I thought John Carter was a great movie, unfortunately it didn't do very well at the box office due to several marketing brain farts. It could have done a lot better than it did.
Disney has released the original opening sequence for the film, which ended up being one of the biggest reshoots that Andrew Stanton did. This original opening features Lynn Collins as Princess Dejah Thoris giving a lecture about the state of the Barsoomian wars, but apparently the Pixar Brain Trust was “confused by the film’s beginning... and they found her arch and stony.” You can read more about that interesting conversation here. Personally, I like this opening sequence better than the one that was used in the film. I think it does a better job of establishing these characters, and Collin's character comes off being a little stronger. She comes off unconfident in the scenes that were reshot and put in the movie.
Check out the original opening below, and let us know if you like it better than the opening we got. I also just want to point out that the special effects are not completed in the clip so there's a lot of green screen action.
Source: EW (http://insidemovies.ew.com/2012/05/31/john-carter-original-opening/)