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More GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Art from the Poster Posse

Salvador Anguiano

Salvador Anguiano

Blurppy has released another radical set of poster art for Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy. If you missed the first set, make sure to click here to check it out. I really love this Poster Posse thing that the site is doing. The artists they bring in to create these illustrations are giving fans some awesome, top-notch work. There's so much goodness in this latest set, and I hope you like what they've done.

Marie Bergeron

Marie Bergeron

Scott Hopko

Scott Hopko

Andy Fairhurst

Andy Fairhurst

Luke Butland

Luke Butland

Adam Rabalais

Adam Rabalais

Stephen Sampson

Stephen Sampson

Arian Noveir

Arian Noveir

 Orlando Arocena

 Orlando Arocena

Chris Skinner

Chris Skinner

Tom Miatke

Tom Miatke

hanginthere-fernando-reza.jpg Fernando Reza

Fernando Reza

Rodolfo Reyes

Rodolfo Reyes

s2lart_star-lord.jpg s2lart_gamora.jpg s2lart_draxx.jpg s2lart_groot.jpg Simon Delart

Simon Delart

Patrick Connan

Patrick Connan

Ben Mcleod

Ben Mcleod

Andrew Swainson

Andrew Swainson

Rich Davies

Rich Davies

New Promo for CONSTANTINE Series


NBC has released another promo for their great-looking new series Constantine, which is based on the comic book created by Alan Moore. The trailer offers up some cool new footage from the show including a shot of what looks like Dr. Fate's helmet.

The story follows John Constantine. As he's haunted by the sins of his past, he is put in a position where he must defend humanity from gathering forces of darkness. Here's a more detailed synopsis:

Based on the wildly popular DC Comics series “Hellblazer,” seasoned demon hunter and master of the occult John Constantine (Matt Ryan, “Criminal Minds”) specializes in giving hell… hell. Armed with a ferocious knowledge of the dark arts and his wickedly naughty wit, he fights the good fight — or at least he did. With his soul already damned to hell, he’s decided to leave his do-gooder life behind, but when demons target Liv (Lucy Griffiths, “Robin Hood”), the daughter of one of Constantine’s oldest friends, he’s reluctantly thrust back into the fray – and he’ll do whatever it takes to save her. Before long, it’s revealed that Liv’s “second sight” — an ability to see the worlds behind our world and predict supernatural occurrences — is a threat to a mysterious new evil that’s rising in the shadows. Now it’s not just Liv who needs protection; the angels are starting to get worried too. So, together, Constantine and Liv must use her power and his skills to travel the country, find the demons that threaten our world and send them back where they belong. After that, who knows… maybe there’s hope for him and his soul after all. The cast also includes Harold Perrineau and Charles Halford.

This has the makings of an incredible series. I love everything that I've seen from is so far, and I'm excited to see more!

BIG HERO SIX 6 has two New Posters


Disney has released a couple new posters for their new animated adventure Big Hero 6, which is based on the Marvel comic. Each poster features Baymax, the extremely cool robot character from the story. I love everything that I've seen from this flick and it looks like it's going to be a ton of fun.

With all the heart and humor audiences expect from Walt Disney Animation Studios, Big Hero 6 is an action-packed comedy-adventure about robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada, who learns to harness his genius—thanks to his brilliant brother Tadashi and their like-minded friends: adrenaline junkie Go Go Tamago, neatnik Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon and fanboy Fred. When a devastating turn of events catapults them into the midst of a dangerous plot unfolding in the streets of San Fransokyo, Hiro turns to his closest companion—a robot named Baymax—and transforms the group into a band of high-tech heroes determined to solve the mystery. Inspired by the Marvel comics of the same name, and featuring comic-book style action, “Big Hero 6” is directed by Don Hall (“Winnie the Pooh”) and Chris Williams (“Bolt”), and produced by Roy Conli (“Tangled”).

The film hits theaters in 3D on November 7th, 2014. The film hits theaters in 3D on November 7, 2014. To watch the teaser trailer for the movie again click here.

