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ANCIENT ALIENS Land on H2 - Enter To Win an HD Camera & Garmin Watch


Ancient Aliens premiered on H2 on Friday, February 17, and we have a great prize pack for one lucky winner! The show takes a look at the various alien sightings and phenomenons from around the world and is a really sweet show. 

The prize is valued at $340:

  • H2 Branded HD Camera
  • Garmin Watch

Here is how to enter:

1. Answer the following question in the comments below. The more creative you are, the better.

What would you do if you made contact with aliens? 

2. "Like" the comment submissions you think are the best!

3. Not a requirement, but feel free to follow us on - Twitter / Facebook / Google+ / GeekTyrant.TV

Entries accepted until Thursday, March 1. One (1) winner will be selected by GeekTyrant editors.

Here is a description of the show:

Through ancient religious texts, personal sightings and exquisitely constructed wonders come the belief by some that ancient astronauts once inhabited our world among, and pre-dating the existence of, human beings and that they will indeed come again.  In Season 4 of Ancient Aliens, H2 resumes the investigation of these curious marvels while questioning truth vs. phenomenon via 75 million years of the most credible alien evidence here on Earth as seen in a myriad of forms from biblical texts to massive stone ruins aligned in perfect Pythagorean sequence.

1.  THE MAYAN CONSPIRACY - Who were the Mayans?  And what happened to them?   Known by scientists and researchers as the most advanced early civilization in the western world - an examination of ancient Maya ruins, artifacts and hieroglyphs reveals astonishing new evidence of early contact with star travelers.

2.  THE DOOMSDAY PROPHECIES - Some interpreters of the infamous ancient Mayan calendar claim that world will come to an end on December 21, 2012.  Researchers examine the archeological evidence, as well as myths and legends of the Maya that suggest contact with sky gods and supernatural beings in the ancient past.  Did star beings influence the creation of the Maya calendar, and might this really be a warning of a future doomsday on Earth?

3.  THE GREYS - Who are the beings with big heads and giant eyes that seem to have been visiting our planet for millennia?   Known by researchers as the “greys,” these mysterious beings have been depicted in rock-art and carved stone figures throughout the ages and all over the world.  Who are they, what planet do they come from, and what do they want?

4.  ALIENS AND MEGA-DISASTERS  - There are numerous historical, religious and mythic accounts of ancient civilizations being wiped out by volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, and meteors.   Did god, or nature bring about such disasters?   Or is it possible that celestial beings had a hand in the ancient world’s catastrophic disasters?

5.  THE NASA CONNECTION - NASA scientists, former astronauts and secret government files all point to the conclusion that there has been contact with extraterrestrial life in the past.  Researchers examine this and other recent scientific evidence that may provide proof of alien contact in both the recent and ancient past.

6.  SECRETS OF THE PYRAMIDS - For thousands of years, pyramids were the largest structures on Earth.   The best known were constructed in Egypt and Central America, but others have been found all around the world, including in China, Africa and Indonesia. But what purpose did the pyramids serve? Researchers explore strange similarities between all pyramids, as well as the geographic, strategic and otherworldly connections between these mysterious monumental structures.

7.  ALIENS AND BIGFOOT - People on every continent have claimed to see the footprints of Bigfoot.  And ancient myths and legends speak of an ape-like giant stalking the earth.  What if, as Ancient Astronaut theorists believe, there is evidence to connect Bigfoot with an alien species that once visited Earth in the distant past?

8.   THE DA VINCI CONSPIRACY - Might an examination of Leonardo Da Vinci’s masterful paintings, highly technical hand-drawn sketches, and private journals reveal knowledge of otherworldly technology and extraterrestrial beings?

9.  THE TIME TRAVELERS  - Is it possible that sightings of alien beings or UFOs may actually be evidence of time travelers from the future?  And might ancient astronauts actually be time travelers from our future?  Scientists explore the theoretical possibility of time travel.  How can it be achieved?  And what might people from 10,000 years in the future look like?  

10.   ALIENS AND DINOSAURS - Angkor Wat, Cambodia, is the world’s largest ancient religious temple.  Within its megalithic ruins, researches have discovered a depiction of a species of dinosaur – a stegosaurus.  But how could the ancients have had knowledge of animals that mainstream science says died out billions of years ago?   Why are dinosaurs extinct?   Did an alien race of beings kill off the dinosaurs to make room for humankind?

11.  THE LOST ALIEN CITY OF PUMA PUNKU - At nearly 14,000 years old, the ruins of Puma Punku are the oldest and most baffling on the face of the Earth.  No one knows who designed and built this complex of sophisticated inter-locking blocks, and then vanished.  Researchers investigate the ruins on-location in Peru and present new computer analyses.  Forensic evidence on the ground, together with local myths and legends, suggest this site may have been designed and even once inhabited by a species of extraterrestrials.

12.  ALIENS AND COVERUPS - In 1980, two young military men were sent into a UK forest to investigate strange lights. They reportedly encountered a space craft of unknown origin.  When one of the men touched it, he claims to have received telepathically a long sequence of binary code, which he later wrote down and translated.  The military ordered them to never speak about the incident.  Why do such UFO encounters continue to be kept under wraps, and what might they reveal about our ancient past?

13.  ALIENS AND ELECTRICITY - Egyptian hieroglyphs depict the use of light bulbs in tombs and secret chambers.  And batteries may have been discovered among artifacts from Mesopotamia.  Did the Ancients understand electricity, and if so, how did they discover this technology?  Might they have had help from extraterrestrials?  

14.  THE EINSTEIN FACTOR  - Was Albert Einstein a genius?  Or was he superhuman?  Was his genius ‘of this world,’ or was it ‘otherworldly?’  Is it possible, as Ancient Astronaut theorists believe, of an extraterrestrial connection to the scientific genius of famous historical figures such as Albert Einstein, Galileo, Archimedes, and Aristotle?  

15.  DESTINATION ORION - Why were ancient civilizations around the world so focused on the Orion constellation?  While scientists site many earthly connections, researchers suggest this point in the night sky may have been a so-called Stargate, or entry point, for alien life forms.   If extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth for thousands of years, might they have originated from the Orion Nebula?

The show airs on H2 at 9pm on Fridays. Check out their new Facebook App, which allows fans to decipher the Ancient Aliens Code for a chance to win $10k in addition to customizing their own crop circle by uploading a picture.

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