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SIN CITY 2 Casting News - Mickey Rourke, Michael Madsen and Rosario Dawson


Director Robert Rodriguez is gearing up to shoot the long awaited sequel to Sin City and today news has hit that Mickey Rourke, Michael Madsen and Rosario Dawson will all be back to reprise their roles in Sin City: A Dame to Kill. Rodriguez talked about the casting with MTV in which he said,

[Rourke is] all excited to come back, but he's probably the first one. I saw Rosario [Dawson] too. I ran into her for something else, and she's pumped. They've always been excited about doing another one, so that will be fun.

I imagine he'll end up getting everyone he wants back for the sequel if he wants them. Well, everyone except for maybe Clive Owen. His character Dwight McCarthy plays a big role in the story, but it's possible that another actor might step in to the role. I hope he comes back for it, but as of a few months ago it didn't sound like he'd been clued in on what's going on with the film saying,

Listen, I had a fantastic time with [Rodriguez] on that movie. I thought the movie was seriously groundbreaking. I'm a big fan of it as a movie. So yeah, of course I would be interested in doing it — but I really don't know what the state of it is. 

Maybe since then Rodriguez has talked to him, but it would be a shame if they weren't able to work something out. We still aren't sure what movie the filmmaker plans to direct first, Machete Kills or Sin City 2. Bloody-Disgusting does report that Jessica Alba and Michelle Rodriguez are both in talks to reprise their roles from the Mechete.

It will be fun to see the sequels for these films. With Rodriguez we at least know we'll be entertained with some over the top craziness. Which of the two sequels are you more excited about?


Source: MTV (http://splashpage.mtv.com/2012/04/19/mickey-rourke-rosario-dawson-sin-city-2/)

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