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Quentin Tarantino Movie Art Series by Pierre Kleinhouse


Illustrator Pierre Kleinhouse created this fun poster art series for three of Quentin Tarantino's classic films. Those movies are Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and Inglourious Basterds. The style is very colorful, bold, and unique. I think the time has come where I need to revisit these films. It's been awhile. 


Thanks to XombieDirge for the heads up on this greatness! 



Concept artist Rodney Fuentebella released a bunch of incredibly awesome key frame art that he did for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. This stuff is just beautiful. I know the movie has come and gone, and most of the world enjoyed the hell out of it, but really cool movie art is never old news! 

The movie will be available on Digital 3D and HD August 19th, and on 3D Blu-ray Combo Pack, Blu-ray, DVD and On-Demand September 9th.


Ridiculous TV Spot for THE EXPENDABLES 3


An entertaining TV spot has been released for Sylvester Stallone's adrenaline-fueled film The Expendables 3. There's a scene at the end of this spot that is absurdly awesome. I had to watch it multiple times just to make sure what I thought I saw really happened. This sequel really is going to be a lot of fun. 

In The Expendables 3, Barney (Stallone), Christmas (Statham) and the rest of the team come face-to-face with Conrad Stonebanks (Gibson), who years ago co-founded The Expendables with Barney. Stonebanks subsequently became a ruthless arms trader and someone who Barney was forced to kill… or so he thought. Stonebanks, who eluded death once before, now is making it his mission to end The Expendables — but Barney has other plans. Barney decides that he has to fight old blood with new blood, and brings in a new era of Expendables team members, recruiting individuals who are younger, faster and more tech-savvy. The latest mission becomes a clash of classic old-school style versus high-tech expertise in the Expendables’ most personal battle yet.

The movie is set to be released on August 15th. Thanks to Comingsoon for the embed.

Video Reactions to GAME OF THRONES' The Viper Vs. The Mountain Fight


The last episode of HBO's Game of Thrones was incredible! The final fight scene between The Viper and The Mountain was one of the most nail-biting moments of the entire series. It did not turn out the way I expected it would at all! My brother and I were yelling and screaming at the screen while the battle unfolded. A video has been released showing the reactions of a group of people who were watching the episode and, like almost everyone else who watched the episode, they were shocked by the twist ending. If you haven't seen the episode yet then you might want not want to watch this video as it includes major freakin' SPOILERS.

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY TV Spot — A Thief, Two Thugs, An Assassin, and a Maniac


There is a peppering of new footage in this second TV spot for Guardians of The Galaxy. The first TV spot was a minute long behind the scenes video that you should watch if you missed it. Until last year's Comic-con, this film was not really on my radar, but after seeing the panel and footage it's been on my must watch list.

It will be interesting to see how it fits into the larger Marvel cinematic universe. We've heard Josh Brolin will make a brief appearance as Thanos, and we've seen the infinity gems in play in other films. With everything that is being set in place, I can't see how the third Avengers movie wouldn't feature an Avengers/Guardians team up.

Guardians of The Galaxy breaks out August 1st (USA).

Steven Moffat Says Changes Are Afoot for DOCTOR WHO

Fan poster by Jackardy

Fan poster by Jackardy

The eighth season of Doctor Who is coming to our screens this August, and according to showrunner Steven Moffat, it’s going to be different than previous seasons of modern Who. Moffat recently spoke at the Hay Festival of Literature and the Arts, and he talked about casting Peter Capaldi and why the show needed to turn and face the strange changes.

“Can you imagine if we’d cast another handsome yet quirky young man with entertaining hair? It would sort of just have exposed the formula. And we’d have found someone great, people would have liked him, but the show would have become that little bit more ordinary… We’ve got a part that can be played by anyone, from a 20 year old to a 70 year old — John Hurt was in his seventies when he played it — you’ve got to use that flexibility, not ignore it.”

Luckily, Capaldi was on his mind, and everyone else’s mind, apparently. And Capaldi was willing to audition, and the BBC was willing to hire him, so they got a great new actor to play the doctor right at the time when Moffat felt like the show needed to change.

"It needed to change. One of the hardest things ever to do, is to notice when your clever new idea is now your very old idea. We haven't made much of a change to Doctor Who since it came back in 2005. It's been the same show. It has maybe amped some things up and lowered some things, but it is basically the same. I just feel it needs to be a bit more different now, it just needs to be surprising again. We've got the hang of this, we need to change it. The rhythm has to alter, which it has."