Source: ematterz.com

Mark Hamill Voices Joker's Conversation with Luke Skywalker


Mark Hamill recently appeared at Walt Disney World for Star Wars Weekends 2014. During a Q&A session at the event, a fan asks him if he would voice a conversation between Luke Skywalker and The Joker. He happily obliged, and the result is pure geek magic. You can watch the video of him making fans all around the world happy below.

Guillermo del Toro Working on PACIFIC RIM 2 Script with Zak Penn


Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim was such an absurdly fun movie. Like many of you, I absolutely loved it and I want to see a sequel. Even before the first movie came out the director was talking about developing a a sequel. Legendary Pictures hasn't given the sequel the greenlight yet, but producer Thomas Tull wants to do it. It's just all about coming up with a cool story that they want to tell. Tull previously had this to say:

"It did north of 400 million dollars globally and both the home video sales and the merchandise have way over-indexed, so it seems like fans really loved the world. So we’re going to sit down with Guillermo and as long as we think it’s authentic and there’s something to say, we’re certainly open to it."

In a recent interview with Buzzfeed, Del Toro was asked about a sequel to the film and he said that he's already working on a script with screenwriter Zak Penn (The Incredible Hulk). Here's what he had to say about it and why he's not working with the co-writer of the first movie, Travis Beacham:

“I’m working very, very hard with Zak Penn. We’ve been working for a few months now in secret. We found a way to twist it around. Travis Beacham [co-writer of the first film, now working on Fox’s Hieroglyph] was involved in the storyline and now I’m writing with Zak because Travis has become a TV mogul.”

As for the story that he wants to tell, Del Toro says that the two main surviving Jaeger pilots, Raleigh Becket (Charlie Hunnam) and Mako Mori (Rinko Kikuchi), will be back. He goes on to clarify that it will be a sequel and not a prequel as previously speculated.

“Some people were wondering if we were going to do the prequel. I was never interested in doing that first wave of invasion. I’m going for very new, very crazy ideas on the second one, which are very different from the first one — but you will get really great spectacle.”

I'm always up for seeing Del Toro's crazy ideas brought to life! I can't wait to see what he has planned. One idea he previously talked about was a Jaeger and Kaiju hybrid monster, which sounds insane to me! That's going to be a really cool creature to see on the big screen. I hope that is still in his plans. No matter what he does, I'm sure he's going to deliver a movie that fans will enjoy. 

Spectacular Marvel Character Art Series by Jake Parker


Artist Jake Parker is in the process of creating a series of Marvel character art. So far he has done Captain America, Wolverine, Hulk, Iron Man, and Spider-Man. I also included one he made of Boba Fett, which is pretty awesome as well. He has a very fun style to his art and it would make a pretty cool poster series. Like much of the poster art that comes from independent artists, a lot of these are better than what the studios pump out. 


FORZA HORIZON 2 Coming This Fall


This fall, Forza Horizon 2 — the sequel to one of my all time favorite racing games — will hit the shelves for the XBOX 360 and XBOX One.  

The game will include hundreds of cars and will see the introduction of a full fledged weather system that will affect how you drive. I did not care for Forza 5 that much but the drivatar AI system is being brought over into this next iteration of the Forza spinoff. This time around the game will take place in southern Europe as opposed to Colorado.

The feature I am most excited about is the ability to drive anywhere you see fit. If it's accessible you can drive it. I am very intrigued to see how expansive and big the world Playground Games will have us racing in.

There will no doubt be more news regarding this game and many others at E3. GeekTyrant will be there covering the event, so stay tuned.  


NHL Team Logos Inspired by THE SIMPSONS


Check out this delightfully amusing series of NHL logos that have been Simpsonized. The Simpsons inspired logos were created by graphic designer ak47_studios. The logo designs he came up with for each team are pretty brilliant. Thanks to Geekologie for the tip!


