The Weinstein Company has released the official trailer to their documentary Bully, which the MPAA slapped with an R-rating for crude language basically because it shows the way kids talk these days. The Weinstein Company is currently in a battle to try to get a PG-13 rating, so that the film can be shown in schools to show people that bulling is a very real and very big problem.
To help overturn the R-rating there is a petition with over 200,000 signatures that will be hand delivered to the MPAA by 17-year old Katy Butler of Michigan. She is coming to LA to present the 26,000 page petition she organized on Wednesday. Hopefully that gets the MPAA's attention.
I hate bullying. I'll admit... I was bullied in school, and I've even been bullied in previous jobs that I've had. I have a daughter in Jr. High that has been bullied, and it's just a terrible thing that I wish we could put a stop to.
Here's the synopsis:
Directed by Sundance and Emmy-award winning filmmaker, Lee Hirsch, The Bully Project is a beautifully cinematic, character-driven documentary. At its heart are those with huge stakes in this issue whose stories each represent a different facet of Americas bullying crisis. The Bully Project follows five kids and families over the course of a school year. Stories include two families who have lost children to suicide and a mother awaiting the fate of her 14-year-old daughter who has been incarcerated after bringing a gun on her school bus. With an intimate glimpse into homes, classrooms, cafeterias and principals offices, the film offers insight into the often cruel world of the lives of bullied children. As teachers, administrators, kids and parents struggle to find answers, The Bully Project examines the dire consequences of bullying through the testimony of strong and courageous youth. Through the power of their stories, the film aims to be a catalyst for change in the way we deal with bullying as parents, teachers, children and society as a whole.
The doc will be released in theaters on March 30th, 2012. Watch the trailer below and tell us what you think.
Source: The Wrap (
Source: Apple (