After "The Day of the Doctor" and "The Time of the Doctor," the show has wrapped up all its hanging threads while simultaneously giving the Doctor a new purpose: finding Gallifrey. The new season will be a whole new start for the show, and I cannot wait. Set your DVRs (Or spoof your IP address) for sometime in August. You can watch a longer section of Moffat's talk in the video below.

Denzel Washington to Star in THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN Remake?


Not long ago is was announced that Training Day director Antoine Fuqua was in talks to direct the remake of the classic western, The Magnificent Seven. Deadline is now reporting that Denzel Washington is in discussions with MGM to star in the film. 

I'm a big fan of the original 1960s movie, and it's kind of hard for me to see it being remade. But, if a solid team of talent like Washington and Fuqua are bringing it to life, there's potential for it to be really good. These two talents have proven to be a great team.

The story was inspired by Seven Samurai, and it follows a group of American gunmen who are hired to protect a small Mexican village from a group of savage bandits. 

It will be interesting to see what other actors the studio casts in the movie. This could bring together an incredible ensemble group of actors.

When the film first went into development a couple years ago, Tom Cruise was set to star and True Detective director Nic Pizzolatto was going to helm it.

Mark Hamill Strikes A Jedi Pose with Mickey Mouse

Inside the Magic

Inside the Magic

Mark Hamill is sure looking like he's in great Jedi shape in this photo he took with Mickey Mouse. I don't remember the last time I saw Hamill holding a lightsaber outside of the Star Wars movies, but it's pretty cool to see him striking a Jedi fight pose.

The actor took a little break from Star Wars: Episode VII to go to Orlando, Florida for Star Wars Weekends at Walt Disney World, which is where the photo was taken. While there he talked to the local paper about his physical training for the movie saying:

"I’ve altered my diet. I’ve started working out. There’s that. But on the film itself: I toured the departments, I’ve looked at wardrobe, and I saw the creature shop. I went around and met all the cast people, saw the technicians working on some new things."

He then he goes on to talk about Internet spoilers:

"This is a whole different world … The first one, no one cared. The second one there was a lot of interest, but it was before the Internet. … I tell people we’re not trying to annoy you or tease you or play some massive game. Basically what the goal is to keep the surprises for the movie instead of spoiling them on the Internet."

He's going to look so badass in Episode VII! I can't wait to see him all decked out in costume.

Thanks to JediNews for the heads up!

Great Trailer for ARE YOU HERE with Owen Wilson and Zach Galifianakis


The first trailer has been released for Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner's feature film debut Are You Here. The comedy stars Owen Wilson and Zach Galifianakis, and the movie looks fantastic. It seems to have a solid mix of comedy and drama. I was happy with what I saw in the trailer, and this is a film that I definitely want to watch. According to EW, it took Weiner about eight years to get the script to Wilson, two breaks from Mad Men to shoot it, and two more seasons to edit and finish it. 

When his off-the-grid best buddy Ben Baker (Galifianakis) inherits his estranged father's fortune, womanizing local weatherman Steve Dallas (Wilson) joins forces with him to battle the legal challenge brought by Ben's formidable sister (Amy Poehler), in the hilarious big-screen directorial debut from Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner. 

Millennium Films will release the film on VOD and in theaters on August 22nd.



The latest TV spot for Transformers: Age of Extinction features more cool footage of Grimlock going ballistic. I think that there's a possibility that Grimlock will steal the show, at least that's what I'm hoping for. I want to see the character tear it up the big screen with all of his badassery! The movie is set to be released on June 27th.

STAR WARS Reedited Alphabetically By Word - Video


The internet can spit out some of the strangest and most useless forms of entertainment. YouTube user suckerpinch took Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope and sorted it alphabetically. This seems like such an insane undertaking. He literally reedited the movie alphabetically by word! It's hard for me to comprehend this kind of madness, but it gives you something to watch to pass the time!  Here are a few interesting facts that the creator of the video pointed out:

  • The word “lightsaber” only appears once in this film.
  • There are 43m5s of spoken English, 81m39s of other.
  • The most common word is “the”, of course, said 368 times.
  • The word with most screen time is “you”, at 52.56 seconds.
  • There are 1695 different words, and 11684 total words.
  • The longest words are “responsibility,” “malfunctioning”, “worshipfulness”, and “identification”, all 14 letters

If you watch this all the way through, I'll be very impressed. 

The Week In Geek: Episode 1 - Ant-Man, Jurassic World, Thanos, and More


We've got a new show that we're trying out called The Week In Geek. It's basically a brief video round-up of some of the top news from the previous week that you may have missed. The show is hosted by Bryan Dayley, and in our first episode he discusses the Ant-Man drama, Jurassic World plot leaks, Eva Green's sexy Sin City 2 poster, Josh Brolin being cast as Thanos, and  Marvel Comics' Original Sin. He also announces the winner of GeekTyrant VS - X-Men Vs. Avengers.