Top 10 Favorite Film Robots


Hollywood has introduced us to a ton of awesome robots over the years. Robots have always been extremely cool, and they've sparked the imagination of what is possible. The robots we've seen in the movies have inspired technology and science. There are engineers out there who have created robots of their own and are constantly trying to perfect them. One day those robots will take over the world and destroy us all.

We all have our favorite robots, and I thought I'd come up with a top 10 list of my personal favorites. Note: Cyborgs like RoboCop don't count as robots on this list. 

If you'd like to share your own favorites, please feel free to post them in the comments section below!

Iron Giant - The Iron Giant

The Iron Giant is by far my favorite robot. He's the one I would have loved to play with as a kid. Excluding the yells and groans, he only said a total of 53 words. Vin Diesel voiced the character but the studio also considered Peter Cullen, Sean Connery, Frank Welker, and James Earl Jones.

Robby the Robot - Forbidden Planet


This might just be one of the most iconic robots ever. I don't know anyone that isn't familiar with the design. It not only appeared in Forbidden Planet, it has also shown up in a ton of other sci-fi films such as The Thin Man and Lost in Space. It even showed up in some TV shows like The Twilight Zone, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., The Addams Family, and Mork & Mindy.

Johnny 5 - Short Circuit 

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I loved this movie when I was a kid, and I just thought Johnny 5 was the funniest damn thing. The filmmakers wanted to show what a real life robot might look like in the real world, so every part of Johnny 5 was built to have a specific, logical purpose. For example, Johnny's signature "eyelids" were created as sun guards/camera coverings.

Gort - The Day the Earth Stood Still


"Klaatu barada nikto!" This thing just looked like a menacing badass! When I first saw this thing as a kid I was a little terrified of it. It looked like it couldn't harm anything, but it was the ultimate weapon. The guy who played Gort was Lock Martin, who was the doorman at Grauman's Chinese Theater. He was hired because he was so freakin' tall. He wasn't that strong, though, so he had difficulty with the heavy Gort suit and could only stay in it for about a half-hour at a time.

Terminator - The Terminator

I don't know any movie geek that doesn't love the Terminator. This thing is the ultimate killing machine, and it was really fun watching him kick ass. It has been revealed that the POV shots through the Terminator's eyes shows a dump of the ROM assembler code for the Apple II operating system. Apparently, if you own an Apple II and enter "] call -151 * p" at the basic prompt, it will give you the Terminator view. 

T-1000 - Terminator 2: Judgement Day

A liquid metal machine? Are you kidding me?! What an amazing idea for a robot! I remember seeing this character on the big screen for the first time and being blown away. When Robert Patrick played the character he mimicked the head movements of the American bald eagle, and when moving patterned himself after a shark closing in on its prey.

Gunslinging Cowboy Robot Model 406 - Westworld


First of all, if you haven't seen this movie yet, you need to put on your list because it's great! The renegade robot cowboy played by Yul Brynner was such a creepy character. The story is about a robot that malfunctions and terrorizes the guests at a futuristic theme park for adults.

Optimus Prime - Transformers: The Movie

Yes, I'm going with the version of Optimus Prime from the animated movie because he's so much cooler than what Michael Bay came up with. That sequence when he goes out to fight Magatron in the movie was so intense. I was really sad when they killed him off, and it was all Hotrod's fault! I was shocked by how many characters they killed off in this story! Other characters that died included Ironhide, Ratchet, Prowl, Brawn, Wheeljack, Windcharger, Megatron, Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Shrapnel, Kickback, Bombshell, and Huffer. What the hell were they thinking? 

C-3PO and R2-D2 - Star Wars

It was really hard to choose just one of these characters, but since they are basically a team that is almost always together in the films I'm going to count them as one unit on my list. Hey, it's my list, and I can do what I want! In early drafts of the script, R2-D2 could speak standard English, and apparently had a foul vocabulary. Both of the characters have been inducted into the Robot Hall of Fame — R2-D2 in 2003 and C-3PO in 2004.

