Friday Night Lights star Kyle Chandler is the latest actor to join director Kathryn Bigelow's (The Hurt Locker) new film based on SEAL Team 6's successful hunt for Osama Bin Laden. The movie will tell the story of how the team took out the Al-Qaeda leader last year during a covert mission.
According to Deadline, Chandler will be taking on the role of a CIA agent. The actor joins the previously announced cast of Joel Edgerton, Jason Clarke, Chris Pratt, Jessica Chastain, Mark Strong, and Edgar Ramirez. The script for the film is complete, and it's set to be released on December 19th, 2012.
This film is bring together a fantastic cast, and it's good to see Chandler landing another solid role. He most recently starred in J.J. Abrams' Super 8, and it looks like he'll end up reprising his role as Coach Taylor in a new Friday Night Lights movie.
I'm really hoping this movie turns out to be good and as accurate as it can be... for a Hollywood movie. We all know how Hollywood likes to embellish things. Do you think Bigelow will get the details of this historical event right?