"It 'bee'gins"
Bees. One of the most efficient societies on Earth. Working diligently day in and day out, they collect nectar to create honey to protect their queen and the proverbial "hive" from starvation during the winter months.
All was well until 2006, when beekeepers in America witnessed their long maintained beehives being abandoned. The phenomena was coined Colony Collapse Disorder or CCD.
In an unbeelievable discovery, scientists think they have beegun to discover why CCD happens to hives. ZOMBEES!
You heard right, not only do they work better in groups, but they also managed to have a zombie apocalypse before us! Ain't that a beetch?
It starts with bees who wander too far from the hive becoming infected with the eggs of a certain species of fly.
After having the eggs injected into it's abdomen (brutal) the bees then wander towards bright lights and congregate in large groups with no real sense of direction, never to return to the hive.
No there isn't any crazy wing eating or cannibalism...but after witnessing a hamster birth gone wrong as a child...you should be thankful we only got 2/3 zombie traits here.
So if we can mirror this in the real world...our zombie apocalypse happens after the alien invasion?! Sounds awesomely horrifying. My heart goes out to you bees.
Email Me: MickJoest@Geektyrant.com Twitter: @MickJoest
Source: Technorati (http://technorati.com/lifestyle/article/zombies-may-be-the-reason-for/)