Max - Flight of the Navigator

There's definitely some nostalgia with this character. I watched this film a ridiculous number of times growing up. Max is a Trimaxium Drone research ship with a personality. It can travel faster than light speed and also has a time travel function. This allows him to return samples exactly as he found them without missing a second in-between the abduction and return. This way he doesn't disturb the environment he came to observe.

Entertaining Romantic Action Comedy Short - EPILOGUE

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The short film that we have for you today is called "Epilogue," and it was written and directed by Dylan Allen for Amalgamated Picture Co. It's a very clever idea for an adventurous romantic comedy that was executed incredibly well. This is one of the most entertaining shorts that I've seen this year, and I think you'll all appreciate it. Here's a description of the story:

At the end of his greatest adventure, Skillman has vanquished his nemesis, recovered the priceless artifact, and saved his latest lover from certain doom. But as he struggles to figure out what comes next, his lady begins to realize her confident, capable man hasn't the first clue what to do once the guns are down.

Enjoy the show! 

Jeremy Renner Confirms His Return for MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 5


Tom Cruise and director Christopher McQuarrie are currently prepping to shoot Mission: Impossible 5. Not much is known about the story at this point, and up until now the only other person we've known will be coming back for sure is Simon Pegg. Jeremy Renner can now be added to the list of actors who are returning. In a recent interview with Yahoo, the actor was asked if he would be interested in joining HBO's True Detective and this was his response:

"It’s kind of unlikely. In fact, I’m kind of strapped time-wise doing Avengers 2, and Mission: Impossible 5 is rearing its head, and then they want to do another Bourne movie. It’s unlikely I can find the time right now. And that’s all right. It’s just really high-class problems — pretty awesome to have. Even if I really wanted to do it, which I don’t, I couldn’t."

This isn't an official statement from the studio, but since it's coming from the Renner it's as official as official can get. I really liked Renner's character, William Brandt, in the last film, and I'm happy to hear that he'll be back in action alongside Ethan Hunt. When the character was introduced to the franchise, there was talk of him possibly taking over the franchise. I doubt that is still the case, but we'll just have to wait and see. The movie is scheduled to open Christmas Day in 2015.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot get Their Own Poster for GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY



The latest poster for Guardians of the Galaxy is here, and it features Rocket Raccoon and Groot  going absolutely ballistic! These guys are such an awesome team in the comics and it's so cool to see them brought to life for the big screen. Rocket is being voiced by Bradley Cooper and Groot is being voiced by Vin Diesel. I'm so excited about seeing these characters get into some crazy action. The movie is set to be released on August 1st.

Bill Watterson Published Three New Comic Strips Last Week


Let’s be real. Calvin and Hobbes is the very best comic strip of all time. It was perfect, it transcended its genre, and its creator, Bill Watterson, is a genius. Unfortunately for us, he is a reclusive genius who took his ball and went home nearly twenty years ago. Seriously, it has been 18-and-a-half years of near radio silence from Watterson. He opened the door a little bit about three months ago when he drew the poster for the documentary Stripped. And now he has kicked it open a little further by taking over Stephan Pastis’s comic strip Pearls Before Swine. For three days. Pastis explained how it all came about on his blog

Pastis wrote a strip that was an homage to Watterson and sent it to him. And shock of shocks, Watterson responded with a pitch. 

He said he knew that in my strip, I frequently make fun of my own art skills. And that he thought it would be funny to have me get hit on the head or something and suddenly be able to draw. Then he’d step in and draw my comic strip for a few days.

They went back and forth on the concept, finally settling on an idea Pastis had:

The idea I proposed was that instead of having me get hit on the head, I would pretend that Pearls was being drawn by a precocious second grader who thought my art was crap. I named her “Libby,” which I then shorted to “Lib.” (Hint, hint: It’s almost “Bill” backwards.)

