Here's a couple of images from the new Frankenweenie short film called Captain Sparky Vs. the Flying Saucers. As you saw in the film, young Victor wants to be a filmmaker, so this is kind of a movie within a movie, it's a film Victor would have made if he was real. The short will be a part of the special features on Frankenweenie‘s Blu-ray/DVD release. The story focuses on Sparky’s attempts to save the world from an alien invasion.
The short was directed by Frankenweenie animation supervisor Mark Waring, and written by Frankenweenie co-producer Derek Frey. Waring talks about the film in an interview with USA Today saying,
In the short, there are a few sections of (Victor) trying to very early use stop-frame technique. The whole thing's stop-frame, so how do you make it look more stop-frame than it actually is.
The key was to add in aspects like the "camera" being knocked around, showing mistakes like hands getting in the frame, having flying saucers appear with strings on them and the occasional jumps and bumps — "all of those things to get the sense of how that would actually be if you made the film as a kid."
Mr. Whisker's will also play a part in the short, and Waring talked about this insane looking cat as well saying,
Nobody had really thought about how that would actually work. Then when we made him and stuck him on set, it was instantly a lift for everybody. It was this insane character with these mad, stare-y eyes who just meowed.
I really enjoyed Frankenweenie and I'm sure this will be a fun short. I also wouldn't mind seeing a sequel somewhere down the line. I guess it's not out of the question, the director of the short added,
Everything's in place. There's a whole world waiting. If there's any chance of a Frankenweenie 2, I'm sure everybody would love it.
The DVD/Blu-ray is set to be released on January 8th, 2013! Are you open to seeing a Frankenweenie sequel?