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Kevin Smith Shares his Thoughts on BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE


Kevin Smith has always been vocal about what Warner Bros. is doing with their DC superhero films. Fans also seem to like what he has to say. During a recent episode of his Hollywood Bubble-On podcast, Smith shared his opinion on the official title of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, and where he thinks the studio is going to take this film and the franchise. The guy is really good friends with Affleck, so I'm sure he has a lot of good insight into what we can expect to see. Here are his thoughts on the title of the movie:

“It’s a bit of a mouthful. And also, I don’t know why Batman V. Superman. Why not just throw the “s” in there? Or spell it or something like that. Or honestly, every comic book fan on the planet, who is a DC comic book fan, I think we all wanted to see Batman/Superman: World’s Finest.”

I'm personally ok with the title, but I can see why people wouldn't like it. He goes on talk about where he thinks the franchise is headed.

“But look, they’re obviously beginning something, and there’s a stretch of these flick[s], and so this is the beginning of the Justice League, as we all suspected as they were announcing that cast. We were like, ‘This is the beginning of a Justice League movie.’ From what I understand now, it’s no longer like, ‘This is Superman 2.’ They’re not doing these things. They’re doing like, ‘Here’s Man of Steel. Here’s Batman/Superman: Dawn of Justice.’ The next one is not like a sequel to one of the characters. They’re just going to keep building their universe for about five or six movies. But all of them…it’s supposed to tell one massive story, which is all Justice League oriented".

There's no confirmation on if this is what the studio is actually doing, but it would make sense to do it that way. It also is setting the franchise up as a much different beast than what Marvel is doing with their characters.

Via: Comic Book

Science Themed 90s POWER RANGER Throwback Short Film - SECONDARY EDUCATION


Here's a really entertaining Power Rangers inspired short that is described as a hybrid throwback to the educational after school specials of the 90s as well as the Japanese Tokusatsu genre. The short was directed Jon Truei, and it's fun film that I think a lot of you will really get a kick out of. Here's the plot summary that came with the video:

Three high school students are forced to make up a chemistry test during after school detention. Over the course of the afternoon, they discover that their Chemistry teacher, Eugene Yamamoto, has been leading a secret double life as a crime-fighting Power Ranger. When an escaped mutant lobster shows up in the hallways seeking revenge for his arrest at the hands of Mr. Yamamoto, they must use the science principles from the test that they failed to help him defeat it.

Enjoy the show!

New Details for TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2


HBO's True Detective was such an incredible series, and if you haven't watched it yet you need to get on that! You will not be disappointed. 

The second season is currently in development, and in a recent interview with the public radio program “To the Best of Our Knowledge," creator Nic Pizzolatto offered up some more details on what we can expect to see in the upcoming season. He said that there are three main characters in the story, and went on to explain,

"It takes place in California — not Los Angeles, but some of the much lesser known venues of California — and we’re going to try to capture a certain psychosphere ambiance of the place, much like we did in season one."

When talking about the characters he added:

"The characters are all new, but I’m deeply in love with each of them. We’ve got the entire series broken out with a couple of scripts, and we’ll probably start casting in earnest in the coming months."

Pizzolatto previously told HitFix that the next season would be about "hard women, bad men and the secret occult history of the United States transportation system."

I'm really looking forward to this, and I can't wait to see who they cast in the three lead roles. This sounds like it's shaping up to be another incredible season. 

Via: Variety



Humans aren't really big fans of the Transformers in Michael Bay's upcoming film Transformers: Age of Extinction. It's one of the reasons why the Autobots go into hiding. A new viral site for the movie has popped up called TransformersAreDangerous, and with it came these two propaganda style character posters denouncing the Autobots with the phrase, "Keep Earth Human." The movie is set to be released on June 27th, and I'm looking forward to it! 


Transformers, Avengers, Mega Man, and More by Artist Jin Yung Kim


Artist Jun Yung Kim has a broad portfolio of work. I've selected a few of his best pieces that feature The Transformers, Avengers, X-Men, Mega Man, The Power Rangers, X-Force, Proto Man, Dragonball Z, and Wolverine. His character models have real dimension to them which is why his work on The Transformers looks so great. He was taking commissions a year ago so if you like his style and want some original work by Kim you can find details here.

Jun Yung Kim — Artist Portfolio megatron_and_galvatron_by_geeshin-d7jvdvn.jpg

Is This Superman's New Costume Design for BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE?