Watterson agreed, and they got to work. Fans of Watterson will be glad to hear that he was “funny and flexible and easy to work with.” And now he has withdrawn back into his hiding place, the Salinger of comics. Hopefully he is still working, and hopefully one day he’ll release a treasure trove of new work that will make us laugh and cry and have all the feels the way Calvin did. We miss you, Bill.

Read Pastis’s blog about the experience here, and check out Watterson’s strips here, here, and here.

Via: io9

JOHN CARTER Logos Reveal Andrew Stanton's Planned Franchise


Unfortunately for Disney, John Carter was in no way a box office success. It had good actors and a lot of money was thrown at it, but it just didn’t hit the mark with audiences. Since that time Disney has acquired a classic sci-fi space franchise (Star Wars) that is guaranteed to make their money back for them. Thus John Carter has been left in the dust.

Director Andrew Stanton saw this whole situation going in a completely different direction. He was working on the sequels to film before the first movie had even hit the theaters. 

Recently Stanton Tweeted a couple of logos revealing what he had in store for us. You can check those out below:

"Could have been cool. Had big plans…"

"...That would have led to even bigger plans."

I feel bad for the guy because the concept of John Carter was cool, and it is not like Stanton isn’t a talented guy. It's what it is, and he's currently working on a sequel for Pixar that everyone in the freaking world is excited for, Finding Dory. However, I have what can be considered the unpopular wish, and that is that I could get a peek at what he had in store for us in his continuing saga of John Carter.

Announcement Trailer for RISE OF THE TOMB RAIDER


E3 2014 is currently in full swing and we are going to start seeing lots of really cool video game announcements and trailers. During the Xbox presentation Square Enix announced Lara Croft's latest adventure, Rise of The Tomb Raider. A trailer has also been released which we've embedded below. I've been a fan of this franchise since it was first introduced. I loved the last game, and this new one looks like it's going to be just as good.

In the trailer we see Croft undergo therapy after the events she went though in the last game, and she's coming to the realization of what kind of person she is. Here's what Microsoft had to say about the game:

"In the next chapter of her journey, Lara must use her survival skills and wits, learn to trust new friends, and ultimately accept her destiny as the Tomb Raider. Featuring epic, high-octane action moments, Rise of the Tomb Raider will take gamers to multiple locations around the world filled with exploration spaces that are some of the most beautifully hostile places on earth. In addition, after hearing the cry from fans loud and clear, the game will put the tombs back into Tomb Raider all in the franchise’s gritty Survival-Action style."

Nightmarish Character Art with Over-Exaggerated Features


We've got a fun portrait series featuring three horror character icons with over-exaggerated facial features. The big eyes, nose and mouth seem to make these characters even more terrifying than they already are. The series includes Freddy, Jason, and Leatherface.

The art was created by Jason Edmiston using acrylic paint on wood panels. They are part of the Tiny Trifecta art show, which is set to open June 14th at the Cotton Candy Machine.

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STAR WARS: BATTLEFRONT Official Trailer - E3 2014


Electronic Arts has released an E3 trailer for their highly anticipated game Star Wars: Battlefront. It takes us behind the scenes of the creation of the game and also gives us our first real look at what the game will be like. The footage they show features a speeder bike sequence, and it looks pretty freakin' amazing! They say they goal of the game is to give us the the Star Wars game that we've always wanted, and I think they are going to succeed in that. They are going to recapture the magic of the original trilogy.

"Star Wars Battlefront is the ultimate Star Wars battle experience, brought to life by the creators of Battlefield. Fight in epic Star Wars battles on iconic planets and rise through the ranks playing as the heroic Rebellion or the evil galactic Empire."

The game is being developed by DICE and EA expects to release the game, one of the first in its exclusive publishing agreement with Disney, as early as summer 2015. 

Growing Up Geek - G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero

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G.I. Joe has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I was introduced to the cartoon and action figure toy line by my uncle, who was working on the cartoon series as a storyboard artist when it first launched in the 80s. I absolutely loved that show, and my uncle is the one that gave me my first G.I. Joe action figure and vehicle. It was the Combat Jet Skystriker XP-14F, and he gave it to me for Christmas one year. It was seriously the coolest toy that I ever had, and from that moment on I was hooked on G.I. Joe toys. I've been collecting them ever since. You can see my reaction to opening up that present in the picture above.

