A hilarious red-band trailer has been released for the Jason Segel and Emily Blunt comedy The Five Year Engagement. The movie focuses on what happens when an engaged couple keeps getting tripped up on the long walk down the aisle. For those of you who have been engaged you know how crazy that stretch of time can be; between the engagement and the wedding. I'm sure you've all got stories, unless it was a very smooth and uneventful ride.
The movie was directed by Nicholas Stoller (Get Him to the Greek and Forgetting Sarah Marshall) and also stars Chris Pratt, Alison Brie, Mindy Kaling, Jackie Weaver and Rhys Ifans. The movie was produced by Judd Apatow, and the screenplay was co-written by Segel and Stoller.
I've enjoyed all of the films that these guys have made together, and judging from this trailer, the movie looks pretty damn funny, so bring on the entertainment and laughs! The movie comes out on April 27th, 2012.