The long-planned adaptation of Hack/Slash has finally found a director. Heat Vision reports that Marcus Nispel (Conan the Barbarian) has signed on to direct the film. The project is based on the horror comic series created by Tim Seeley and Stefano Caselli.
The story follows "the adventures of Hack, a young woman who travels to small towns across the country hunting slashers." Alexandra Milchan, Adrian Askarieh, and Daniel Alter are producing the Relativity project. Fredrik Bond was previously attached to direct.
Nispel is currenlty developing a horror film titled Blackmash. He is known for directing such film as, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Pathfinder, and Friday the 13th. I think Nispel is a perfect fit for this project and am interested to see what he does with it.
What are your thoughts on this news?