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Gamora's Character Poster for GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY



Marvel has released a new character poster for Guardians of the Galaxy featuring Zoe Saldana as the badass assassin Gamora. She looks amazing in this film, and one of the scenes I'm looking forward to most is watching her fight Karen Gillan's villainous character Nebula. We got a brief glimpse of it in the trailer, but I want to see more! 

Yesterday we posted the poster for Rocket Raccoon and Groot which you can check out here in case you missed it. Guardians of the Galaxy is set to hit theaters on August 1st, and I think audiences are going to be blown away by what they see.

DOCTOR WHO Reimagined as an Animated Disney Movie


I'm pretty sure that most of you Doctor Who fans are going to get a kick out of this illustration that reimagines all thirteen Doctors in the style of Disney animated movie characters. The piece was created by Stephen Byrne, and it comes with the amazingly fantastic tag line, "She wished for a prince, she got thirteen." 

There were a few complaints from some of the hardcore Doctor Who fans regarding this piece on his Facebook page, but Byrne released a humorous response to all those people who are looking to find faults in his work:

"I would like to thank the people who took the time to point out some errors in my recent ‘Disney Doctor Who’ post. It has been rightfully brought to my attention that ‘some of the designs aren't exactly....Up to par....2 and 4 are too short’ and ‘6 looks like a looks like clown, 2 looks like a dwarf, 4 looks like he is sick with some sort of bad cold, 1 looks creepy, and 11 has eyebrows!’. A theme emerged - ‘2 and 4 are too short.'

"Well, I’ve had a look back over the art in question, and the situation is far worse than I imagined. Indeed, some of the heights of the characters are factually inaccurate, but it doesn’t stop there. Upon closer inspection, I realised that I had accidentally exaggerated facial features and poses and mistakenly made choices about character and costume designs. I somehow used a bright saturated color palette that does not exist in reality, and (in some instances) just plain used creative license with zero regards for the consequences. Worse still, to my dismay - 'THERE IS A ROSE ON DAVIDSON INSTEAD OF A CELERY STICK?!???!', as one viewer put it. It turns out even the font was made up.

"Thankfully there is still time to remedy this mistake. Please see below the original version and the updated correct version. Thanks for keeping me on the straight and narrow. "

I love this guy's sense of humor. He then posted for the following update as a joke:


Thanks to io9 for the tip!

THE CREW: COAST TO COAST - E3 2014 Trailer


Ubisoft released a new trailer for their upcoming open world racer The Crew. Ubisoft is saying this game will have no loading screens, that is a huge promise that I hope they can deliver on. Either way, the game looks like a ton of fun and I will probably pick it up when it comes out on November 11. 

Clip from TRANSFORMERS: AGE OF EXTINCTION with Wahlberg and Grammer


Paramount Pictures has released the first full clip from Transformers: Age of Extinction. It doesn't show us any giant robots battling each other though. It's just an intense conversation between Mark Wahlberg and a very cold-hearted Kelsey Grammer. The movie comes out on June 27th.

BLOODBORNE Debut Trailer - E3 2014


A new Playstation 4 exclusive is coming from Hidetaka Miyazaki, the man who gave us Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, called Bloodborne. And it looks like all kinds of insanity. Early gameplay footage from this game leaked online under the moniker 'Project Beast'. I am very interested to see if this game will be another masochists dream and how the gun mechanics will work. 

NO MAN'S SKY is a Game Everyone Should Play


Every year at E3 there are a handful of games that really pique my interest, and this year No Man's Sky is most definitely on that list. Developed by Hello Games (the company behind the great Joe Danger), No Man's Sky is a science fiction exploration game set in an infinite procedurally generated universe. Oh, and there's space combat. Everyone's playthrough will be completely different. Take a look at the first gameplay trailer.

This game looks massive. I wonder if this will be a PSN title or retail. Regardless, I am most definitely picking this up day one. 


UNCHARTED 4: A THIEF'S END - E3 2014 Trailer


Nathan Drake is back for Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Will he meet his demise?! Will Sully? I am psyched for this installment in the Uncharted franchise. Speaking of which I should really get around to replaying them all for the billionth time. Here's the synopsis:

“Several years after his last adventure, retired fortune hunter, Nathan Drake, is forced back into the world of thieves. With the stakes much more personal, Drake embarks on a globe-trotting journey in pursuit of a historical conspiracy behind a fabled pirate treasure. His greatest adventure will test his physical limits, his resolve, and ultimately what he’s willing to sacrifice to save the ones he loves.”

Developed by Naughty Dog, the game will hit shelves in 2015.

