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DJANGO UNCHAINED On Christmas: What Does It Mean?!


In moves within the industry I can't help but speculate on, I have to ask...why is Django Unchained being released on Christmas? Don't get me wrong, it's not like this is a particuarly new event, but when a high profile movie I have been following for awhile gets a release date like this I have to wonder. By the way here's a list from Box Office Mojo of the top performing Christmas Day movies to get your wheels turning.

Keep in mind that Quentin Tarantino's last film, Inglourious Basterds (which opened August 21, 2009), brought in over $38 million its openeing weekend...a full $13 Million over Sherlock Holmes which tops the list. Granted Tarantino isn't the reigning champ when it comes to theatrical releases as the Kill Bill series is the only one to come close to the top of that list after that. I guess the point I'm making is that Tarantino has the kind of name to draw people to theaters on his own, so why Christmas? 

You have Jack Reacher and This is 40 coming out the 21st...and it's not like the early reviews have been bad or anything...WHY CHRISTMAS?!

Christmas is not even close to the best holiday to release when put up against Thanksgiving, although it seems to give a moderate boost to movies that might not have gotten one otherwise. Let's not forget that we aren't talking about the most holiday friendly movie out there, although that seems to be true to most films on the list.

Perhaps it was some advance movement against The Hobbit...maybe not. This one is really just a head scratcher for me. Is there a reason?! Someone throw me a bone here.

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