This new game from Ubisoft, Watch Dogs, came out of nowhere! I never expected Ubisoft to come up with something like this, but they did, and it looks awesome! The publisher revealed a great trailer for the game, and then showed some crazy cool gameplay footage. Not only does the game look great, but the story and content gives us something to really think about. So what exactly is Watch Dogs?
Watch Dogs is set in Chicago, where players take control of a hacker named Aiden Pearce. Aiden uses (and hacks into) the interconnected information networks to make the modern world's electronic and computerized devices work to his advantage -- a "technomancer."
Using his abilities, he goes about locating and eradicating his enemies by lethal means, including use of jamming technology that can disable cell phones and even cause traffic accidents.
Jonathan Morin, Creative Director at Ubisoft, said in a statement:
Watch Dogs goes beyond the limits of today's open-world games by giving players the ability to control an entire city. In Watch Dogs, anything connected to the city's Central Operating System becomes a weapon. By pushing the boundaries, we can provide players with action and access to information on a scale that's never been seen in a video game before.
This game is going to be pretty epic. I love the concept, and it's a game I'm definitely excited about getting my hands on. Watch the trailer and gameplay demo, and let us know what you think of the game and what it entails! As of right now I'm still not sure what consols the game will be available on.
Source: IGN (