STAR WARS: EPISODE VII - Possible New Spoiler Details

Old Red Jalop

Old Red Jalop

Latino Review has come out with a few bits of new information regarding J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: Episode VII. There's no proof that any of this is accurate as it comes from inside sources, but Latino Review has a solid track record. That being said, if you don't want to see any SPOILERS then don't read ahead.

We really have no concrete idea of what Abrams is doing with Star Wars, but I have no doubt that it will be awesome. The following points of information mentions a female villain, Boba Fett, Mandalorians, and gives insight into John Boyega's character.

Now on to the possible spoiler stuff from LR:

  • There will be a female villain. Over 50% sure she's a Sith.
  • Despite having 30 Years after Jedi to set one up, there is NO New Republic at the start of Episode VII.
  • Boba-Fett-similar armor is around. Probably not for the man himself.
  • Mandalorians? Clone drama? Still unclear on a plot/character connection.
  • John Boyega isn’t a Jedi or a Padawan at the beginning of the movie, he’s the one that has the story arc that brings him into Star Wars’ greater universe. It has echoes of Luke’s arc in A New Hope.

It's been speculated that Lupita Nyong'o's character would be a Sith, maybe that's the female villain first mentioned. The fact that Boba Fett could be in this movie is insanely exciting! Out of all the rumors, I really hope that one turns out to be true! As for Boyega's character, we knew that he would be a major character in the story, and it sounds like he has a long journey ahead of him. 

I'm sure we'll learn more about the movie as time goes on. Do you have any thoughts or speculation on these details that you'd like to share? 

Anna From FROZEN in Real Life Is Terrifying


This is the kind of stuff I come across on the Internet that haunts my dreams. I've seen a lot of anime style eye make-up at the conventions, but this is the first Disney style eye make-up that I've seen, and if you ask me… it's pretty terrifying. The photos come from Twitter user Urihcim, and they will never stop creeping me out. This is one of those things that has been seared into my memory forever. Thanks to Kotaku for the nightmares!


George Clooney and Josh Brolin to Star in the Coen Brothers' HAIL, CAESAR


Universal Pictures has picked up the rights to Joel and Ethan Coen's new original film project Hail, Caesar. To make their movie even more awesome they've cast George Clooney (O Brother Where Art Thou) and Josh Brolin (No Country For Old Men) to star alongside each other! The Coens have worked with both of these actors in the past. They are incredibly talented individuals, and I can't help but think they'll make a very entertaining on-screen duo. 

Hail, Caesar tells the comedic tale of Eddie Mannix, a fixer who worked for the Hollywood studios in the 1950s. Here's a more detailed description of the story from when the project was first announced:

"The famed 1950s private investigator who worked for Confidential magazine and was the muckraker of the time using wiretaps to spy on movie stars and gather dirt. Otash was a former lifeguard who became a cop, then helped operate a call girl ring and lost his job as a cop and became a private eye who wiretapped… It was not unusual during the time for studios’ internal security to protect their assets to construct and manage the squeaky clean image of their stars. The big stars of the day were under contracts for a certain number of pictures so the powerful studios had their own go-to guys (and sometimes hired outside investigators) to deep-six scandalous stories, whether it be romantic dalliances, drug use, DUIs, arrests, you name it. For the more serious threats, the fixers used pay-outs, strong-arming, and took care of 'problems' (real or perceived) by any means necessary. It was the day of the old Hollywood star system."

The Coen brothers are also in the process of writing Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks' untitled Cold War thriller for DreamWorks. I think their new project is going to turn out amazing, just like the rest of their flicks. 

Source: THR

STAR WARS LEGO Animated Comedy Sketch - "No Life Forms Aboard"


Here's a humorous stop-motion animated Star Wars LEGO short that shows us the outcome of one of several "what if" moments. If R2-D2 and C3PO were blown away when they left Princess Leia's ship at the beginning of the movie, there would have been no movie! Luke would have never got the message from Leia regarding Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luckily the Imperial gunners weren't in the mood to blow something up for fun — I, on the other hand, totally would have blown up the escape pod. The video was created by Brotherhood Workshop, and this is the note that came along with it. 

In a desperate move, R2-D2 and C3PO flee from Princess Leia's besieged vessel in an escape pod. Unfortunately, a few Imperial gunners have learned to think for themselves. 

