The Sam Raimi-produced Evil Dead remake is on the way, and "Suburgatory" star Jane Levy has replaced Lily Collins as the female lead. We know that Bruce Campbell is producing, Fede Alvarez is directing, and Diablo Cody is doing revisions on the script, but we haven't really heard much else about the project up until now.
In an interview with The Marin Independent Journal, Levy spoke a bit about her role and what kinds of things we can expect from her character.
For a while, whenever I was asked what my dream role would be, my answer was always to play a killer or a psychopath. I get to do that in this movie, although I'll be possessed while I destroy my victims. So basically, it's a perfect job...
I really wanted to work on "Evil Dead" because of how different it is from "Suburgatory." I guess that's my main goal in this industry, to work on different stuff and to play a wide range of characters. That process of creating a new person is so fun for me. I love the initial makeup/hair tests before the start of a new job; I'm always campaigning for a new hair color or length, anything to look as different as possible.
This role also intrigued me because of how much I will learn, mostly technical stuff like special effects. That's fascinating to me. I had to get my body "casted" for this role so they can make me prosthetics. That process entailed getting your whole body covered in green goo, like the stuff they put in your mouth for a tooth casting, and then being papier-mâchéd. It was the coolest thing ever.
Check out the full interview for more information, but I'm happy that it sounds like these filmmakers are still looking for practical effects as opposed to relying too heavily on CGI here. I realize that's a boring stance to take - you've probably heard every geek ever say this exact same thing - but the reason it's such a common statement is because practical effects really do have a visceral impact on screen. Look no further than the 2011 prequel/remake of The Thing for an example of modern movie mentality winning out over what made the original such a timeless classic. Sounds like the 22-year-old actress will learn a lot on this project, and I look forward to seeing how this one differs from Raimi's original films.
If you haven't listened to it yet, check out The Not Just New Movies Podcast episode about The Evil Dead and Evil Dead II, and subscribe to the show on iTunes by searching for "GeekTyrant - NJNM" in the iTunes store. Are you looking forward to the Evil Dead remake?