An interesting photo has found its way onto the internet claiming to come from the set of Zack Snyder's Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. It looks like it could be a costume mold for the new Superman suit design. The style of it is pretty much in line with what we saw from the Batman suit, so the two suits look like they belong in the same DC universe. There's no confirmation of where this photo actually came from, or if it's really part of the movie, but it looks like it could be. I guess we'll know if it's real of not if the Warner Bros. legal team asks us to remove the photo of the suit. Either way, what do you think of the possible new design? 

HEMLOCK GROVE Season 2 - Two New Photos


Netflix has released two new photos from the second season of Eli Roth's supernatural horror series Hemlock Grove. They feature a few of the main cast members form the show including Famke Janssen, Bill Skarsgård, Landon Liboiron, Tiio Horn, and Madeline Brewer. I really like the setting and concept of this series, and it will be interesting to see where they take it in season two.

Hemlock Grove is a supernatural thriller which explores the strange happenings in a small Pennsylvania town. The show focuses on the unlikely friendship between the founding family's young heir, Roman Godfrey (Skarsgård), and gypsy newcomer and outsider, Peter Rumancek (Liboiron). Each holds a monstrous secret that has been unleashed. Season two continues with the town coming to grips with the shocking massacre incurred by one of its deadliest creatures. Roman and Peter are now faced with new responsibilities and the realities that come with adulthood. Roman’s relationship with his mother (Janssen) is all but dead as he struggles with his unwanted Upir birthright and the disappearance of his sister, Shelley (Madeleine Martin). Peter moves in with Destiny (Horn) and is forced to get a job after his mother is sent away. Meanwhile, in search of a new life, newcomer Miranda Cates (Brewer) embarks on Hemlock Grove with an unknowingly profound effect on Peter and Roman. And Norman (Dougray Scott), still reeling from the loss of his family, must face the harsh truths that are uncovered about those he still loves.

The second season premieres with ten episodes on Netflix on Friday, July 11th at 12:01 am PT.


Great Series of Superhero Art by J.C. GRANDE


This fantastic series of superhero art comes from artist J.C. Grande. He has such a cool style, and I like how switches that style up. Some of the illustrations are clean and crisp, while others have more of a grittiness to them. 

great-series-of-superhero-art-by-jc-grande1 great-series-of-superhero-art-by-jc-grande2 great-series-of-superhero-art-by-jc-grande3 great-series-of-superhero-art-by-jc-grande4 great-series-of-superhero-art-by-jc-grande5 great-series-of-superhero-art-by-jc-grande6 great-series-of-superhero-art-by-jc-grande6

Epic STAR WARS Fan Trailer "Legends" — The Extended Universe Books As Movies


This fan edited trailer, "Legends," by Marc Dominic Rienzo, was originally intended to be released in 2007 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Star Wars. It assumes the extended universe books as the basis for two new trilogies. Seven years later it's finally complete with a voiceover by the late Don Lafontaine. The trailer makes full use of all the video games and fan made movies over the last 7 years to create something truly epic.

From Marc Dominic Rienzo via Geeks Are Sexy:

Originally planned to be finished in 2007 for the Star Wars 30th Anniversary, this edit went uncompleted for years. Now with Episode VII coming out, it had seemed pointless to finish. But in honor of the great, late Don Lafontaine donlafontaine.com/ who provided an AMAZING voice over, I had to get this out there even though it’s a bit rough around the edges. I could not let “THE VOICE” go unheard. Many thanks to the creators of original fan film works who provided footage for this edit.

…and while I love the EU, I eagerly look forward to EPVII. I think they have the best of the best in place on it.

Disney/LucasFilm have said they will not be using the extended universe as canon for the new trilogy, but it's entirely possible that they will use characters and story elements. Just think of how Marvel and DC adapt things — they pull from multiple story arcs and character takes to make something both familiar and new for the cinema.

Hugh Jackman Wants To Continue To Play Wolverine!


Hugh Jackman has embodied the role of Wolverine for so long that it is hard to think of someone else playing that role. However, just like the role of James Bond, sometimes it is better give the character a change. 

Apparently, with the success of X-Men: Days of Future Past, it doesn’t sound like Jackman wants to put the claws away just yet. 

In an interview with Vulture, Jackman shared his thoughts about retiring from the role of Logan:

"I want to make sure that there's still more for me to create, that I'm still as passionate about and committed to it and that the movies are as good. As long as all that lines up, I don't see an end date yet.

