Now that M. Night Shyamalan has joined Twitter we will hopefully get some nice updates about One Thousand A.E. that stars Will and Jaden Smith. The film focuses on what happens when “a young boy and his father’s spaceship crash lands on Earth one thousand years after humans abandoned it.” Shyamalan twteeted that he is nine weeks away from shooting and announced that the film is now titled After Earth.
Here are some of his tweets:
Here are some of his tweets:
I draw out every shot on my films. Just finished the second pass of them for After Earth. 676 shots! Four months of work.
9 weeks out from shooting After Earth. Looking at paintings/photos to find the tone of the film. Andrew Wyeth paintings always inspire me.
Just had a great chat with @MNightShyamalan about how pre-production is coming along on AFTER EARTH. Sounds fantastic, can’t wait to see it!
Source: /Film (http://www.slashfilm.com/night-shyamalans-jaden-smith-movie-retitled-earth/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+slashfilm+%28%2FFilm%29)