Last year is was announced that Warner Bros. was looking to reboot a feature film version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and fans didn't seem very happy about it. Well, I'm happy to tell you that it doesn't look like that Buffy reboot is going to happen anytime soon.
The studio ended up hiring first time screenwriter Whit Anderson to take on the script, and according inside sources the studio wasn't really happy with the script she turned in. LA Times reports that Anderson "fell far short of expectations and, in the end, was rejected completely."
Ouch, for a first time screenwriter that would be incredibly discouraging to hear, and a massive blow to her self esteem. The studio is now out looking for another writer, but according to the source the project may have lost it's steam. Producers also have a fear of the fans, and the fact most of them were pissed off when they heard about the reboot in the first place. The source went on to say,
If you’re going to bring it back, you have to do it right. [Anderson] came in with some great ideas and she had reinvented some of the lore, and it was pretty cool but in the end there just wasn’t enough on the page.
The fact that Joss Whedon will have nothing to do with this reboot gives me no confidence or excitement in a Buffy reboot. Whedon himself wasn't happy with the idea and he expressed his feeling in a statement he made last November,
This is a sad, sad reflection on our times. when people must feed off the carcasses of beloved stories from their youths — just because they can’t think of an original idea of their own, like I did with my Avengers idea that I made up myself.
The studio should just let this one go. What do you think?
Source: Hero Complex (