"The truth is, right now, I would like to be able to continue playing it, but I probably have higher standards to get me there. There was never a knowledge that there was ever going to be seven movies and the whole thing moving forward. We just did one and then the other, and then people would have different directors and go, 'All right, that was that, but now we're doing this,' and no overall sense."

I have enjoyed Jackman’s portrayal of Wolverine. I think he has successfully tackled the physical and emotional complexities of the character, even when the films themselves haven’t always lived up to the caliber of his performances. I don’t envy whomever will have to follow in Jackman’s footsteps, or the casting director who will have to find the actor who can develop an intimidating enough physique, and can also portray the constant inner struggle going on in Wolverine’s head. On the flip side, I think that it would be refreshing to see someone else take on the role and possibly take the character somewhere that we haven’t seen.

Review: MALEFICENT Is Darkishly Heartwarming


Maleficent is set in two kingdoms — the Moors, a glittering land filled with fairies and pixies and gnomes and various magical creatures, and an ordinary kingdom of men. The two countries do not get along, but young Maleficent meets and befriends a poor but ambitious boy named Stefan. They meet frequently on the border of their two kingdoms, and their friendship blossoms into love. They grow up, Maleficent becomes the most powerful fairy in the land and the defender of the Moors, and Stefan becomes cravenly opportunistic. He betrays her to gain status, and she becomes everything she ever hated. But the story doesn’t end there. That’s just the setup. 

If you were expecting a Wuthering Heights style long form view of a villain’s revenge, you’re going to have to keep looking. This is a really lovely, heartwarming story that takes a few dark paths to get there. I enjoyed the movie, and I was moved by it, but it wasn’t what I thought it would be. Over the last week I have tried to imagine what the film I had wanted would look like, and I have only the vaguest ideas. But I do know that I wish the movie hadn’t made Maleficent just a woman scorned. Stefan’s betrayal was beyond the pale, but turning the gloriously rage-filled fairy into a woman seeking vengeance against her old lover felt a tiny bit like an abasement. 

There is an unrepentant villain in the movie, but that role goes to Sharlto Copley as the ambitious, deceitful, and, eventually, crazy Stefan. His decline from a bright, kind boy to an obsessive, hateful man is tragic. He achieves everything he ever dreamed of and never enjoys any of it. He would say that Maleficent robbed him of that chance, but he made his own terrible choices along the way. Copley plays crazy pretty well, and his retreat into obsessive anger and fear is outlandish but believable. 

Sam Riley is a necessary grounding presence as Diaval, the only character with a consistent moral code. Originally a crow, Maleficent saves him from certain death by turning him into a man. For that, he is extremely loyal to her without ever approving of her villainy. He is also saddled with all of the expository dialogue, constantly explaining what we’ve just seen, but Riley manages to wrap it all up into a coherent and even charming performance, which is no mean feat. He is also the first character to really love the young Aurora, although certainly not the last. The pixies gave Aurora the gift of grace and beauty and promised that she would be loved by all who knew her. Elle Fanning seems genetically engineered for the role. With her open face, wide eyes, and infectious smile, Fanning’s Aurora wins the love of everyone around her by loving them first. She is guileless and trusting and seemingly overjoyed by everything, without coming off as stupid. The only characters who seem immune to her charms are the pixies, who are tasked with hiding out and caring for her until after her 16th birthday. The pixies are the film’s comic relief, but as played by Imelda Staunton, Lesley Manville, and Juno Temple, they are also one of the film’s darkest elements. Unlike the warm and loving fairies of the cartoon, these fairies are stupid and petty and loveless and dangerously incompetent. 

And then, of course, there is Angelina Jolie. First, her costuming and makeup are flawless. Rick Baker gave her maybe the best red lip in cinematic history, and those cheekbones never cease to be terrifying. Her iconic high collar is rendered here in feathers, and it is amazing. Although, by the end of the movie she is wearing a leather catsuit, which was a little odd, but I decided to just go with it. I mean, why not put Jolie in a leather catsuit if you get the chance? But beyond her look, Jolie plays the part perfectly. Her character is in constant flux, first strong but innocent, then hurt and angry, then evil and unfeeling, then softening, and she hits all her notes. Maleficent is really just a showcase for her, and she puts on quite a show.

