Apple head Tim Cook introduced the new iPad device, saying, "the iPad is the poster-child of the post-PC world.” This new iPad HD (no official name was revealed) is taking tablet technology to a whole new level, leaving all other tablet devices in the dust. The third iPad being released sounds freakin' incredible! It was officially announced today, and it includes a ton of great features including a "retina display," 4G LTE internet, as well as the addition of Apple's new virtual assistant Siri. It will be available on March 16th, and pre-orders start today.
The prices for the new iPad HD are as follows - $499, $599, and $699 for 16, 32, and 64GB. $629, $729, and $829 with 4G. Now here's a list of details about the new iPad HD:
- "Retina display" Much higher definition that previous display. 264 pixels per inch, better than 1080p, according to Apple. Better color saturation. Color saturation improved by 44 percent. "Until you see it you can't understand how amazing it is... To this day no-one has yet matched that display technology." It's 2048 x 1536. That's 3.1 million pixels. "The most ever in a mobile device."
- iSight Camera: 5-megapixel backside illuminated sensor on the back, 5-element lens, IR filter, and ISP built into ?the A5X chip. 1080p Video capable with built-in stabilization.
- Voice Dictation: This new iPad feature allows you to instantly record your voice, and yes, that means Siri.
- 4G LTE capable: AT&T, Verizon, Rogers, Bell, and Telus will be LTE parnters. LTE speeds up to 73Mbps.
- World 3G: According to Cook, whichever carrier you use, you can "roam anywhere? around the world."
- Speed: New iPad now has 21Mbps HSPA+ and DC-HSDPA at 42Mbps, with LTE taking the cake at 73Mbps. "Performance is amazing and you're going to love using it on these new high-speed networks."
- Battery: 10 hours of battery life still! 9 hours on 4G!
Cook also boasted that “We’ve sold almost 15.5 million iPads last quarter alone. We sold more iPads in the last quarter alone than any PC manufacturer sold in their entire line.”
Cook also said that the iPad is a "favorite for gamers," with many perfering it to consoles, which is going to be huge for the gaming industry. And the gaming on the iPad HD sounds like it going to be incredible. They showed a demo that apparently blew people away.
I can't wait to eventually get my hands on this! Will you be buying yourself an iPad HD?