The beautiful Mila Kunis is set to star in an interesting R-rated stop-motion animated comedy called Hell and Back. The story follows a couple of friends who have to rescue another friend that was accidentally dragged down to hell.
Deadline reports that Kunis will play a "female demon whose ability to navigate the underworld makes her the toughest rogue demon in Hell. Her independent streak comes from the fact she’s half human. She was sired by the Orpheus of myth when he traveled down the River Styx, nailing everything in sight." Sounds like a fun and crazy adventure.
Kunis will join Nick Swardson, TJ Miller, Rob Riggle, Brian Posehn, and Kumail Najiani, who were all previously cast. Tommy Gianas and Ross Shuman are directing the film.
Kunis just finished shooting Sam Rami's Oz: The Great and Powerful for Disney as well as the Seth MacFarlane-directed comedy TED for Universal.