Disney has released the first film clip for Pixar's newest Toy Story short film Partysaurus Rex. In the short Bonnie takes Rex into the bathtub with her where he "encounters a sad lot of rub-a-dub-dub cohorts." The clip shows Rex starting a party with his new found bathtub friends after the water in the bath is drained.
Here's the synopsis:
As the only available toy with limbs, Rex puts his tiny arms to good use by turning on the water and getting the party going for those dried-out toys on his own – which leads to a sort of bubble-filled rave, complete with glow-in-the-dark toys making disco lights under an overturned colander and dance music by Grammy-nominated electronica musician BT.
Partysaurus Rex will be shown with Finding Nemo 3-D on September 14th. Checkout the clip and let us know if you're looking forward to seeing a new crazy side of the timid Rex as he becomes the life of the party.
Source: RopesofSilicon (http://www.ropeofsilicon.com/sneak-peek-clip-from-new-toy-story-toon-partysaurus-rex/)