This is our pilot episode. We plan on getting these out faster in the future. It just took a little more time than expected to work out the kinks in our first show..

TERMINATOR 2 Truck Chase Scene Recreated in Grand Theft Auto 5


I really enjoy watching movie scenes that are recreated in different and creative ways. YouTube user John Chapman and his team took it upon themselves to recreate the awesome truck chase scene from Terminator 2: Judgement Day in Grand Theft Auto 5. It turned out freakin' spectacular! I know that you'll all get a kick out of this. Here's a note from Chapman:

Hey everyone, so this week we remade a scene from T-2 (Terminator 2: Judgment Day) and it took quite some time. It mostly took a lot of time because I wanted to try to make it exact. Yes I may have missed some small scenes but damn we worked hard on this from the actual setting up, to the directing, to the editing so please give it a look.

This video made my day. 

Trailer for the Trapped Miners Horror Thriller BENEATH


We've got a fun trailer to share with you for a psychological horror thriller called Beneath. The film was inspired by actual events that follow a retiring miner who picked the wrong day to bring his daughter to work. I think it looks like it could be a really good movie, but I enjoy this kind of stuff. Here's the synopsis:

A crew of coal miners becomes trapped 600 feet below ground after a disastrous collapse. As the air grows more toxic and time runs out, they slowly descend into madness and begin to turn on one another. Inspired by true events.

The movie seems to have a similar tone to films such as The Descent and The Thing. Beneath was directed by Ben Ketai from a script by Patrick Doody and Chris Valenziano. It will be released on VOD/Digital platforms on June 27th, and hits select theaters on July 25th. 

Cosplay Music Video - MCM London Comic Con 2014


Sneaky Zebra has released a fantastic new cosplay music video from MCM London Comic Con 2014. It features a ton of awesome cosplay that I know a lot of you will enjoy. I really love this stuff, and one day I might actually make a costume of my own… why the hell not?! 

"The Sneaky boys hit up MCM London Comic Con this May and in true British fashion braved unpredictable weather from hail storms to blazing sun to bring you guys some of the best cosplayers and costumes we could find."

Spoilers for HOW TO TRAIN YOU DRAGON 3, Or Is It 4?


How to Train Your Dragon 2 is all set to debut in theaters on June 17, and as we all know, it’s the second chapter of a trilogy, the Back to the Future 2 of the dragon-riding Scottish Viking saga. It’s the middle, tying the beginning to the end. But what ending is it working toward? Writer/Director Dean DeBlois gave a pretty big hint at the recent Hero Complex Festival in L.A. And by a pretty big hint, I mean he told us how he wants the whole thing to end. Warning: Major possible SPOILERS for How to Train Your Dragon 3 ahead, obviously, although I don’t think it spoils anything for HTTYD2.

Here’s what DeBlois said.

“When I was approached about a sequel, I said will you consider it to be the middle act of a three act trilogy? Therefore we’re not just inventing a random other adventure that you cast the same 5 or 6 characters into and graft on a problem that feels artificial. So by meeting Hiccup at this later stage of his life he’s now dealing with an organic and universal problem that many of us go through at that stage. But it is the middle chapter heading toward the culmination of Hiccup’s final coming of age.

“And the intention is to be very conscious of where we came from in the first movie and where we’re heading in the third. So I’ve been working on a running outline for sometime and I know we’re going to get to the point where Cressida Cowell books start which is Hiccup, as an adult, looking back on his life and saying ‘There were dragons when I was a boy.’ There’s something really powerful and emotional about that that hits you in the gut. And I think it could be bittersweet and beautiful. But how they disappear? What happened and what leads them to that point? That’s the stuff of the third movie. We’re always very conscious to make sure the threads we’re pulling forward are from the first film and paying off in the second are also embedding storylines for the third.”

I haven’t read the books, but “There were dragons when I was a boy” might rank up there with “Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again” in terms of wistful, elegiac first lines. And it sounds like getting Hiccup to that point would put the How to Train Your Dragon franchise on the same level as Toy Story in terms of children’s franchises that grow and mature along with the kids who watch them. And it makes me hope that the third movie will be as elegiac and emotional as Toy Story 3. But if you don’t think you’ll be ready to say goodbye to Toothless and his friends after just three movies, you may be in luck. The trilogy’s composer, John Powell, told Collider that we may get a quartet of dragon stories.