A Behind the Scenes Look at How JURASSIC PARK Changed Movies


Jurassic Park is one of the greatest movies ever created and, like Star Wars, has played a huge role in the evolution of how movies are made. Jurassic Park lead the film industry into the digital age with it's amazingly realistic CGI dinosaurs. Steven Spielberg was originally going to use stop-motion animation, they did a ton of prep work for it, but once he and the producers saw what could be done with with CG animation they immediately switched gears, and that's what they wanted to work with. As you all know the result was incredible, and the animation that was done for the movie still holds up after all these years.

Academy Originals released a compelling behind the scenes video that gives us a detailed background story of how this film production met CGI. It shows off a lot of that original stop-motion test footage that was done for the movie, including the CGI test that won everyone over. The video also illustrates the impact that it had on the future of filmmaking. I also included two other documentaries on the feature for you to watch. They are called The Making of Jurassic Park and The Real Jurassic Park: A Scientific Blueprint for Building the Ultimate Time Machine. They contain a ton of great information. All of these are a must watch for any fan of Jurassic Park.

AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON — Spoilers About the First 20 Minutes


Latino-Review continues to leak more information about Marvel movies, this time bringing spoilers about the first 20 minutes of Avengers: Age of Ultron. Because the movie is already shooting, Disney has other press outlets doing set visits, and visual effects are already in production, the opportunity for leaks is very high.

Spoiler Warning

Avengers: Age of Ultron picks up right where the mid-credit sequence from Captain America: The Winter Soldier ends. The assembled Avengers raid Baron Von Strucker's Hydra outpost. Von Strucker (Thomas Kretschmann) is not defenseless because he has Loki's staff, Chitauri weaponry, Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen).

So far none of this is very surprising. We will see that Von Strucker has possession of a corpse of a Leviathan seen in The Avengers. In the ensuing battle, Scarlet Witch uses her powers to make Hulk think the Leviathan is still alive, cue Hulk smash.

The Avengers win, obviously, and they capture the bad guys and all of Von Strucker's goodies. At the newly dubbed "Avengers Tower" the team celebrates and at some point they take turns trying to pick up Thor's hammer, Mjolnir. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) ruins a suit's arm in the attempt. In the comics Captain America has been known to be able to pick up Mjolnir, but at this point in the movie he can only budge it, and can't / won't pick it up. Director and writer Joss Whedon knows the comic canon, so I suspect some kind of payoff to this sequence later on in the movie.

Spoiler Warning Again

This next spoiler is a huge change for the cinematic universe thus the second warning.

Mark Ruffalo in a previous interview talked about how his role is going to be bigger and more complicated. What he didn't say is why.

According Latino-Review's sources, Bruce Banner and Black Widow "kinda have a thing for each other." Whedon's fans have seen this dynamic before between Buffy and Angel. But the Hulk, while a part of Banner, is a character unto himself.

All that happens in just the first 20 minutes and the movie is rumored be over two hours long. It's pretty clear that the extra development time Whedon had for his Avengers is really going to pay off.

Avengers: Age of Ultron will raise the bar yet again on May 1st, 2015 (USA).

Stunning GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Poster Art by Paul Shipper

Stunning GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Poster Art by Paul Shipper

This incredibly cool Guardians of the Galaxy poster art was created by Paul Shipper. This is so good that it looks like it could be an actual poster for the film. The studio marketing teams really needs to start getting artists like this to create the posters for their films. There are so many talented artist out there that it's sad most studios resort to simple, badly photoshopped posters. 

Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian Hanging Out at Disney World


At Star Wars Weekends at Disney World, Mark Hamill and Billy Dee Williams took this picture together that was Hamill posted on his Twitter

As cool as this picture is, it makes me wonder; is Williams going to be in Episode VII? I mean really, how can you make a new Star Wars film without the smoothest of the smooth, Lando Calrissian?  We posted that some characters and/or story arcs from the upcoming Star Wars: Rebels animated series are going to be in Episode VII, and Williams is rumored to reprise his role of Lando in the show.

Honestly, I don’t see Abrams denying the fans like this. It would be like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the jelly. So, until I see the movie and it is proved otherwise, I am going to assume that Lando will be in Episode VII.

FAR CRY 4 - E3 2014 Reveal Footage


Should I stay or should I go?

That poor monkey. Far Cry is back and it's more insane than ever. From selfies to stabbings, Far Cry 4 looks likes it's gonna be one helluva game — Troy Baker (the new Nolan North) is voicing the villain by the way. I got to play some of it here at E3 and it plays a lot like Far Cry 3, the loading screens were absurdly long though. Hopefully they get that sorted out.

Here's the synopsis:

Players will take control of Ajay Ghale, a man who travels to Kyrat to fulfill his mother's dying wish. Once there, Ghale becomes caught in the region's war for freedom from its oppressive dictator, Pagan Min.