First time director Robert Stromberg delivers a visual feast for moviegoers. His background is in matte painting, VFX, and production design, so he is proved more than capable of bringing the film's fantastic elements to life. The glittering fairy land and the idyllic cottage in the woods where Aurora grows up are the places every little girl dreams of living. There is a battle scene near the beginning that features some of the most original creature designs I've ever seen, and the final fight in the castle, employing the anti-Maleficent artillery that Stefan has been building for years, is something to see. He is slightly less adept at managing the tone of the film — Stefan generally seems to be in a different movie — but even those flaws weren't jarring. 

In the end, Maleficent is a bit of a retcon, explaining how she wasn't a villain, not really, and if she was, it all worked out for everyone in the end, so we really shouldn't be too mad at her. It is lovely and warm and you will likely leave the theater feeling great, but part of me hopes that in ten years they reboot it and give us the dark, unapologetic, Maleficent-as-Heathcliff drama that is out there somewhere.

First Look at Animated BOOK OF LIFE Produced by Guillermo Del Toro


Guillermo del Toro has been working on a movie called Book of Life with FOX Animation. He is serving as a producer on the picture, and today we have our first look at the project they've been working on. 

The movie is being directed by Jorge R. Gutierrez. It stars Diego Luna as the lead character, Manolo, described as a young romantic who wants to pursue his passion for music, much to his family’s dismay. Channing Tatum and Zoe Saldana also star as Manolo’s childhood friends.

According to USA Today, the story focuses on "the romantic, strong-jawed Manolo, who has big problems besides the growing competition with his best friend. Manolo dreams of breaking away from his family's rich history of bullfighting to play the guitar, much to the dismay of his father, the world's greatest matador (Hector Elizondo) and super-macho grandfather (Danny Trejo)." The director also explains that "much of this is Manolo's magic journey. He has to come to terms with who he is."

Tatum talked about his character in an interview, saying,

"Manolo and my character Joaquin were best friends, we were all like the Three Musketeers. But craziness ensues as the gods wager. Things happen that people won't expect, I can guarantee that. It goes to a place of sour grapes and deep hurt to the point of losing their friendship. But friendship always wins. That's the message of this story: love and friendship and what you're willing to sacrifice for these ideas."

The animation seems to have a very unique style to it, and it's different from anything else that we've seen. I really like it, it's very fresh. The director went on to talk about pitching the story.

"I have been pitching the story and people have been saying, 'This is cool, but you're never going to get it made.' To other cultures it might seem dark, but the Day of the Dead is actually a very positive thing. It's about joyfully remembering the people no longer with us."

I'm sure we'll get a trailer in the near future, but right now I like what I'm hearing and seeing. I'm looking forward to seeing more! Check out the rest of the images below.


STAR WARS: Dog Costumes


If you've got a dog that loves Star Wars and costumes, then today you can make their day. If you have a friend who loves Star Wars and putting their dog in costumes, then today you can make their day. If you like Star Wars and like photos of dogs in costumes, then today is your day. If you don't like Star Wars or dog costumes, why did you click this post?

Most of these costumes are for sale at Spirit Halloween. Source:  The Telegraph News.

If you like dogs and Star Wars checkout this art collection.

Click Thumbnail to View Larger


GeekTyrant VS: X-Men Vs. Avengers - Who Would Win in a Fight?


GeekTyrant VS Episode 4 is here, and in this episode we debate over which superhero team would win in a battle… The X-Men or The Avengers.

If you're new to the series, each team has 60 seconds to make their argument. After they make their arguments they get another 60 seconds for a rebuttal. The most important thing about this is that there are no redos or reshoots. So if we have a brain fart and screw up, we have to suck it up and keep going.

This is just a fun group of geeky friends getting together and having a fun time talking about the things we love. Our host, Corrin Raush, was out of town again for this episode, so thanks to Jake Smith for filling in.

After you watch the episode, let us know which side you agree with in the comment section below, and please feel free to suggest any other topics we can battle over in future episodes!

I hope you enjoy the fourth episode of GeekTyrant VS! To watch our Captain America Vs. The Avengers episode, click here, for our Spider-Man 2 Vs. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 episode click here, and for our Godzilla Vs. Gipsy Danger episode click here.

Bill Murray Crashes Bachelor Party and Offers Advice


I've heard the legend of Bill Murray. That he will randomly show up and do something so amazing that when you tell your friends, no one will believe you. It's one thing to say, "Some random guy took a bite out of my sandwich." It's another to say, "Bill Murray grabbed my sandwich, took a huge bite and said 'good choice'. Then walked away." Well, just like the elusive Bigfoot, we now have blurry footage that proves Murray exists.

