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THE AVENGERS - New 'Head Count' Film Clip and Featurette


Do you need another Avengers hit to help get you through the day? Marvel has released a new film clip showing the full interaction between Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston) when Stark utters one of our favorite lines from the trailers... "We have a Hulk." The clip is great and shows a fun yet intense interaction between the hero and villain. The tension in the clip builds up to something that is about to happen, by the end it looks like someone is going to get hurt. Check it out and there's a list of things below pointing out a few interesting things revealed in the clip.

MTV points out five things in this short clip to help get you thinking, and start a discussion. Look them over and let us know what you think!

Tony Stark Owns One T-Shirt
Either that, or not a lot of time has passed between this scene and the time Tony zinged Cap with that "billionaire playboy philanthropist" line from the original "Avengers" trailer. Stark's still wearing that Black Sabbath shirt, which suggests that not much time has passed since his heated argument with Cap on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Hellicarrier. That's kind of interesting, considering that…

Tony Stark Hearts Steve Rogers
The plain-clothes Iron Man professes that Captain America is a living legend who lives up to the hype, tipping his hand a bit in the process. Even if he's giving the time-displaced super soldier a hard time at certain points in "The Avengers," Stark has lots of respect for the man. So, if only a short period of time has passed between their earlier argument and the Tony-Loki scene, then something huge must have happened between then and now to turn Tony's opinion on Steve.

Loki's Making People Angry
This isn't much of a surprise, is it? It's already been revealed that Loki has scenes with every single Avengers, so it's not a big shock to learn that he's going around pissing off Earth's mightiest heroes. But based on the conversation, Tony seems to be the final stop on Loki's "Make Avengers Angry" tour. It sounds as though Loki's plan to ruffle everyone's feathers is already well underway, if not close to completion.

Hulk's Gone Rogue
In fact, Loki's annoy-everything-that-moves strategy seems to have pushed Bruce Banner and his mean, green alter-ego off the map entirely. The trickster makes an offhanded comment about "the beast" fleeing the coop, leaving us wondering: where the hell is Hulk and what the hell happened to him?

Someone's About To Get Their Ass Kicked
You don't need to have expertise in body language to see that Loki is itching to knock Tony's block off. And you don't need to understand how hi-tech weapons work to realize that those aren't Tiffany's bracelets that Tony's slipping on. One of these guys is about to get a face-full of pain, it's just a matter of which one.

Here's the featurette that includes interviews with the cast and director Joss Whedon as they discuss the film, story and characters. 

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