Here's a awesome collection of classic Disney movie characters with a fun Steampunk upgrade. This art series was created by Deviant Art artist MecaniqueFairy, and apparently there's a little argument on weather or not the design is actually steampunk. The art is obviously inspired by steampunk, but here's a note from the artist explaining things...
Recently I received a note telling me that my disney steampunk should not bear the term "steampunk", because steampunk is first and above all the concept of steam power to achieve modern levels of technology, not corsets, gears and goggles.
I apologize to those I have insulted when I calling my fanarts Steampunk, but personally I love them! Maybe my costumes are not 100% steam power, but they are largely inspired by this style. I believe there are hundreds of ways to interpret a style and my disney fanarts are my interpretation of steampunk.
But again I respect and love any other interpretation of this wonderful style, that I find beautiful and I don't want to offend anyone.
Just let the artist be. It sucks that the artist has to defend the style of her work from internet trolls. If she say's it was inspired by steampunk then the art is steampunk, hell it looks like steampunk to me! Check out the art collection below and tell us what you think!