gather together for a game called "Cubicles & Careers." It's the "Dungeons & Dragons" of the fantasy world, only they play as people from the real world with real boring jobs. What makes this so amusing is that the players don't seem to get a grasp of how the game is played or how people can actually live like the characters they are playing.