NBC recently announced that they would be releasing a Community animated short in three parts. The short is called Abed's Master Key, and today they released the first episode. The whole cast of the show will be lending their voices to the characters.
The first part of the series basically shows the study group getting used to their animated bodies. Dean Pelton (Jim Rash) comes in to deliver an important mission to Abed (Danny Pudi). The second episode of the series will premiere later on today, and the conclusion is set to debut on Friday. Community is coming back March 15 at 8 p.m. Enjoy the first part of the short below!
Here's the synopsis:
In the three-part sequence of "Abed's Master Key," Dean Pelton hires Abed as his temporary assistant. Entrusted with a Greendale Master Key, Abed abuses his power to help his friends, and after Britta confronts Abed, she heads down the same dark path.