Before Lionsgate chose Gary Ross to direct the big screen adaptation of Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games, Mortal Kombat: Legacy director Kevin Tancharoen created a very cool looking video pitch to try and get the gig himself. The pitch, which comes from /Film, shows us a very different vision of the story, that has heavier sci-fi and violent elements than the film Ross ended up making.
The video pitch uses several different scenes from several different movies that shows you what kind of tone the filmmaker is going for. Just like what Joe Carnahan created for Daredevil. This is a great way to pitch movie ideas to studios, along with comic book style pitches. They give people a visual sense of the story being told, and people like to see cool visuals!
It would have been interesting to see Tancharoen's Hunger Games movie, but it's hard to tell if it would have been a better adaptation or not. Check out the video pitch below and let us know if you would have preferred to see Tancharoen's vision of the movie!