MGM may have found its Robocop lead. According to Deadline, Joel Kinnaman has been offered the title role in the remake set to be directed by Jose Padilha (Elite Squad). Kinnaman is a great actor that I've enjoyed watching in AMC's TV series The Killing, but he also had a role in the recent Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds film Safe House, which I haven't seen yet. He will take on the role that was originally played by Peter Weller in the classic 1987 movie.
Here's what Padilha had to say about his plans of the remake in a previous interview,
Wars in the future are going to be fought with drones. We won’t send a plane with a pilot in, it will be drone. It’s getting that way now and ten years from now that’s how wars are going to be fought. But what if a drone goes wrong – who is to blame then? Do you blame the drone? And that problem asks if you can you consider a robot guilty of a crime. Or is it the corporation that made the robot that is guilty? How do you fight back against drones when you don’t have drones?
I think Kinnaman is a solid choice for the role. He seems like he could easily pull off a badass robot cop. What are your thoughts on this casting decision?
Source: Deadline (