Deadspin received this video from someone at a bachelor party. According to the partygoers, Murray was spotted at the restaurant where the bachelor party was taking place. They sent him drinks, which he declined. Then they got brave and asked if he would say some things to the groom-to-be. Murray said "no thanks." Not too long after, Murray made a surprise appearance and departed some sage advice, not to the groom, but to all the single fellas in the room.

Murray has had an amazing career. I love the idea that he's out there blowing people's minds with relatively simple advice because it's Bill f@%& Murray doing it! Thnks to Daily Mail for the embed.

Carrie Fisher on Returning to STAR WARS 30 Years Later


It's been 30 years since Carrie Fisher has been a part of the Star Wars universe, and it's so cool that she's going to be involved with the franchise again with J.J Abrams' Star Wars: Episode VII. While talking to an audience during an appearance at the "Hay Festival of Literature and the Arts," she talked about her plan to get her character right this time, killing Jabba, and how she would much rather be playing Han Solo in the movie.

“I would rather have played Han Solo. When I first read the script I thought that's the part to be, always wry and sardonic. He's always that. I feel like a lot of the time Leia's either worried or pissed or, thank God, sort of snarky. But I'm much more worried and pissed than Han Solo ever was, and those aren't fun things to play."

Rumor has it that Han is going to have a big role in the new movie, which is one of the reasons why she thinks it would be so fun to play. Fisher goes on to talk about her experience killing off Jabba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi.

"I had a lot of fun killing Jabba the Hutt. They asked me on the day if I wanted to have a stunt double kill Jabba. No! That's the best time I ever had as an actor. And the only reason to go into acting is if you can kill a giant monster."

When asked about details on her character Leia in Star Wars: Episode VII, all she said was:

“I would get in trouble no matter how I answer that question,” she joked when asked for details, although she admitted that she wanted the famous bun hairdo back for the new movie. “I’ve begged them to put the hair back on in grey and just catch me cooking with the hair, like Granny Leia."

She concluded by saying that doing Episode VII will give her the chance to correct something about her original performance, and get the character right this time.

“We are doing it over again so I can get Princess Leia right this time. I think less British. I looked a little pretentious faking the accent. It was sort of a viral accent – it came and went.”

Whatever she does with the character this time around, I'm sure she'll be great! I'm confident that Abrams will pull the best performances from these actors that they can give.

Via: THR

Trailer for River Phoenix's Final Film DARK BLOOD


It's been over 20 years since River Phoenix passed away, and the last film that he shot, Dark Blood, is finally getting released. Lionsgate picked up the rights to the film and will be distributing if through VOD. 

The thriller was directed by George Sluizer, and the story follows a character played by Phoenix named Boy, "a young widower who retreats to the desert after his wife dies of radiation following nuclear tests near their home. Boy is waiting for the end of the world and carves Katchina dolls that supposedly contain magical powers. Harry (Jonathan Pryce) and Buffy (Judy Davis) travel to the desert on a second honeymoon in an attempt to save their marriage. Their Bentley breaks down in the middle of nowhere and the couple is rescued by Boy. Boy holds them prisoner because of his desire for the woman and his ambition to create a better world with her."

Phoenix died in the middle of the film's production in 1993. It was thought that the movie could not be completed. Years later Sluizer announced that he had hidden away some of the footage from the movie, and that he wanted to complete it. So with a little rewriting and some editing he was able to do that.

New Trailer for Sci-Fi Adventure Film EARTH TO ECHO


This is the third trailer to the fun-looking new family sci-fi film adventure Earth to Echo. I absolutely love the tone of this movie, and it seems like it has a really solid story. It seems like one of those classic movies that I grew up watching in the '80s, like E.T. or Explorers. Maybe it will be a classic for a new generation of kids! 

Tuck, Munch and Alex are a trio of inseparable friends whose lives are about to change. Their neighborhood is being destroyed by a highway construction project that is forcing their families to move away. But just two days before they must part ways, the boys begin receiving a strange series of signals on their phones. Convinced something bigger is going on, they team up with another school friend, Emma, and set out to look for the source of their phone signals.  What they discover is something beyond their wildest imaginations: a small alien who has become stranded on Earth. In need of their help, the four friends come together to protect the alien and help him find his way home. This journey, full of wonder and adventure, is their story, and their secret.

The movie is set to be released on July 2nd.

Princess Leia — Best of Cosplay Collection


No Star Wars "Slave Leia" in this "Best of Cosplay Collection," because it's overdone and often oversexualized. This collection focuses on the clothes Princess Leia chose to wear, not what she was forced to wear as entertainment for Jabba the Hutt. If you've got good cosplay, send it our way.

