So here's a little tidbit of movie trivia that you can share with your friends. Nicolas Cage was pretty damn close to actually playing Scarecrow in Batman. Not Christopher Nolan's Batman! Nolan has better taste than that! No, it was director Joel Schumacher who asked him to play Scarecrow in another version of Batman that he thankfully didn't get to make. The movie would have been called Batman Triumphant and there's no doubt it would have sucked. Cage revealed this little bit of new during an interview with MTV,
He said he was going to do another installment of 'Batman' and that he'd like me to play Scarecrow, which would have been a lot of fun. I must admit [it would have been fun], especially with Joel, because he and I share a similar sense of humor.
Cage and Schumacher making a Batman movie together? I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am that we dodged that bullet. I was never a big fan of Schmacher's Batman films, they were just silly as hell. As time goes on they just seem to get worse and worse. It's hard for me to even imagine how Cage would have played this villain.
Cage goes on to to say to the following about Nolan's movies, "I think he is genuinely philosophical and the dialogue that emanated from Heath Ledger was brilliant," and then shares his thoughts the tone of comic books today,
There is room for all kinds I think unfortunately we are living in dark times. And sometimes you need to have heroes that can reflect that. So Ghost Rider is perfect for that. Comic Books are a uniquely American invention that have touched the world now with cinema. And what they are is nothing more than ancient Greek myths Norse mythology, or Grim Fairy tales. They kind of give people and identity to embrace themselves to get them through life.
What do you think about Cage playing Scarecrow in this unproduced Batman film? You can watch Cage's video interview below.
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Source: MTV (