Of course when I was kid I didn't appreciate the toys as much. I lost and destroyed so many of them. As I look back at the times I spent with my Joes, I'm so disappointed in myself for what I did to them. I killed so many of my Joes. I've since repented of my sins, and I'm back on track and treating my G.I. Joes with the love, kindness, and respect they deserve. But there was a time when I was like Sid from Toy Story.

My obsession with torturing G.I. Joes started with my dad. We used to set them up all over our apartment. We would run around the house shooting rubber bands at them, which would knock them down or fling them across the room. I would even dress up as a G.I. Joe when I did this. You can see a couple pictures of me decked out in my childhood military gear. I know shooting rubber bands isn't that bad, but it paved the way for what I would do to them in the future. 

Later on down the road my cousin and I went out and bought BB guns. We would then take a staple gun and staple our G.I. Joes to a wooden fence in the back of our grandpa's house. We then proceeded to blow them away. We would also strap firecrackers and M-80s to them and blow them up. Then remember those little tank fireworks? We would stand the Joes in front of those and let them shoot fire at the action figures burning them to a crisp. I'm seriously feeling really awful as I confess this stuff to you. It was incredibly fun at the time, but I look back at it now, and I wish to hell that I wouldn't have destroyed so many of them, and that I still had those original toys of mine!

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It wasn't until I was around 11 or 12 that I really started to appreciate the value of these action figures. That's when I started really collecting them. It was around the same time that Hasbro relaunched their 12" reissue action figure collectors series. This was the awesome toy line that replicated the original 1960s version of G.I. Joe which in a way paid tribute to the the military and other classic G.I. Joe 80s characters created for the animated series.

Over the years I owned hundreds of Joes, and I still do have a few of the originals that survived my days as a kid. I just wish I had more of them. At one point I even had the huge U.S.S. Flagg aircraft carrier. It took up my whole bedroom. I have no idea what the hell happened to that thing though! One day it just kind of disappeared, and I was sad. I loved that thing.  I just wanted to be a real G.I. Joe.

My love for this toy line has never faded. I think they're just as cool now as when I was a kid. I'm not a fan of the live-action movies that have been made though. They basically ruined most of the things I enjoyed about the toys and animated series. The only thing they kind of got right were Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, but even they don't save the films from sucking ass. The animated G.I. Joe: The Movie was so amazing though! I cherished that flick as a kid. I love the nostalgic feel I get when I watch it now. Hell! That goes for any of the animated series that I grew up with.

In more recent years I've been able to share these cartoons with my own kids, and I have a ton of boxes in storage that are full of all kinds of G.I. Joe greatness! 

STAR WARS AT-AT Made From Reclaimed Skateboards


Artist Derek Keenan constructed this incredibly radical Star Wars Imperial AT-AT completely out of used skateboards. I'd love to own this thing, unfortunately it would cost me $1,980. I don't want it that bad! It's part of an art show being put on by Santa Cruz Skateboards and Vans to promote the new Star Wars gear they'll be selling. You can check out more details for that at The Black Book Gallery.


GAME OF THRONES Season 4 - Promo Spot for Season Finale


I don't want Game of Thrones to end! It's been such an amazing season, and there is going to be a void left in my life when it finally ends. The last episode of the season is coming this next Sunday, and we've got a promo spot for it giving you a brief taste of what we can expect to see. The last episode is called "The Children," and this is a short plot summary:

"Circumstances change after an unexpected arrival from north of the Wall, Dany must face harsh realities, Bran learns more about his destiny, and Tyrion sees the truth about his situation."

This season is sure to end on a very strong and intense note, and I'm so excited! I've also included a few behind-the-scenes videos for the last episode that aired. 

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