  Virchan  is Princess Leia — Photo by   Josemanchado

Virchan is Princess Leia — Photo by Josemanchado

  Riddel  is Princess Leia — Photo by  Benny Lee  — Concept by  Allison Sohn

Riddel is Princess Leia — Photo by Benny Lee — Concept by Allison Sohn

  Catharina is Princess Leia — Photo by   Snusmumrik  — Makeup by  Sølvi Strifeldt

Catharina is Princess Leia — Photo by Snusmumrik — Makeup by Sølvi Strifeldt

  Ivy95  is Priness Leia — Photo by  MC Illusion  — Based on Art by  RobDuenas

Ivy95 is Priness Leia — Photo by MC Illusion — Based on Art by RobDuenas

 Breckyn is Princess Leia — Photo by  Auburn Soul

Breckyn is Princess Leia — Photo by Auburn Soul

  Lady Lomax  is Princess Leia — Photo by  JohnnyHavoc

Lady Lomax is Princess Leia — Photo by JohnnyHavoc

  Catharina is Princess Leia — Photo by   Snusmumrik  — Makeup by  Sølvi Strifeldt

Catharina is Princess Leia — Photo by Snusmumrik — Makeup by Sølvi Strifeldt

  Aigue-Marine  is Princess Leia — Photo by  Ningyuan Sun  — Wig by  TheLupin

Aigue-Marine is Princess Leia — Photo by Ningyuan Sun — Wig by TheLupin

  Virchan  is Princess Leia — Photo by   Josemanchado

Virchan is Princess Leia — Photo by Josemanchado

  ArtfulAnarchy  is Princess Leia — Photo by  Wbmstr

ArtfulAnarchy is Princess Leia — Photo by Wbmstr

  Bria-Silivren  is Princess Leia

Bria-Silivren is Princess Leia

  Aigue-Marine  is Princess Leia — Photo by  Ningyuan Sun  — Wig by  TheLupin

Aigue-Marine is Princess Leia — Photo by Ningyuan Sun — Wig by TheLupin

  Thatbloodypirate  is Princess Leia — Photo by  Lisanders  — Hair by  YetAnotherCatGirl

Thatbloodypirate is Princess Leia — Photo by Lisanders — Hair by YetAnotherCatGirl

  Lady Lomax  is Princess Leia — Photo by  JohnnyHavoc  —  Speeder by Cinemastery Studios

Lady Lomax is Princess Leia — Photo by JohnnyHavoc — Speeder by Cinemastery Studios

  Riddel  is Princess Leia — Photo by  Benny Lee

Riddel is Princess Leia — Photo by Benny Lee

  Thatbloodypirate  is Princess Leia — Photo by  Lisanders  — Hair by  YetAnotherCatGirl

Thatbloodypirate is Princess Leia — Photo by Lisanders — Hair by YetAnotherCatGirl

  Riddel  is Princess Leia — Photo by  Benny Lee

Riddel is Princess Leia — Photo by Benny Lee

  Virchan  is Princess Leia — Photo by   Josemanchado

Virchan is Princess Leia — Photo by Josemanchado

View All — Best of Cosplay Collections

Full Promo Spot for Guillermo del Toro's THE STRAIN

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FX has released the first full promo spot for Guillermo del Toro's awesome looking new vampire series! The Strain is an adaptation of the book Del Toro developed and wrote with Chuck Hogan, and this trailer gives us our first real look at what this series has in store for us. It even provides a quick glimpse of one of the vampire creatures, and it looks pretty damn cool. 

The Strain is a high concept thriller from Academy Award® nominated Filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, author Chuck Hogan and writer/producer Carlton Cuse, which is based on the best-selling vampire novel trilogy of the same title written by del Toro and Hogan. It tells the story of “Dr. Ephraim Goodweather,” the head of the Center for Disease Control Canary Team in New York City. He and his team are called upon to investigate a mysterious viral outbreak with hallmarks of an ancient and evil strain of vampirism. As the strain spreads, Eph, his team and an assembly of everyday New Yorkers, wage war for the fate of humanity itself.

The Strain stars Corey Stoll, Mía Maestro, David Bradley, Natalie Brown, Kevin Durand, Jonathan Hyde, Sean Astin, Richard Sammel, Ben Hyland, Javier Botet, and Doug Jones. It's set to premiere on FX on July 13th, 2014.

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