The game comes out November 18th, 2014.

Trailer for DUMB AND DUMBER TO - Harry and Lloyd Are Dumber Than Ever


As a fan of the original Dumb & Dumber movie I had high hopes for Peter and Bobby Farrelly's Dumb and Dumber To. The first full trailer has been released, and it just seems a little off. It has its funny moments, but it just doesn't feel like that classic Harry and Lloyd to me. Maybe it's just the way the trailer was cut, but I'm not really feelin' it. I'm still going to see the movie, though! Who knows? Maybe this is one of those occasions when the film will actually be better than the trailer made it look. 

Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels reprise their classic roles, and the story takes place 20 years after their epic road trip to Aspen Colorado. Their new adventure takes them on a trip to find Harry's illegitimate daughter for a kidney transplant. The comedy will be released in theaters on November 14th! Do you think it looks like it will be funny? 

Standalone STAR WARS Film Set to Shoot in the UK


It's been officially announced that Lucasfilm and Disney will be shooting one of the Star Wars standalone films in the UK next year. They will shoot it at Pinewood Studios, which is where J.J. Abrams is currently filming Star Wars: Episode VII.

It really doesn't seem like that much of a surprise. I just assumed all of the Star Wars movies would be shot there. The announcement came from Chancellor George Osborne while he visited the set yesterday. He posted the above photo on his Twitter account. This was the statement he made:

“Lucasfilm and Disney’s decision to shoot the Star Wars standalone movie in the UK is testament to the incredible talent in Britain. This will mean more jobs and more investment. It is great news for people working at Pinewood Studios, from the set designers to the carpeners.

As Chancellor I have been determined that we back our brilliant creative industries which is why we have invested in skills and training as well as providing tax relief for films, high-end TV, animation, video games and regional theatre. The further changes the government made to the film tax relief at Budget 2014 will support our highly skilled, innovative creative sectors so that they continue to thrive and encourage more films to be made in the UK.”

There's no word on what the standalone movie will be, but it will be directed by Gareth Edwards (Godzilla) from a script written by Gary Whitta (The Book of Eli). The movie they will be shooting is set to be released on December 16th, 2016. 

RAINBOW SIX SIEGE Gameplay Footage - E3 2014


Ubisoft recently announced the development of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, which is the latest in the best-selling Rainbow Six video game franchise. I've had a blast with this franchise in years past, and it's pretty damn awesome that they're in the process of developing this new chapter in the series.

The developer has released six minutes of exciting gameplay footage for you to watch, and here are some details on the game. 

"Watch the world debut of Rainbow Six Siege multiplayer gameplay in this intense, new look into the gripping world of Rainbow counter-terrorism units. A hostage situation unfolds into a sequence of team strategy, breach and stronghold tactics, and close-quarters destruction, as attackers and defenders act and react to one unit's attempt to overcome the other.
"Rainbow Six Siege is the upcoming installment of the acclaimed first-person shooter franchise developed by the renowned Ubisoft Montreal studio for the new generation of consoles and PC. Inspired by the reality of counter terrorist operatives across the world, Siege invites players to master the art of destruction. Intense close quarters confrontations, high lethality, tactics, team play, and explosive action are at the center of the experience."

Rainbow Six Siege will be released on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC platforms in 2015. This 6-minute demo is the first in a series of trailers that will be released for the game, so stay tuned for more! 

SONIC THE HEDGEHOG Movie in Development at Sony

Art: Renaedeliz

Art: Renaedeliz

It was only a matter of time before it happened, but Sony Pictures Animation is developing a feature film adaptation of Sega's hit video game Sonic the Hedgehog

I grew up on this game, and I freakin' loved the little hedgehog speed demon. Producer Neal H. Moritz has teamed up with Sega's CG animation film company, Marza Animation Planet, to help bring it to life.

The script for the movie will be written by Evan Susser and Van Robichaux. There's no information on the story that they will tell, but the game centers on the world’s fastest hedgehog, whose peaceful life is often interrupted by his arch nemesis, Doctor Eggman. 

The project is being overseen by Hannah Minghella for the studio, and this is what she had to say in a statement:

“There are limitless stories to tell with a character like Sonic the Hedgehog, and a built-in international fanbase. Along with our wonderful creative partners at Marza, we’re looking to capture everything that generations of fans know and love about Sonic while also growing his audience wider than ever before.”

I'm curious to see what they come up with. Sonic did make an appearance in Disney's Wreck-it-Ralph. I hope that they'll come up with some cool and inventive ways to make him pop on the big screen for his solo movie. 

Source: Variety

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