“I saw Dean in Cannes, we had a premiere of the film there, and he was very merry and a bit drunk and he sort of knew about [How to Train Your Dragon] 3 and I think it was mentioned to him by Jeffrey [Katzenberg] that maybe they would do 4. And that was definitely, I think, a real kind of eye-opener for Dean and for me because it’s like, ‘Hey I thought this was a trilogy?’ (laughs). So I don’t know, and it might be good because he’s got a lot of story left to tell, so maybe splitting it into two will work, but I just don’t know about that yet. I’m supposing that at the moment, Dean has an idea for the third one and he isn’t telling any of us yet.”

It makes sense that Katzenburg wouldn’t want to let a successful franchise end, but I hope he lets DeBlois do his thing. How to Train Your Dragon 2 got great reviews at Cannes, so hopefully he’ll realize that DeBlois has a good thing going and let him end this how he wants to.

Source: Slashfilm

STAR WARS Inspired GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Fan Poster by Matt Ferguson


Artist Matt Ferguson created this amazing Guardians of the Galaxy fan poster that was obviously inspired by the classic Star Wars poster. The poster appeared on Blurppy and then director James Gunn gave it his seal of approval by posting it on his Twitter feed. Here's what the artist had to say about the piece:

“I can’t think of a film I have been more excited about in years. When asked to make a poster for the Poster Posse based on Guardians Of The Galaxy I thought to my self ‘Why am I so excited about this film?’. This led me to think about the way it has been marketed as an old school space romp akin to Star Wars and other films of my youth… then I had a lightbulb moment and realized ‘Why not just do a Star Wars mashup!?!’. My favorite Star Wars poster is definitely the classic Tom Jung design for the first film, so I just did that. Simple really. I have a goood feeling about this movie.”

So do I.

Abstract FANTASTIC FOUR Inspired T-Shirts


As GeekTyrant's resident t-shirt designer, I was inspired to create a Fantastic Four shirt design that was different than a common off the shelf one. My twist on the design was to make it abstract and simple. All four parts of the design represent a different member of the team, but in the most extremely basic idea of the character. Dotted lines for Invisible Woman, a hexagon for Thing, a curved line for Mr. Fantastic, and a red circle for Human Torch. To further push the abstract and simple concept I've also create a monochrome variant.

Available at GeekTyrant.ME for $19.99 in both the color and monochrome designs. Each design can be printed on 9 available shirt colors in 8 different sizes.

Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg Looking to Reteam for DADDY'S HOME


Paramount Pictures is looking to move into production fast on a comedy they want to make called Daddy's Home. The studio is currently in talks with Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell to star in the picture. They previously starred together in the comedy The Other Guys, which was hilarious. These guys definitely have great on-screen chemistry. 

Horrible Bosses 2 and We're the Millers writers Sean Andres and John Morris are also in discussions to direct the project. The movie has been in the studio's pipeline since last year when they had Vince Vaghn attached to the project with Ferrell. Etan Cohen was also set to direct it at that time as well. The project fell apart, but is obviously being quickly put back together. 

According to Deadline, the story follows a "mild-mannered radio executive (Ferrell) who strives to become the best stepdad ever to his wife’s two children. Complications ensue when their freewheeling, freeloading real father (Wahlberg) arrives, forcing stepdad to compete for the affection of the kids."

I like where they are going with this movie, and it will be great to see these two actors up on the big screen together again… if they can make a deal. The movie was scripted by Brian Burns, Adam McKay, Chris Henchy and Cohen. Ferrell and McKay are also producing through Gary Sanchez Productions.

Mark Ruffalo Says Hulk is More Complex in AGE OF ULTRON


Hulk was such a badass in The Avengers, and I seriously can't wait to see him back in action in Avengers: Age of Ultron. We've been hearing that he's going to have a much bigger role this time around, and Mark Ruffalo confirms that in a recent interview with Total Film saying:

"[My role's] even bigger than last time, and it's more complex and it has more layers and a bit more arc. "

So we've got bigger, more complex, and more layers. These are all good things I was hoping they would do. I also hope that whatever they do in this movie leads into a standalone Hulk movie. Preferably a big screen adaptation of Planet Hulk. Ruffalo went on to talk about the motion capture work that he's doing for the film:

"I'm really tripping on the technology of this motion-capture stuff… now I just completely embrace it and see it as this other exciting place we can go as performers."

I think it's safe to say that the Hulk is going to look even better in the sequel. What are you hoping to see from Hulk this next time around? 

The film is being directed by Joss Whedon, who is halfway through production. The movie stars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson, Thomas Kretschmann, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, and James Spader. The movie is set to be released in theaters on May 1st, 2015.

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