Disney has officially announced their new 2013 animated feature holiday film Frozen, which was previously titled The Snow Queen. Apparently when Frozen was first announced today the trades thought it was the title of a new film Pixar is developing about Dinosaurs which is currently called The Untitled Pixar Movie About Dinosaurs. That is not the case though.
The movie will be a CG animated film, and it will be released in 3D. This story is something Disney has been trying to get off the ground for some time now. Frozen will be a big screen adaptation of Hans Christian Anderson’s story The Snow Queen. This report was confirmed by Bleeding Cool.
The original story follows Gerda and Kay who are the best of friends. "They live across an alley from each other and happily chat, play, and tend their lovely rose garden. The children are happy until tragedy strikes Kay. His eye and heart are pierced with fragments of a mirror, and the loving boy Gerda knew vanishes. The Snow Queen has put him under her spell and taken him to her palace of snow and ice. It is up to Gerda to find him and bring him home to the love that awaits him."
The movie is scheduled for November 27th 2013, which will push Pixar's Dinosaur movie into another date. The image you see above is actually some very early concept art for the film. This is a great story that should make for a great film. What are your thoughts on it?