We recently got an enthusiastic letter from international reader Gergő Szilágyi. Gergő saw our post earlier in the week about the zombie shopping mall and hurriedly typed out an email to us with a request. His request? To be a zombie in the mall. You can read his full letter below.
My name is Szilágyi Gergő.
I just want to know, is it possible to work someday as a zombie?
I love to dress and act like one of them.
I go to zombiewalks, i dress up only as a zombie around halloween.
I don't want to do this for the money, i just want to work and live in the UK.
Right now i'm trying to imagine what a zombie needs, but trust me i think i have all the requriements. I'm fast because i don't use public transport, only my bike, my best run was around 150km, i'm fast and my stamina is good.
I have no health issues.
Not long ago i've got my health checked by a doctor and she said everything is perfect.
I don't mind to shout or growl all day long, this job would be perfect for me, kinda like a dream job.
I used to work more than 8 hours a day and i don't mind even the night hours.
What else do you need?
Our hope is to get the attention at the folks at wish.co.uk, who specializes in life changing experience days. Personally, I don't know how they can say no. He's dedicated, reguarly attends zombie walks, doesn't mind growling and shouting all day long, and is offering his services absolutely free, if they can get him to Britain. Hopefully you guys can help us out by spreading the word and making a fellow Geektyrant's dream come true. How can you help exactly? They got a customer service number you can call at...
020 8275 5256
Just hit them up and say, "I'M A GEEKTYRANT AND I WANT Gergő Szilágyi TO BE A MALL ZOMBIE!" For those of you shy at phone conversation, just copy and paste the above message to their online chat message system here. Just so you know, we will be doing this, and we expect you to too! Have at it, and let's make it happen! Also here's some more photos of Gergő in brain eater mode below!
Email Me: MickJoest@Geektyrant.com Twitter: @MickJoest